"This tutorial is dedicated to Ekontheman, some prick on the reddit forums who, in an extremely wanky and arrogant manner, alerted us to the fact that a user readme and tutorial would be useful." Hello there, and welcome to the Project Zomboid in-built tutorial. Over this 3-day course, you will learn the basic controls and a few advanced techniques. ____ _____ _____ _____ | _ \ /\ / ____|_ _/ ____| | |_) | / \ | (___ | || | | _ < / /\ \ \___ \ | || | | |_) / ____ \ ____) |_| || |____ |____/_/ \_\_____/|_____\_____| ---------------------------------- _____ ____ _ _ _______ _____ ____ _ _____ / ____/ __ \| \ | |__ __| __ \ / __ \| | / ____| | | | | | | \| | | | | |__) | | | | | | (___ | | | | | | . ` | | | | _ /| | | | | \___ \ | |___| |__| | |\ | | | | | \ \| |__| | |____ ____) | \_____\____/|_| \_| |_| |_| \_\\____/|______|_____/ -------------------------------------------------------- MOVEMENT ________ W - Move Up (Towards the top of the your monitor.) A - Move Left (Towards the left side of your monitor.) S - Move Down (Towards the bottom of your monitor.) D - Move Right (have you figured it out yet? It's to the RIGHT of your monitor!) CTRL - Go into combat mode (Doubles as sneak mode.) SHIFT - Sprint These keys can be pressed in combination to move in diagonal directions.) **These directional keys can be altered in-game to move in cardinal directions relative to the world, rather than to the monitor** Actions ___________ Space Bar - Open inventory panel. Q - Shout to alert NPC of your presence. CRTL + LMB - Swing Weapon/Fire Weapon CTRL + SHIFT + {1-9} - assign a main-hand and off-hand item combination to a hotkey. (I will go on more about combat in a later section.) P - Pause Game. M - Turn off Music (Not sounds.) World Interaction ____________________ Click a container to open it. Also, click on an object to interact with it (lightswitch, door, window, curtain, etc) Double click to move an item into inventory Click and drag to move an item into inventory Right click to clear the selected item into inventory To equip, drag an item to the circle at the top of the screen. --Large circle is weapon hand --Small circle is off-hand To craft, click crafting button at bottom of inventory. To place an item in the world, or to drop an item, drag the item out of inventory and click where you want to place it CTRL + drag - will move the entire stack of items, rather than one at a time