import sys from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree import time # parsing config CONFIG_FILE = "D:/python/cparser.xml" tr = ElementTree() m=tr.parse(CONFIG_FILE) path = m.find("includeDir").text startXML = "" sXML = m.find("startXML") oXML = m.find("outputXML").text if sXML.attrib["active"] == "true": startXML = sXML.text # parsing config inc = [] arr = [] defineID = 2 funcID = 1 def trim(l): nl = [] for i in l: if len(i) > 0: nl.append(i) return nl def stripList(l): for i in range(0,len(l)): l[i] = l[i].strip() return l def contains(lst, srch): for x in lst: if x == srch:return True return False def cont(wrd, pattern): for x in wrd: if x in pattern: return True return False apTmp = [] zSlovo = ['a', 0] def makeHash(word): global apTmp, hashTable if word[0] == zSlovo[0]: if word in [x[1] for x in apTmp[zSlovo[1]:] ]: return True else: return False else: zSlovo[0] = word[0] zSlovo[1] = len(apTmp) return False def filter_existant(ar): global tmp, apTmp for x in range(0,len(ar)): if str.isdigit(ar[x][1][0]) or cont(ar[x][1], " \t.()#"): continue if not makeHash(ar[x][1]): apTmp.append(ar[x]) tree = ElementTree() try: if len(startXML) != 0: m=tree.parse(startXML) m=m.find("AutoComplete") l=list(m.iter("KeyWord")) for x in l: name = x.attrib["name"] func = funcID if x.attrib.__contains__("func") else defineID retval = "" parm = [] if func: ov = x.find("Overload") if ov is not None: retval = ov.attrib["retVal"] p = list(ov.iter("Param")) for i in p: parm.append(i.attrib["name"]) arr.append((func, name, retval, parm)) except: if startXML != "": print("loading startXML failed") def parseDefine(s): global arr, defineID, funcID s=s.replace("\t", " ") ls = trim(s.split(" ")) arr.append((defineID, ls[1], '' if len(ls)<3 else ls[2], [])) def parseFunc(s): global arr, defineID, funcID l = s.split("(") ps = l[1].split(")") ps = ')'.join(ps[:len(ps)-1]).split(",") stripList(ps) l[0] = l[0].replace(chr(0x9), ' ') tl = trim(l[0].split(" ")) try: arr.append( (funcID, tl[len(tl)-1], ' '.join(tl[0:len(tl)-1]), ps) ) except: if len(s) == 2: arr.append( (funcID, tl[len(tl)-1], ' ', []) ) def parseC(file): global inc global arr file=file.replace("\\", "/") if file not in inc: inc.append(file) else: return nav = False ncom = 0 stInd = 0 ndef = False nusl = False s = "" zag = 0 bTyp = False nZag2 = 0 bInc = False try: fl = open(file, "r") print("parsing file: "+file) except: return f = fl.close() for i in range(0,len(f)): if f[i:i+2] == "/*": ncom = 1 i+=1 continue if f[i:i+2] == "*/": ncom = 0 i+=1 stInd = i+1 continue if ncom == 1: continue if f[i:i+2] == "//": nusl = True continue if (f[i]=="\r" or f[i]=="\n"): if nusl: nusl = False continue if bInc: bInc = False s = f[stInd:i] s1 = s.split("<") spl = s.split("\"") if len(s1) > 1: parseC(path+s1[1].split(">")[0].strip()) elif len(spl) > 1: spl[1] = spl[1].replace("\\", "/") if len(spl[1]) > 0: spl2 = file.split("/") if len(spl) == 3: parseC('/'.join(spl2[:len(spl2)-1])+"/"+spl[1]) if ndef: ndef = False s = f[stInd:i] try: parseDefine(s) except: pass s = "" continue stInd = i+1 continue if nusl: continue if f[i]=="{" and f[stInd:i].find("extern")==-1: nZag2 += 1 if f[i]=="}": nZag2 -= 1 if nZag2 > 0: continue if f[i]!="\"" and nav: continue if f[i:i+7] == "#define": stInd = i ndef = True continue if f[i:i+8] == "#include": bInc = True stInd = i continue if f[i]=="#": nusl = True if f[i]==";": if zag and not bTyp: s = f[stInd:i] try: parseFunc(s) except: pass zag = False else: bTyp = False stInd = i+2 if f[i]==")" and zag>0 and not ndef and not nusl and not bTyp: zag -= 1 if zag == 0: s = f[stInd:i+1] try: parseFunc(s) except: pass zag = False stInd = i+1 if f[i]=="\"": nav^=True if f[i] == "(" and not ndef and not nusl: zag += 1 if f[i:i+7] == "typedef" and not nusl and not ndef: stInd = i bTyp = True tmStart = time.clock() parseC(sys.argv[1]) print("sorting ...") arr = sorted(arr, key=lambda x: x[1].upper()) print("filtering ...") filter_existant(arr) arr = apTmp print("Took: %.3f seconds" % (time.clock()-tmStart)) # export fl = open(oXML, "w") fl.write("\n") fl.write("\n") fl.write("\t\n") fl.write("\t\t\n") for i in arr: if(i[0] == defineID): fl.write("\t\t\t\n") if(i[0] == funcID): fl.write("\t\t\t\n") fl.write("\t\t\t\t\n") for j in i[3]: fl.write("\t\t\t\t\t\n") fl.write("\t\t\t\t\n") fl.write("\t\t\t\n") fl.write("\t\n") fl.write("\n") fl.close()