function game_load(suspended) scrollfactor = 0 backgroundcolor = {} backgroundcolor[1] = {92, 148, 252} backgroundcolor[2] = {0, 0, 0} backgroundcolor[3] = {32, 56, 236}[1]) scrollingstart = 12 --when the scrolling begins to set in (Both of these take the player who is the farthest on the left) scrollingcomplete = 10 --when the scrolling will be as fast as mario can run scrollingleftstart = 6 --See above, but for scrolling left, and it takes the player on the right-estest. scrollingleftcomplete = 4 superscroll = 100 --LINK STUFF mariocoincount = 0 marioscore = 0 --get mariolives mariolivecount = 3 if love.filesystem.exists("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/settings.txt") then local s = "mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/settings.txt" ) local s1 = s:split("\n") for j = 1, #s1 do local s2 = s1[j]:split("=") if s2[1] == "lives" then mariolivecount = tonumber(s2[2]) end end end if mariolivecount == 0 then mariolivecount = false end mariolives = {} for i = 1, players do mariolives[i] = mariolivecount end mariosizes = {} for i = 1, players do mariosizes[i] = 1 end autoscroll = true inputs = { "door", "groundlight", "wallindicator", "cubedispenser", "walltimer", "notgate", "laser", "lightbridge"} inputsi = {28, 29, 30, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 67, 74, 84, 52, 53, 54, 55, 36, 37, 38, 39} outputs = { "button", "laserdetector", "box", "pushbutton", "walltimer", "notgate"} outputsi = {40, 56, 57, 58, 59, 20, 68, 69, 74, 84} enemies = { "goomba", "koopa", "hammerbro", "plant", "lakito", "bowser", "cheep", "squid", "flyingfish", "goombahalf", "koopahalf", "cheepwhite", "cheepred", "koopared", "kooparedhalf", "koopa", "kooparedflying", "beetle", "beetlehalf", "spikey", "spikeyhalf"} jumpitems = { "mushroom", "oneup" } marioworld = 1 mariolevel = 1 mariosublevel = 0 respawnsublevel = 0 objects = nil if suspended == true then continuegame() elseif suspended then marioworld = suspended end --remove custom sprites for i = smbtilecount+portaltilecount+1, #tilequads do tilequads[i] = nil end for i = smbtilecount+portaltilecount+1, #rgblist do rgblist[i] = nil end --add custom tiles local bla = love.timer.getTime() if love.filesystem.exists("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/tiles.png") then customtiles = true customtilesimg ="mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/tiles.png") local imgwidth, imgheight = customtilesimg:getWidth(), customtilesimg:getHeight() local width = math.floor(imgwidth/17) local height = math.floor(imgheight/17) local imgdata = love.image.newImageData("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/tiles.png") for y = 1, height do for x = 1, width do table.insert(tilequads, quad:new(customtilesimg, imgdata, x, y, imgwidth, imgheight)) local r, g, b = getaveragecolor(imgdata, x, y) table.insert(rgblist, {r, g, b}) end end customtilecount = width*height else customtiles = false customtilecount = 0 end print("Custom tileset loaded in: " .. round(love.timer.getTime()-bla, 5)) smbspritebatch = {} portalspritebatch = {} customspritebatch = {} spritebatchX = {} for i = 1, players do smbspritebatch[i] = smbtilesimg, 1000 ) portalspritebatch[i] = portaltilesimg, 1000 ) if customtiles then customspritebatch[i] = customtilesimg, 1000 ) end spritebatchX[i] = 0 end custommusic = false if love.filesystem.exists("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/music.ogg") then custommusic = "mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/music.ogg" music:load(custommusic) elseif love.filesystem.exists("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/music.mp3") then custommusic = "mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/music.mp3" music:load(custommusic) end print(custommusic) --FINALLY LOAD THE DAMN LEVEL levelscreen_load("initial") end function game_update(dt) -------- --GAME-- -------- --earthquake reset if earthquake > 0 then earthquake = math.max(0, earthquake-dt*earthquake*2-0.001) sunrot = sunrot + dt end --pausemenu if pausemenuopen then return end --coinanimation coinanimation = coinanimation + dt*6.75 while coinanimation > 6 do coinanimation = coinanimation - 5 end if math.floor(coinanimation) == 4 then coinframe = 2 elseif math.floor(coinanimation) == 5 then coinframe = 1 else coinframe = math.floor(coinanimation) end --SCROLLING SCORES local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(scrollingscores) do if scrollingscores[i]:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(scrollingscores, v) --remove end --If everyone's dead, just update the players and coinblock timer. if everyonedead then for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do v:update(dt) end return end --timer if editormode == false then --get if any player has their controls disabled local notime = false for i = 1, players do if (objects["player"][i].controlsenabled == false and objects["player"][i].dead == false) then notime = true end end if notime == false and infinitetime == false and mariotime ~= 0 then mariotime = mariotime - 2.5*dt if mariotime > 0 and mariotime + 2.5*dt >= 99 and mariotime < 99 then playsound(lowtime) end if mariotime > 0 and mariotime + 2.5*dt >= 99-7.5 and mariotime < 99-7.5 then local star = false for i = 1, players do if objects["player"][i].starred then star = true end end if not star then playmusic() else music:play("starmusic") end end if mariotime <= 0 then mariotime = 0 for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do v:die("time") end end end end --check if updates are blocked for whatever reason if noupdate then for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do v:update(dt) end return end --portalgundelay for i = 1, players do if portaldelay[i] > 0 then portaldelay[i] = math.max(0, portaldelay[i] - dt/speed) end end --coinblockanimation local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(coinblockanimations) do if coinblockanimations[i]:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(coinblockanimations, v) --remove end --nothing to see here local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(rainbooms) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(rainbooms, v) --remove end --userects local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(userects) do if v.delete == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(userects, v) --remove end --blockbounce local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(blockbouncetimer) do if blockbouncetimer[i] < blockbouncetime then blockbouncetimer[i] = blockbouncetimer[i] + dt if blockbouncetimer[i] > blockbouncetime then blockbouncetimer[i] = blockbouncetime if blockbouncecontent then item(blockbouncecontent[i], blockbouncex[i], blockbouncey[i], blockbouncecontent2[i]) end table.insert(delete, i) end end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(blockbouncetimer, v) table.remove(blockbouncex, v) table.remove(blockbouncey, v) table.remove(blockbouncecontent, v) table.remove(blockbouncecontent2, v) end if #delete >= 1 then generatespritebatch() end --coinblocktimer things for i, v in pairs(coinblocktimers) do if v[3] > 0 then v[3] = v[3] - dt end end --blockdebris local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(blockdebristable) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(blockdebristable, v) --remove end --gelcannon if objects["player"][mouseowner] and playertype == "gelcannon" and objects["player"][mouseowner].controlsenabled then if gelcannontimer > 0 then gelcannontimer = gelcannontimer - dt if gelcannontimer < 0 then gelcannontimer = 0 end else if love.mouse.isDown("l") then gelcannontimer = gelcannondelay objects["player"][mouseowner]:shootgel(1) elseif love.mouse.isDown("r") then gelcannontimer = gelcannondelay objects["player"][mouseowner]:shootgel(2) end end end --seesaws for i, v in pairs(seesaws) do v:update(dt) end --platformspawners for i, v in pairs(platformspawners) do v:update(dt) end --Bubbles local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(bubbles) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(bubbles, v) --remove end --Miniblocks local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(miniblocks) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(miniblocks, v) --remove end --Fireworks local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(fireworks) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(fireworks, v) --remove end --EMANCIPATION GRILLS local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(emancipationgrills) do if v:update(dt) then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(emancipationgrills, v) end --BULLET BILL LAUNCHERS local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(rocketlaunchers) do if v:update(dt) then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(rocketlaunchers, v) end --UPDATE OBJECTS for i, v in pairs(objects) do if i ~= "tile" and i ~= "portalwall" and i ~= "screenboundary" then delete = {} for j, w in pairs(v) do if w.update and w:update(dt) then table.insert(delete, j) elseif w.autodelete then if w.x < xscroll - width or w.y > 16 then table.insert(delete,j) end end end if #delete > 0 then table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for j, w in pairs(delete) do table.remove(v, w) end end end end local oldscroll = splitxscroll[1] if autoscroll and minimapdragging == false then local splitwidth = width/#splitscreen for split = 1, #splitscreen do local oldscroll = splitxscroll[split] --scrolling --LEFT local i = 1 while i <= players and objects["player"][i].dead do i = i + 1 end local fastestplayer = objects["player"][i] if fastestplayer then for i = 1, players do if not objects["player"][i].dead and objects["player"][i].x > fastestplayer.x then fastestplayer = objects["player"][i] end end local oldscroll = splitxscroll[split] if fastestplayer.x < splitxscroll[split] + scrollingleftstart and splitxscroll[split] > 0 then if fastestplayer.x < splitxscroll[split] + scrollingleftstart and fastestplayer.speedx < 0 then if fastestplayer.speedx < -scrollrate then splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] - scrollrate*dt else splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] + fastestplayer.speedx*dt end end if fastestplayer.x < splitxscroll[split] + scrollingleftcomplete then if fastestplayer.x > splitxscroll[split] + scrollingleftcomplete - 1/16 then splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] - scrollrate*dt else splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] - superscrollrate*dt end end if splitxscroll[split] < 0 then splitxscroll[split] = 0 end end --RIGHT if fastestplayer.x > splitxscroll[split] + width - scrollingstart and splitxscroll[split] < mapwidth - width then if fastestplayer.x > splitxscroll[split] + width - scrollingstart and fastestplayer.speedx > 0.3 then if fastestplayer.speedx > scrollrate then splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] + scrollrate*dt else splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] + fastestplayer.speedx*dt end end if fastestplayer.x > splitxscroll[split] + width - scrollingcomplete then if fastestplayer.x > splitxscroll[split] + width - scrollingcomplete then splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] + scrollrate*dt if splitxscroll[split] > fastestplayer.x - (width - scrollingcomplete) then splitxscroll[split] = fastestplayer.x - (width - scrollingcomplete) end else splitxscroll[split] = fastestplayer.x - (width - scrollingcomplete) end end end --just force that shit if not levelfinished then if fastestplayer.x > splitxscroll[split] + width - scrollingcomplete then splitxscroll[split] = splitxscroll[split] + superscroll*dt if fastestplayer.x < splitxscroll[split] + width - scrollingcomplete then splitxscroll[split] = fastestplayer.x - width + scrollingcomplete end --splitxscroll[split] = fastestplayer.x + width - scrollingcomplete - width end end if splitxscroll[split] > mapwidth-width then splitxscroll[split] = math.max(0, mapwidth-width) hitrightside() end if (axex and splitxscroll[split] > axex-width and axex >= width) then splitxscroll[split] = axex-width hitrightside() end end end end if players == 2 then --updatesplitscreen() end --SPRITEBATCH UPDATE and CASTLEREPEATS if math.floor(splitxscroll[1]) ~= spritebatchX[1] then if not editormode then for currentx = lastrepeat+1, math.floor(splitxscroll[1])+2 do lastrepeat = math.floor(currentx) --castlerepeat? --get mazei local mazei = 0 for j = 1, #mazeends do if mazeends[j] < currentx+width then mazei = j end end --check if maze was solved! for i = 1, players do if objects["player"][i].mazevar == mazegates[mazei] then local actualmaze = 0 for j = 1, #mazestarts do if objects["player"][i].x > mazestarts[j] then actualmaze = j end end mazesolved[actualmaze] = true for j = 1, players do objects["player"][j].mazevar = 0 end break end end if not mazesolved[mazei] or mazeinprogress then --get if inside maze if not mazesolved[mazei] then mazeinprogress = true end local x = math.ceil(currentx)+width if repeatX == 0 then repeatX = mazestarts[mazei] end table.insert(map, x, {{1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}}) for y = 1, 15 do for j = 1, #map[repeatX][y] do map[x][y][j] = map[repeatX][y][j] end map[x][y]["gels"] = {} for cox = mapwidth, x, -1 do --move objects if objects["tile"][cox .. "-" .. y] then objects["tile"][cox + 1 .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(cox, y-1, 1, 1, true) objects["tile"][cox .. "-" .. y] = nil end end --create object for block if tilequads[map[repeatX][y][1]].collision == true then objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) end end mapwidth = mapwidth + 1 repeatX = repeatX + 1 if flagx then flagx = flagx + 1 flagimgx = flagimgx + 1 objects["screenboundary"]["flag"].x = objects["screenboundary"]["flag"].x + 1 end if axex then axex = axex + 1 objects["screenboundary"]["axe"].x = objects["screenboundary"]["axe"].x + 1 end if firestartx then firestartx = firestartx + 1 end objects["screenboundary"]["right"].x = objects["screenboundary"]["right"].x + 1 --move mazestarts and ends for i = 1, #mazestarts do mazestarts[i] = mazestarts[i]+1 mazeends[i] = mazeends[i]+1 end --check for endblock local x = math.ceil(currentx)+width for y = 1, 15 do if map[x][y][2] and entityquads[map[x][y][2]].t == "mazeend" then if mazesolved[mazei] then repeatX = mazestarts[mazei+1] end mazeinprogress = false end end --reset thingie local x = math.ceil(currentx)+width-1 for y = 1, 15 do if map[x][y][2] and entityquads[map[x][y][2]].t == "mazeend" then for j = 1, players do objects["player"][j].mazevar = 0 end end end end end end generatespritebatch() spritebatchX[1] = math.floor(splitxscroll[1]) if editormode == false and splitxscroll[1] < mapwidth-width then for x = math.ceil(oldscroll)+width+1, math.floor(splitxscroll[1])+width+1 do for y = 1, 15 do spawnenemy(x, y) end if goombaattack then local randomtable = {} for y = 1, 15 do table.insert(randomtable, y) end while #randomtable > 0 do local rand = math.random(#randomtable) if tilequads[map[x][randomtable[rand]][1]].collision then table.remove(randomtable, rand) else table.insert(objects["goomba"], goomba:new(x-.5, math.random(13))) break end end end end end end --portal animation portalanimationtimer = portalanimationtimer + dt while portalanimationtimer > portalanimationdelay do portalanimationtimer = 0 portalanimation = portalanimation + 1 if portalanimation > portalanimationcount then portalanimation = 1 end end --portal particles portalparticletimer = portalparticletimer + dt while portalparticletimer > portalparticletime do portalparticletimer = portalparticletimer - portalparticletime for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do if v.portal1facing ~= nil then local x1, y1 if v.portal1facing == "up" then x1 = v.portal1X + math.random(1, 30)/16 -1 y1 = v.portal1Y-1 elseif v.portal1facing == "down" then x1 = v.portal1X + math.random(1, 30)/16-2 y1 = v.portal1Y elseif v.portal1facing == "left" then x1 = v.portal1X-1 y1 = v.portal1Y + math.random(1, 30)/16-2 elseif v.portal1facing == "right" then x1 = v.portal1X y1 = v.portal1Y + math.random(1, 30)/16-1 end local color if players == 1 then color = {157, 222, 254} else color = v.portal1color end table.insert(portalparticles, portalparticle:new(x1, y1, color, v.portal1facing)) end if v.portal2facing ~= nil then local x2, y2 if v.portal2facing == "up" then x2 = v.portal2X + math.random(1, 30)/16 -1 y2 = v.portal2Y-1 elseif v.portal2facing == "down" then x2 = v.portal2X + math.random(1, 30)/16-2 y2 = v.portal2Y elseif v.portal2facing == "left" then x2 = v.portal2X-1 y2 = v.portal2Y + math.random(1, 30)/16-2 elseif v.portal2facing == "right" then x2 = v.portal2X y2 = v.portal2Y + math.random(1, 30)/16-1 end local color if players == 1 then color = {255, 122, 66} else color = v.portal2color end table.insert(portalparticles, portalparticle:new(x2, y2, color, v.portal2facing)) end end end delete = {} for i, v in pairs(portalparticles) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(portalparticles, v) --remove end --PORTAL PROJECTILES delete = {} for i, v in pairs(portalprojectiles) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(portalprojectiles, v) --remove end --FIRE SPAWNING if not levelfinished and firestarted and (not objects["bowser"][1] or (objects["bowser"][1].backwards == false and objects["bowser"][1].shot == false and objects["bowser"][1].fall == false)) then firetimer = firetimer + dt while firetimer > firedelay do firetimer = firetimer - firedelay firedelay = math.random(4) table.insert(objects["fire"], fire:new(splitxscroll[1] + width, math.random(3)+7)) end end --FLYING FISH if not levelfinished and flyingfishstarted then flyingfishtimer = flyingfishtimer + dt while flyingfishtimer > flyingfishdelay do flyingfishtimer = flyingfishtimer - flyingfishdelay flyingfishdelay = math.random(6, 20)/10 table.insert(objects["flyingfish"], flyingfish:new()) end end --BULLET BILL if not levelfinished and bulletbillstarted then bulletbilltimer = bulletbilltimer + dt while bulletbilltimer > bulletbilldelay do bulletbilltimer = bulletbilltimer - bulletbilldelay bulletbilldelay = math.random(5, 40)/10 table.insert(objects["bulletbill"], bulletbill:new(splitxscroll[1]+width+2, math.random(4, 12), "left")) end end --minecraft stuff if breakingblockX then breakingblockprogress = breakingblockprogress + dt if breakingblockprogress > minecraftbreaktime then breakblock(breakingblockX, breakingblockY) breakingblockX = nil end end --Editor if editormode then editor_update(dt) end --PHYSICS physicsupdate(dt) end function game_draw() for split = 1, #splitscreen do*width*16*scale/#splitscreen, yoffset*scale) --This is just silly if earthquake > 0 then local colortable = {{242, 111, 51}, {251, 244, 174}, {95, 186, 76}, {29, 151, 212}, {101, 45, 135}, {238, 64, 68}} for i = 1, backgroundstripes do local r, g, b = unpack(colortable[math.mod(i-1, 6)+1]) local a = earthquake/rainboomearthquake*255, g, b, a) local alpha = math.rad((i/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/5, 1)) * 360) local point1 = {width*8*scale+300*scale*math.cos(alpha), 112*scale+300*scale*math.sin(alpha)} local alpha = math.rad(((i+1)/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/5, 1)) * 360) local point2 = {width*8*scale+300*scale*math.cos(alpha), 112*scale+300*scale*math.sin(alpha)}"fill", width*8*scale, 112*scale, point1[1], point1[2], point2[1], point2[2]) end end, 255, 255, 255) --tremoooor! if earthquake > 0 then tremorx = (math.random()-.5)*2*earthquake tremory = (math.random()-.5)*2*earthquake, round(tremory)) end local currentscissor = {(split-1)*width*16*scale/#splitscreen, 0, width*16*scale/#splitscreen, 15*16*scale} xscroll = splitxscroll[split], 255, 255, 255) local xtodraw if mapwidth < width+1 then xtodraw = math.ceil(mapwidth/#splitscreen) else if mapwidth > width and xscroll < mapwidth-width then xtodraw = width+1 else xtodraw = width end end --custom background if custombackground then for i = #custombackgroundimg, 1, -1 do local xscroll = xscroll / (i * scrollfactor + 1) if reversescrollfactor() == 1 then xscroll = 0 end for y = 1, math.ceil(15/custombackgroundheight[i]) do for x = 1, math.ceil(width/custombackgroundwidth[i])+1 do[i], math.floor(((x-1)*custombackgroundwidth[i])*16*scale) - math.floor(math.mod(xscroll, custombackgroundwidth[i])*16*scale), (y-1)*custombackgroundheight[i]*16*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end end end --Mushroom under tiles for j, w in pairs(objects["mushroom"]) do w:draw() end --Flowers under tiles for j, w in pairs(objects["flower"]) do w:draw() end --Oneupunder tiles for j, w in pairs(objects["oneup"]) do w:draw() end --star tiles for j, w in pairs(objects["star"]) do w:draw() end --castleflag if levelfinished and levelfinishtype == "flag" and not custombackground then, math.floor((flagx+6-xscroll)*16*scale), 106*scale+castleflagy*16*scale, 0, scale, scale) end --TILES[split], math.floor(-math.mod(xscroll, 1)*16*scale), 0)[split], math.floor(-math.mod(xscroll, 1)*16*scale), 0) if customtiles then[split], math.floor(-math.mod(xscroll, 1)*16*scale), 0) end local lmap = map for y = 1, 15 do for x = 1, xtodraw do local bounceyoffset = 0 for i, v in pairs(blockbouncex) do if blockbouncex[i] == math.floor(xscroll)+x and blockbouncey[i] == y then if blockbouncetimer[i] < blockbouncetime/2 then bounceyoffset = blockbouncetimer[i] / (blockbouncetime/2) * blockbounceheight else bounceyoffset = (2 - blockbouncetimer[i] / (blockbouncetime/2)) * blockbounceheight end end end local t = lmap[math.floor(xscroll)+x][y] local tilenumber = t[1] if tilequads[tilenumber].coinblock and tilequads[tilenumber].invisible == false then --coinblock, coinblockquads[spriteset][coinframe], math.floor((x-1-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1-bounceyoffset)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale) elseif tilequads[tilenumber].coin then --coin, coinquads[spriteset][coinframe], math.floor((x-1-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1-bounceyoffset)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale) elseif bounceyoffset ~= 0 then if tilequads[tilenumber].invisible == false or editormode then[tilenumber].image, tilequads[tilenumber].quad, math.floor((x-1-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1-bounceyoffset)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end --Gel overlays! if t["gels"] then for i = 1, 4 do local dir = "top" local r = 0 if i == 2 then dir = "right" r = math.pi/2 elseif i == 3 then dir = "bottom" r = math.pi elseif i == 4 then dir = "left" r = math.pi*1.5 end if t["gels"][dir] == 1 then, math.floor((x-.5-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1-bounceyoffset)*16)*scale, r, scale, scale, 8, 8) elseif t["gels"][dir] == 2 then, math.floor((x-.5-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1-bounceyoffset)*16)*scale, r, scale, scale, 8, 8) elseif t["gels"][dir] == 3 then, math.floor((x-.5-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1-bounceyoffset)*16)*scale, r, scale, scale, 8, 8) end end end if editormode then if tilequads[t[1]].invisible and t[1] ~= 1 then[t[1]].image, tilequads[t[1]].quad, math.floor((x-1-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale) end if #t > 1 and t[2] ~= "link" then tilenumber = t[2], 255, 255, 150)[tilenumber].image, entityquads[tilenumber].quad, math.floor((x-1-math.mod(xscroll, 1))*16*scale), ((y-1)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale), 255, 255, 255) end end end end ---UI, 255, 255), -yoffset*scale) if yoffset < 0 then, yoffset*scale) end properprint("mario", uispace*.5 - 24*scale, 8*scale) properprint(addzeros(marioscore, 6), uispace*0.5-24*scale, 16*scale) properprint("*", uispace*1.5-8*scale, 16*scale), coinanimationquads[spriteset][coinframe], uispace*1.5-16*scale, 16*scale, 0, scale, scale) properprint(addzeros(mariocoincount, 2), uispace*1.5-0*scale, 16*scale) properprint("world", uispace*2.5 - 20*scale, 8*scale) properprint(marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel, uispace*2.5 - 12*scale, 16*scale) properprint("time", uispace*3.5 - 16*scale, 8*scale) if editormode then if linktool then properprint("link", uispace*3.5 - 16*scale, 16*scale) else properprint("edit", uispace*3.5 - 16*scale, 16*scale) end else properprint(addzeros(math.ceil(mariotime), 3), uispace*3.5-8*scale, 16*scale) end if players > 1 then for i = 1, players do local x = (width*16)/players/2 + (width*16)/players*(i-1) if mariolivecount ~= false then properprint("p" .. i .. " * " .. mariolives[i], (x-string.len("p" .. i .. " * " .. mariolives[i])*4+4)*scale, 25*scale)[i][1])"fill", (x-string.len("p" .. i .. " * " .. mariolives[i])*4-3)*scale, 25*scale, 7*scale, 7*scale), 255, 255, 255) end end end, 255, 255) --vines for j, w in pairs(objects["vine"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --warpzonetext if displaywarpzonetext then properprint("welcome to warp zone!", (mapwidth-14-1/16-xscroll)*16*scale, 88*scale) for i, v in pairs(warpzonenumbers) do properprint(v[3], math.floor((v[1]-xscroll-1-9/16)*16*scale), (v[2]-3)*16*scale) end end, 255, 255) --platforms for j, w in pairs(objects["platform"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --platforms for j, w in pairs(objects["seesawplatform"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --seesaws for j, w in pairs(seesaws) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --springs for j, w in pairs(objects["spring"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --flag if flagx then, math.floor((flagimgx-1-xscroll)*16*scale), ((flagimgy)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale) if levelfinishtype == "flag" then properprint2(flagscore, math.floor((flagimgx+4/16-xscroll)*16*scale), ((14-flagimgy)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end, 255, 255) --axe if axex then, axequads[coinframe], math.floor((axex-1-xscroll)*16*scale), (axey-1.5)*16*scale, 0, scale, scale) if marioworld ~= 8 then, math.floor((mapwidth-7-xscroll)*16*scale), 177*scale, 0, scale, scale) else, math.floor((mapwidth-7-xscroll)*16*scale), 177*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end, 255, 255) --levelfinish text and toad if levelfinished and levelfinishtype == "castle" then if levelfinishedmisc2 == 1 then if levelfinishedmisc >= 1 then properprint("thank you mario!", math.floor(((mapwidth-12-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 72*scale) end if levelfinishedmisc == 2 then properprint("but our princess is in", math.floor(((mapwidth-13.5-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 104*scale) --say what properprint("another castle!", math.floor(((mapwidth-13.5-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 120*scale) --bummer. end else if levelfinishedmisc >= 1 then properprint("thank you mario!", math.floor(((mapwidth-12-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 72*scale) end if levelfinishedmisc >= 2 then properprint("your quest is over.", math.floor(((mapwidth-12.5-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 96*scale) end if levelfinishedmisc >= 3 then properprint("we present you a new quest.", math.floor(((mapwidth-14.5-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 112*scale) end if levelfinishedmisc >= 4 then properprint("push button b", math.floor(((mapwidth-11-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 136*scale) end if levelfinishedmisc == 5 then properprint("to play as steve", math.floor(((mapwidth-12-xscroll)*16-1)*scale), 152*scale) end end if marioworld ~= 8 then, math.floor((mapwidth-7-xscroll)*16*scale), 177*scale, 0, scale, scale) else, math.floor((mapwidth-7-xscroll)*16*scale), 177*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end, 255, 255) --Fireworks for j, w in pairs(fireworks) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --Buttons for j, w in pairs(objects["button"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --Upfires for j, w in pairs(objects["upfire"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --Pushbuttons for j, w in pairs(objects["pushbutton"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --hardlight bridges for j, w in pairs(objects["lightbridgebody"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --laser for j, w in pairs(objects["laser"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --laserdetector for j, w in pairs(objects["laserdetector"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --lightbridge for j, w in pairs(objects["lightbridge"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --Groundlights for j, w in pairs(objects["groundlight"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --Faithplates for j, w in pairs(objects["faithplate"]) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --Bubbles for j, w in pairs(bubbles) do w:draw() end, 255, 255) --miniblocks for i, v in pairs(miniblocks) do v:draw() end --OBJECTS for j, w in pairs(objects) do if j ~= "tile" then for i, v in pairs(w) do if v.drawable then, 255, 255) local dirscale if j == "player" then if v.pointingangle > 0 then dirscale = -scale else dirscale = scale end if bigmario then dirscale = dirscale * scalefactor end else if v.animationdirection == "left" then dirscale = -scale else dirscale = scale end end local horscale = scale if v.shot then horscale = -scale end if j == "player" and bigmario then horscale = horscale * scalefactor end local ply, portaly = insideportal(v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height) local entryX, entryY, entryfacing, exitX, exitY, exitfacing --SCISSOR FOR ENTRY if v.static then if v.customscissor then[1]-xscroll)*16*scale), math.floor((v.customscissor[2]-.5)*16*scale), v.customscissor[3]*16*scale, v.customscissor[4]*16*scale) end end if v.static == false and v.portalable ~= false then if v.customscissor then[1]-xscroll)*16*scale), math.floor((v.customscissor[2]-.5)*16*scale), v.customscissor[3]*16*scale, v.customscissor[4]*16*scale) elseif ply ~= false and ( or v.portaloverride) then if portaly == 1 then entryX, entryY, entryfacing = objects["player"][ply].portal1X, objects["player"][ply].portal1Y, objects["player"][ply].portal1facing exitX, exitY, exitfacing = objects["player"][ply].portal2X, objects["player"][ply].portal2Y, objects["player"][ply].portal2facing else entryX, entryY, entryfacing = objects["player"][ply].portal2X, objects["player"][ply].portal2Y, objects["player"][ply].portal2facing exitX, exitY, exitfacing = objects["player"][ply].portal1X, objects["player"][ply].portal1Y, objects["player"][ply].portal1facing end if entryfacing == "right" then*16*scale), math.floor(((entryY-3.5)*16)*scale), 64*scale, 96*scale) elseif entryfacing == "left" then*16*scale), math.floor(((entryY-4.5)*16)*scale), 64*scale, 96*scale) elseif entryfacing == "up" then*16*scale), math.floor(((entryY-5.5)*16)*scale), 96*scale, 64*scale) elseif entryfacing == "down" then*16*scale), math.floor(((entryY-0.5)*16)*scale), 96*scale, 64*scale) end end end if type(v.graphic) == "table" then for k = 1, #v.graphic do if v.colors[k] then[k]) else, 255, 255) end[k], v.quad, math.floor(((v.x-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor((v.y*16-v.offsetY)*scale), v.rotation, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX, v.quadcenterY) end if v.drawhat and hatoffsets[v.animationstate] then local offsets = {} if v.graphic == v.biggraphic or v.animationstate == "grow" then if v.animationstate == "grow" then offsets = hatoffsets["grow"] elseif v.fireanimationtimer < fireanimationtime then offsets = bighatoffsets["fire"] elseif underwater and (v.animationstate == "jumping" or v.animationstate == "falling") then offsets = bighatoffsets["swimming"][v.swimframe] elseif v.ducking then offsets = bighatoffsets["ducking"] elseif v.animationstate == "running" or v.animationstate == "falling" then offsets = bighatoffsets["running"][v.runframe] elseif v.animationstate == "climbing" then offsets = bighatoffsets["climbing"][v.climbframe] else offsets = bighatoffsets[v.animationstate] end else if underwater and (v.animationstate == "jumping" or v.animationstate == "falling") then offsets = hatoffsets["swimming"][v.swimframe] elseif v.animationstate == "running" or v.animationstate == "falling" then offsets = hatoffsets["running"][v.runframe] elseif v.animationstate == "climbing" then offsets = hatoffsets["climbing"][v.climbframe] else offsets = hatoffsets[v.animationstate] end end if #v.hats > 0 then local yadd = 0 for i = 1, #v.hats do if v.hats[i] == 1 then[1]) else, 255, 255) end if v.graphic == v.biggraphic or v.animationstate == "grow" then[v.hats[i]].graphic, math.floor(((v.x-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor(((v.y)*16-v.offsetY)*scale), v.rotation, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX - bighat[v.hats[i]].x + offsets[1], v.quadcenterY - bighat[v.hats[i]].y + offsets[2] + yadd) yadd = yadd + bighat[v.hats[i]].height else[v.hats[i]].graphic, math.floor(((v.x-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor(((v.y)*16-v.offsetY)*scale), v.rotation, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX - hat[v.hats[i]].x + offsets[1], v.quadcenterY - hat[v.hats[i]].y + offsets[2] + yadd) yadd = yadd + hat[v.hats[i]].height end end end end if v.graphic[0] then, 255, 255)[0], v.quad, math.floor(((v.x-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor((v.y*16-v.offsetY)*scale), v.rotation, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX, v.quadcenterY) end else if v.graphic and v.quad then, v.quad, math.floor(((v.x-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor((v.y*16-v.offsetY)*scale), v.rotation, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX, v.quadcenterY) end end --portal duplication if v.static == false and ( or v.portaloverride) and v.portalable ~= false then if v.customscissor then elseif ply ~= false then local px, py, pw, ph, pr, pad = v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height, v.rotation, v.animationdirection px, py, d, d, pr, pad = portalcoords(px, py, 0, 0, pw, ph, pr, pad, entryX, entryY, entryfacing, exitX, exitY, exitfacing) if pad ~= v.animationdirection then dirscale = -dirscale end horscale = scale if v.shot then horscale = -scale end if exitfacing == "right" then*16*scale), math.floor(((exitY-3.5)*16)*scale), 64*scale, 96*scale) elseif exitfacing == "left" then*16*scale), math.floor(((exitY-4.5)*16)*scale), 64*scale, 96*scale) elseif exitfacing == "up" then*16*scale), math.floor(((exitY-5.5)*16)*scale), 96*scale, 64*scale) elseif exitfacing == "down" then*16*scale), math.floor(((exitY-0.5)*16)*scale), 96*scale, 64*scale) end if type(v.graphic) == "table" then for k = 1, #v.graphic do if v.colors[k] then[k]) else, 255, 255) end[k], v.quad, math.ceil(((px-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.ceil((py*16-v.offsetY)*scale), pr, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX, v.quadcenterY) end if v.drawhat and hatoffsets[v.animationstate] then local offsets = {} if v.graphic == v.biggraphic or v.animationstate == "grow" then if v.animationstate == "grow" then offsets = hatoffsets["grow"] elseif v.fireanimationtimer < fireanimationtime then offsets = bighatoffsets["fire"] elseif underwater and (v.animationstate == "jumping" or v.animationstate == "falling") then offsets = bighatoffsets["swimming"][v.swimframe] elseif v.ducking then offsets = bighatoffsets["ducking"] elseif v.animationstate == "running" or v.animationstate == "falling" then offsets = bighatoffsets["running"][v.runframe] elseif v.animationstate == "climbing" then offsets = bighatoffsets["climbing"][v.climbframe] else offsets = bighatoffsets[v.animationstate] end else if underwater and (v.animationstate == "jumping" or v.animationstate == "falling") then offsets = hatoffsets["swimming"][v.swimframe] elseif v.animationstate == "running" or v.animationstate == "falling" then offsets = hatoffsets["running"][v.runframe] elseif v.animationstate == "climbing" then offsets = hatoffsets["climbing"][v.climbframe] else offsets = hatoffsets[v.animationstate] end end if #v.hats > 0 then local yadd = 0 for i = 1, #v.hats do if v.hats[i] == 1 then[1]) else, 255, 255) end if v.graphic == v.biggraphic or v.animationstate == "grow" then[v.hats[i]].graphic, math.floor(((px-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor(((py)*16-v.offsetY)*scale), pr, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX - bighat[v.hats[i]].x + offsets[1], v.quadcenterY - bighat[v.hats[i]].y + offsets[2] + yadd) yadd = yadd + bighat[v.hats[i]].height else[v.hats[i]].graphic, math.floor(((px-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor(((py)*16-v.offsetY)*scale), pr, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX - hat[v.hats[i]].x + offsets[1], v.quadcenterY - hat[v.hats[i]].y + offsets[2] + yadd) yadd = yadd + hat[v.hats[i]].height end end end end if v.graphic[0] then, 255, 255)[0], v.quad, math.floor(((px-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.floor((py*16-v.offsetY)*scale), pr, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX, v.quadcenterY) end else, v.quad, math.ceil(((px-xscroll)*16+v.offsetX)*scale), math.ceil((py*16-v.offsetY)*scale), pr, dirscale, horscale, v.quadcenterX, v.quadcenterY) end end end end end end end, 255, 255) --bowser for j, w in pairs(objects["bowser"]) do w:draw() end --lakito for j, w in pairs(objects["lakito"]) do w:draw() end --Geldispensers for j, w in pairs(objects["geldispenser"]) do w:draw() end --Cubedispensers for j, w in pairs(objects["cubedispenser"]) do w:draw() end --Emancipationgrills for j, w in pairs(emancipationgrills) do w:draw() end --Doors for j, w in pairs(objects["door"]) do w:draw() end --Wallindicators for j, w in pairs(objects["wallindicator"]) do w:draw() end --Walltimers for j, w in pairs(objects["walltimer"]) do w:draw() end --Notgates for j, w in pairs(objects["notgate"]) do w:draw() end --particles for j, w in pairs(portalparticles) do w:draw() end --portals for i = 1, players do if objects["player"][i].portal1X ~= false then local rotation = 0 local offsetx, offsety = 8, -3 if objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "right" then rotation = math.pi/2 offsetx, offsety = 11, 0 elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "down" then rotation = math.pi offsety = 3 elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "left" then rotation = math.pi*1.5 offsetx, offsety = 5, 0 end local portalframe = portalanimation local glowalpha = 100 if objects["player"][i].portal2X == false then else, 255, 255, 80 - math.abs(portalframe-3)*10), math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal1X-1-xscroll)*16+offsetx)*scale), math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal1Y-1)*16+offsety)*scale), rotation, scale, scale, 8, 20), 255, 255, 255) end["player"][i].portal1color)), portal1quad[portalframe], math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal1X-1-xscroll)*16+offsetx)*scale), math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal1Y-1)*16+offsety)*scale), rotation, scale, scale, 8, 8) end if objects["player"][i].portal2X ~= false then rotation = 0 offsetx, offsety = 8, -3 if objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "right" then rotation = math.pi/2 offsetx, offsety = 11, 0 elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "down" then rotation = math.pi offsety = 3 elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "left" then rotation = math.pi*1.5 offsetx, offsety = 5, 0 end local portalframe = portalanimation if objects["player"][i].portal1X == false then else, 255, 255, 80 - math.abs(portalframe-3)*10), math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal2X-1-xscroll)*16+offsetx)*scale), math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal2Y-1)*16+offsety)*scale), rotation, scale, scale, 8, 20), 255, 255, 255) end["player"][i].portal2color)), portal2quad[portalframe], math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal2X-1-xscroll)*16+offsetx)*scale), math.floor(((objects["player"][i].portal2Y-1)*16+offsety)*scale), rotation, scale, scale, 8, 8) end end, 255, 255) --COINBLOCKANIMATION for i, v in pairs(coinblockanimations) do, coinblockanimationquads[coinblockanimations[i].frame], math.floor((coinblockanimations[i].x - xscroll)*16*scale), math.floor((coinblockanimations[i].y*16-8)*scale), 0, scale, scale, 4, 54) end --SCROLLING SCORE for i, v in pairs(scrollingscores) do if type(scrollingscores[i].i) == "number" then properprint2(scrollingscores[i].i, math.floor((scrollingscores[i].x-0.4)*16*scale), math.floor((scrollingscores[i].y-1.5-scrollingscoreheight*(scrollingscores[i].timer/scrollingscoretime))*16*scale)) elseif scrollingscores[i].i == "1up" then, math.floor((scrollingscores[i].x)*16*scale), math.floor((scrollingscores[i].y-1.5-scrollingscoreheight*(scrollingscores[i].timer/scrollingscoretime))*16*scale), 0, scale, scale) end end --BLOCK DEBRIS for i, v in pairs(blockdebristable) do v:draw() end local minex, miney, minecox, minecoy --PORTAL UI STUFF if levelfinished == false then for pl = 1, players do if objects["player"][pl].controlsenabled and objects["player"][pl].t == "portal" and objects["player"][pl].vine == false then local sourcex, sourcey = objects["player"][pl].x+6/16, objects["player"][pl].y+6/16 local cox, coy, side, tend, x, y = traceline(sourcex, sourcey, objects["player"][pl].pointingangle) local portalpossible = true if cox == false or getportalposition(1, cox, coy, side, tend) == false then portalpossible = false end, 255, 255, 255) local dist = math.sqrt(((x-xscroll)*16*scale - (sourcex-xscroll)*16*scale)^2 + ((y-.5)*16*scale - (sourcey-.5)*16*scale)^2)/16/scale for i = 1, dist/portaldotsdistance+1 do if((i-1+objects["player"][pl].portaldotstimer/portaldotstime)/(dist/portaldotsdistance)) < 1 then local xplus = ((x-xscroll)*16*scale - (sourcex-xscroll)*16*scale)*((i-1+objects["player"][pl].portaldotstimer/portaldotstime)/(dist/portaldotsdistance)) local yplus = ((y-.5)*16*scale - (sourcey-.5)*16*scale)*((i-1+objects["player"][pl].portaldotstimer/portaldotstime)/(dist/portaldotsdistance)) local dotx = (sourcex-xscroll)*16*scale + xplus local doty = (sourcey-.5)*16*scale + yplus local radius = math.sqrt(xplus^2 + yplus^2)/scale local alpha = 255 if radius < portaldotsouter then alpha = (radius-portaldotsinner) * (255/(portaldotsouter-portaldotsinner)) if alpha < 0 then alpha = 0 end end if portalpossible == false then, 0, 0, alpha) else, 255, 0, alpha) end, math.floor(dotx-0.25*scale), math.floor(doty-0.25*scale), 0, scale, scale) end end, 255, 255, 255) if cox ~= false then if portalpossible == false then, 0, 0) else, 255, 0) end local rotation = 0 if side == "right" then rotation = math.pi/2 elseif side == "down" then rotation = math.pi elseif side == "left" then rotation = math.pi/2*3 end, math.floor((x-xscroll)*16*scale), math.floor((y-.5)*16*scale), rotation, scale, scale, 4, 8) end end end end --Portal projectile for i, v in pairs(portalprojectiles) do v:draw() end, 255, 255) --nothing to see here for i, v in pairs(rainbooms) do v:draw() end --Minecraft --black border if objects["player"][mouseowner] and playertype == "minecraft" and not levelfinished then local v = objects["player"][mouseowner] local sourcex, sourcey = v.x+6/16, v.y+6/16 local cox, coy, side, tend, x, y = traceline(sourcex, sourcey, v.pointingangle) if cox then local dist = math.sqrt((v.x+v.width/2 - x)^2 + (v.y+v.height/2 - y)^2) if dist <= minecraftrange then, 0, 0, 170)"line", math.floor((cox-1-xscroll)*16*scale)-.5, (coy-1-.5)*16*scale-.5, 16*scale, 16*scale) if breakingblockX and (cox ~= breakingblockX or coy ~= breakingblockY) then breakingblockX = cox breakingblockY = coy breakingblockprogress = 0 elseif not breakingblockX and love.mouse.isDown("l") then breakingblockX = cox breakingblockY = coy breakingblockprogress = 0 end elseif love.mouse.isDown("l") then breakingblockX = cox breakingblockY = coy breakingblockprogress = 0 end else breakingblockX = nil end --break animation if breakingblockX then, 255, 255, 255) local frame = math.ceil((breakingblockprogress/minecraftbreaktime)*10) if frame ~= 0 then, minecraftbreakquad[frame], (breakingblockX-1-xscroll)*16*scale, (breakingblockY-1.5)*16*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end, 255, 255, 255) --gui, (width*8-91)*scale, 202*scale, 0, scale, scale), 255, 255, 200) for i = 1, 9 do local t = inventory[i].t if t ~= nil then local img = customtilesimg if t <= smbtilecount then img = smbtilesimg elseif t <= smbtilecount+portaltilecount then img = portaltilesimg end, tilequads[t].quad, (width*8-88+(i-1)*20)*scale, 205*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end, 255, 255, 255), (width*8-92+(mccurrentblock-1)*20)*scale, 201*scale, 0, scale, scale) for i = 1, 9 do if inventory[i].t ~= nil then local count = inventory[i].count properprint(count, (width*8-72+(i-1)*20-string.len(count)*8)*scale, 205*scale) end end end*width*16*scale/#splitscreen, 0) end if earthquake > 0 then, -round(tremory)) end for i = 2, #splitscreen do*width*16*scale/#splitscreen, 0, (i-1)*width*16*scale/#splitscreen, 15*16*scale) end if editormode then editor_draw() end --speed gradient if speed < 1 then, 255, 255, 255-255*speed), 0, 0, 0, scale, scale) end if yoffset < 0 then, -yoffset*scale) end, yoffset*scale) if testlevel then, 0, 0) properprint("testing level - press esc to return to editor", 0, 0) end --pause menu if pausemenuopen then, 0, 0, 100)"fill", 0, 0, width*16*scale, 224*scale), 0, 0)"fill", (width*8*scale)-50*scale, (112*scale)-75*scale, 100*scale, 150*scale), 255, 255) drawrectangle(width*8-49, 112-74, 98, 148) for i = 1, #pausemenuoptions do, 100, 100, 255) if pausemenuselected == i and not menuprompt and not desktopprompt then, 255, 255, 255) properprint(">", (width*8*scale)-45*scale, (112*scale)-60*scale+(i-1)*25*scale) end properprint(pausemenuoptions[i], (width*8*scale)-35*scale, (112*scale)-60*scale+(i-1)*25*scale) properprint(pausemenuoptions2[i], (width*8*scale)-35*scale, (112*scale)-50*scale+(i-1)*25*scale) if pausemenuoptions[i] == "volume" then drawrectangle((width*8)-34, 68+(i-1)*25, 74, 1) drawrectangle((width*8)-34, 65+(i-1)*25, 1, 7) drawrectangle((width*8)+40, 65+(i-1)*25, 1, 7), math.floor(((width*8)-35+74*volume)*scale), (112*scale)-47*scale+(i-1)*25*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end if menuprompt then, 0, 0, 255)"fill", (width*8*scale)-100*scale, (112*scale)-25*scale, 200*scale, 50*scale), 255, 255, 255) drawrectangle((width*8)-99, 112-24, 198, 48) properprint("quit to menu?", (width*8*scale)-string.len("quit to menu?")*4*scale, (112*scale)-10*scale) if pausemenuselected2 == 1 then properprint(">", (width*8*scale)-51*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 255, 255, 255) properprint("yes", (width*8*scale)-44*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 100, 100, 255) properprint("no", (width*8*scale)+28*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale) else properprint(">", (width*8*scale)+20*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 100, 100, 255) properprint("yes", (width*8*scale)-44*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 255, 255, 255) properprint("no", (width*8*scale)+28*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale) end end if desktopprompt then, 0, 0, 255)"fill", (width*8*scale)-100*scale, (112*scale)-25*scale, 200*scale, 50*scale), 255, 255, 255) drawrectangle((width*8)-99, 112-24, 198, 48) properprint("quit to desktop?", (width*8*scale)-string.len("quit to desktop?")*4*scale, (112*scale)-10*scale) if pausemenuselected2 == 1 then properprint(">", (width*8*scale)-51*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 255, 255, 255) properprint("yes", (width*8*scale)-44*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 100, 100, 255) properprint("no", (width*8*scale)+28*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale) else properprint(">", (width*8*scale)+20*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 100, 100, 255) properprint("yes", (width*8*scale)-44*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 255, 255, 255) properprint("no", (width*8*scale)+28*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale) end end if suspendprompt then, 0, 0, 255)"fill", (width*8*scale)-100*scale, (112*scale)-25*scale, 200*scale, 50*scale), 255, 255, 255) drawrectangle((width*8)-99, 112-24, 198, 48) properprint("suspend game? this can", (width*8*scale)-string.len("suspend game? this can")*4*scale, (112*scale)-20*scale) properprint("only be loaded once!", (width*8*scale)-string.len("only be loaded once!")*4*scale, (112*scale)-10*scale) if pausemenuselected2 == 1 then properprint(">", (width*8*scale)-51*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 255, 255, 255) properprint("yes", (width*8*scale)-44*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 100, 100, 255) properprint("no", (width*8*scale)+28*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale) else properprint(">", (width*8*scale)+20*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 100, 100, 255) properprint("yes", (width*8*scale)-44*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale), 255, 255, 255) properprint("no", (width*8*scale)+28*scale, (112*scale)+4*scale) end end end end function updatesplitscreen() if players == 2 and netplay == false then if #splitscreen == 1 then if math.abs(objects["player"][1].x - objects["player"][2].x) > width - scrollingstart - scrollingleftstart then if objects["player"][1].x < objects["player"][2].x then splitscreen = {{1}, {2}} else splitscreen = {{2}, {1}} end splitxscroll = {xscroll, xscroll+width/2} generatespritebatch() end else if splitxscroll[2] <= splitxscroll[1]+width/2 then splitscreen = {{1, 2}} xscroll = splitxscroll[1] generatespritebatch() end end end end function startlevel(level) skipupdate = true local sublevel = false if type(level) == "number" then sublevel = true end if sublevel then prevsublevel = mariosublevel mariosublevel = level if level ~= 0 then level = marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel .. "_" .. level else level = marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel end else mariosublevel = 0 prevsublevel = false mariotime = 400 end --MISC VARS everyonedead = false levelfinished = false coinanimation = 1 flagx = false levelfinishtype = nil firestartx = false firestarted = false firedelay = math.random(4) flyingfishdelay = 1 flyingfishstarted = false flyingfishstartx = false flyingfishendx = false bulletbilldelay = 1 bulletbillstarted = false bulletbillstartx = false bulletbillendx = false firetimer = firedelay flyingfishtimer = flyingfishdelay bulletbilltimer = bulletbilldelay axex = false axey = false lakitoendx = false lakitoend = false noupdate = false xscroll = 0 splitscreen = {{}} checkpoints = {} checkpointpoints = {} repeatX = 0 lastrepeat = 0 displaywarpzonetext = false for i = 1, players do table.insert(splitscreen[1], i) end checkpointi = 0 mazestarts = {} mazeends = {} mazesolved = {} mazesolved[0] = true mazeinprogress = false earthquake = 0 sunrot = 0 gelcannontimer = 0 pausemenuselected = 1 coinblocktimers = {} portaldelay = {} for i = 1, players do portaldelay[i] = 0 end --Minecraft breakingblockX = false breakingblockY = false breakingblockprogress = 0 --class tables coinblockanimations = {} scrollingscores = {} portalparticles = {} portalprojectiles = {} emancipationgrills = {} platformspawners = {} rocketlaunchers = {} userects = {} blockdebristable = {} fireworks = {} seesaws = {} bubbles = {} rainbooms = {} miniblocks = {} inventory = {} for i = 1, 9 do inventory[i] = {} end mccurrentblock = 1 blockbouncetimer = {} blockbouncex = {} blockbouncey = {} blockbouncecontent = {} blockbouncecontent2 = {} warpzonenumbers = {} objects = {} objects["player"] = {} objects["portalwall"] = {} objects["tile"] = {} objects["goomba"] = {} objects["koopa"] = {} objects["mushroom"] = {} objects["flower"] = {} objects["oneup"] = {} objects["star"] = {} objects["vine"] = {} objects["box"] = {} objects["door"] = {} objects["button"] = {} objects["groundlight"] = {} objects["wallindicator"] = {} objects["walltimer"] = {} objects["notgate"] = {} objects["lightbridge"] = {} objects["lightbridgebody"] = {} objects["faithplate"] = {} objects["laser"] = {} objects["laserdetector"] = {} objects["gel"] = {} objects["geldispenser"] = {} objects["cubedispenser"] = {} objects["pushbutton"] = {} objects["bulletbill"] = {} objects["hammerbro"] = {} objects["hammer"] = {} objects["fireball"] = {} objects["platform"] = {} objects["platformspawner"] = {} objects["plant"] = {} objects["castlefire"] = {} objects["castlefirefire"] = {} objects["fire"] = {} objects["bowser"] = {} objects["spring"] = {} objects["cheep"] = {} objects["flyingfish"] = {} objects["upfire"] = {} objects["seesawplatform"] = {} objects["lakito"] = {} objects["squid"] = {} objects["screenboundary"] = {} objects["screenboundary"]["left"] = screenboundary:new(0) splitxscroll = {0} startx = 3 starty = 13 pipestartx = nil pipestarty = nil animation = nil enemiesspawned = {} intermission = false haswarpzone = false underwater = false bonusstage = false custombackground = false mariotimelimit = 400 spriteset = 1 --LOAD THE MAP if loadmap(level) == false then --make one up mapwidth = width map = {} for x = 1, width do map[x] = {} for y = 1, 15 do if y > 13 then map[x][y] = {2} objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) map[x][y]["gels"] = {} else map[x][y] = {1} map[x][y]["gels"] = {} end end end else if sublevel == false and mariosublevel ~= 0 then level = marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel mariosublevel = 0 loadmap(level) end end objects["screenboundary"]["right"] = screenboundary:new(mapwidth) if flagx then objects["screenboundary"]["flag"] = screenboundary:new(flagx+6/16) end if axex then objects["screenboundary"]["axe"] = screenboundary:new(axex+1) end if intermission then animation = "intermission" end if not sublevel then mariotime = mariotimelimit end --Maze setup --check every block between every start/end pair to see how many gates it contains if #mazestarts == #mazeends then mazegates = {} for i = 1, #mazestarts do local maxgate = 1 for x = mazestarts[i], mazeends[i] do for y = 1, 15 do if map[x][y][2] and entityquads[map[x][y][2]].t == "mazegate" then if tonumber(map[x][y][3]) > maxgate then maxgate = tonumber(map[x][y][3]) end end end end mazegates[i] = maxgate end else print("Mazenumber doesn't fit!") end --background[background]) --check if it's a bonusstage (boooooooonus!) if bonusstage then animation = "vinestart" end --set startx to checkpoint if checkpointx and checkcheckpoint then startx = checkpointx starty = checkpointpoints[checkpointx] or 13 --clear enemies from spawning near for y = 1, 15 do for x = startx-8, startx+8 do if inmap(x, y) and #map[x][y] > 1 then if tablecontains(enemies, entityquads[map[x][y][2]].t) then table.insert(enemiesspawned, {x, y}) end end end end --find which i it is for i = 1, #checkpoints do if checkpointx == checkpoints[i] then checkpointi = i end end end --set startx to pipestart if pipestartx then startx = pipestartx-1 starty = pipestarty --check if startpos is a colliding block if tilequads[map[startx][starty][1]].collision then animation = "pipeup" end end splitxscroll = {startx-scrollingleftcomplete-2} if splitxscroll[1] > mapwidth - width then splitxscroll[1] = mapwidth - width end if splitxscroll[1] < 0 then splitxscroll[1] = 0 end --ADD ENEMIES ON START SCREEN if editormode == false then local xtodo = width+1 if mapwidth < width+1 then xtodo = mapwidth end for x = math.floor(splitxscroll[1]), math.floor(splitxscroll[1])+xtodo do for y = 1, 15 do spawnenemy(x, y) end end end --add the players local mul = 0.5 if mariosublevel ~= 0 or prevsublevel ~= false then mul = 2/16 end objects["player"] = {} for i = 1, players do if startx then objects["player"][i] = mario:new(startx + (i-1)*mul-6/16, starty-1, i, animation, mariosizes[i], playertype) else objects["player"][i] = mario:new(1.5 + (i-1)*mul-6/16+1.5, 13, i, animation, mariosizes[i], playertype) end end --PLAY BGM if intermission == false then playmusic() else playsound(intermissionsound) end --load editor editor_load() --Do stuff for i, v in pairs(objects["laser"]) do v:updaterange() end for i, v in pairs(objects["lightbridge"]) do v:updaterange() end generatespritebatch() end function loadmap(filename) print("Loading " .. "mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/" .. filename .. ".txt") if love.filesystem.exists("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/" .. filename .. ".txt") == false then print("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/" .. filename .. ".txt not found!") return false end local s = "mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/" .. filename .. ".txt" ) local s2 = s:split(";") --MAP ITSELF local t = s2[1]:split(",") if math.mod(#t, 15) ~= 0 then print("Incorrect number of entries: " .. #t) return false end mapwidth = #t/15 map = {} unstatics = {} for x = 1, #t/15 do map[x] = {} for y = 1, 15 do map[x][y] = {} map[x][y]["gels"] = {} local r = tostring(t[(y-1)*(#t/15)+x]):split("-") if tonumber(r[1]) > smbtilecount+portaltilecount+customtilecount then r[1] = 1 end for i = 1, #r do if r[i] ~= "link" then map[x][y][i] = tonumber(r[i]) else map[x][y][i] = r[i] end end --create object for block if tilequads[tonumber(r[1])].collision == true then objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) end end end for y = 1, 15 do for x = 1, #t/15 do local r = map[x][y] if #r > 1 then local t = entityquads[r[2]].t if t == "spawn" then startx = x starty = y elseif not editormode then if t == "warppipe" then table.insert(warpzonenumbers, {x, y, r[3]}) elseif t == "manycoins" then map[x][y][3] = 7 elseif t == "flag" then flagx = x-1 flagy = y elseif t == "pipespawn" and (prevsublevel == r[3] or (mariosublevel == r[3] and blacktime == sublevelscreentime)) then pipestartx = x pipestarty = y elseif t == "emancehor" then table.insert(emancipationgrills, emancipationgrill:new(x, y, "hor")) elseif t == "emancever" then table.insert(emancipationgrills, emancipationgrill:new(x, y, "ver")) elseif t == "doorver" then table.insert(objects["door"], door:new(x, y, r, "ver")) elseif t == "doorhor" then table.insert(objects["door"], door:new(x, y, r, "hor")) elseif t == "button" then table.insert(objects["button"], button:new(x, y)) elseif t == "pushbuttonleft" then table.insert(objects["pushbutton"], pushbutton:new(x, y, "left")) elseif t == "pushbuttonright" then table.insert(objects["pushbutton"], pushbutton:new(x, y, "right")) elseif t == "wallindicator" then table.insert(objects["wallindicator"], wallindicator:new(x, y, r)) elseif t == "groundlightver" then table.insert(objects["groundlight"], groundlight:new(x, y, 1, r)) elseif t == "groundlighthor" then table.insert(objects["groundlight"], groundlight:new(x, y, 2, r)) elseif t == "groundlightupright" then table.insert(objects["groundlight"], groundlight:new(x, y, 3, r)) elseif t == "groundlightrightdown" then table.insert(objects["groundlight"], groundlight:new(x, y, 4, r)) elseif t == "groundlightdownleft" then table.insert(objects["groundlight"], groundlight:new(x, y, 5, r)) elseif t == "groundlightleftup" then table.insert(objects["groundlight"], groundlight:new(x, y, 6, r)) elseif t == "faithplateup" then table.insert(objects["faithplate"], faithplate:new(x, y, "up")) elseif t == "faithplateright" then table.insert(objects["faithplate"], faithplate:new(x, y, "right")) elseif t == "faithplateleft" then table.insert(objects["faithplate"], faithplate:new(x, y, "left")) elseif t == "laserright" then table.insert(objects["laser"], laser:new(x, y, "right", r)) elseif t == "laserdown" then table.insert(objects["laser"], laser:new(x, y, "down", r)) elseif t == "laserleft" then table.insert(objects["laser"], laser:new(x, y, "left", r)) elseif t == "laserup" then table.insert(objects["laser"], laser:new(x, y, "up", r)) elseif t == "lightbridgeright" then table.insert(objects["lightbridge"], lightbridge:new(x, y, "right", r)) elseif t == "lightbridgeleft" then table.insert(objects["lightbridge"], lightbridge:new(x, y, "left", r)) elseif t == "lightbridgedown" then table.insert(objects["lightbridge"], lightbridge:new(x, y, "down", r)) elseif t == "lightbridgeup" then table.insert(objects["lightbridge"], lightbridge:new(x, y, "up", r)) elseif t == "laserdetectorright" then table.insert(objects["laserdetector"], laserdetector:new(x, y, "right")) elseif t == "laserdetectordown" then table.insert(objects["laserdetector"], laserdetector:new(x, y, "down")) elseif t == "laserdetectorleft" then table.insert(objects["laserdetector"], laserdetector:new(x, y, "left")) elseif t == "laserdetectorup" then table.insert(objects["laserdetector"], laserdetector:new(x, y, "up")) elseif t == "boxtube" then table.insert(objects["cubedispenser"], cubedispenser:new(x, y, r)) elseif t == "timer" then table.insert(objects["walltimer"], walltimer:new(x, y, r[3], r)) elseif t == "notgate" then table.insert(objects["notgate"], notgate:new(x, y, r)) elseif t == "platformspawnerup" then table.insert(platformspawners, platformspawner:new(x, y, "up", r[3])) elseif t == "platformspawnerdown" then table.insert(platformspawners, platformspawner:new(x, y, "down", r[3])) elseif t == "box" then table.insert(objects["box"], box:new(x, y)) elseif t == "firestart" then firestartx = x elseif t == "flyingfishstart" then flyingfishstartx = x elseif t == "flyingfishend" then flyingfishendx = x elseif t == "bulletbillstart" then bulletbillstartx = x elseif t == "bulletbillend" then bulletbillendx = x elseif t == "axe" then axex = x axey = y elseif t == "lakitoend" then lakitoendx = x elseif t == "spring" then table.insert(objects["spring"], spring:new(x, y)) elseif t == "seesaw" then table.insert(seesaws, seesaw:new(x, y, r[3])) elseif t == "checkpoint" then if not tablecontains(checkpoints, x) then table.insert(checkpoints, x) checkpointpoints[x] = y end elseif t == "mazestart" then if not tablecontains(mazestarts, x) then table.insert(mazestarts, x) end elseif t == "mazeend" then if not tablecontains(mazeends, x) then table.insert(mazeends, x) end elseif t == "geltop" then if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].collision then map[x][y]["gels"]["top"] = r[3] end elseif t == "gelleft" then if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].collision then map[x][y]["gels"]["left"] = r[3] end elseif t == "gelbottom" then if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].collision then map[x][y]["gels"]["bottom"] = r[3] end elseif t == "gelright" then if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].collision then map[x][y]["gels"]["right"] = r[3] end end end end end end --sort checkpoints table.sort(checkpoints) --Add links for i, v in pairs(objects) do for j, w in pairs(v) do if then w:link() end end end if flagx then flagimgx = flagx+8/16 flagimgy = 3+1/16 end for x = 0, -30, -1 do map[x] = {} for y = 1, 13 do map[x][y] = {1} end for y = 14, 15 do map[x][y] = {2} objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) end end --MORE STUFF for i = 2, #s2 do s3 = s2[i]:split("=") if s3[1] == "background" then background = tonumber(s3[2]) elseif s3[1] == "spriteset" then spriteset = tonumber(s3[2]) elseif s3[1] == "intermission" then intermission = true elseif s3[1] == "haswarpzone" then haswarpzone = true elseif s3[1] == "underwater" then underwater = true elseif s3[1] == "music" then musici = tonumber(s3[2]) elseif s3[1] == "bonusstage" then bonusstage = true elseif s3[1] == "custombackground" or s3[1] == "portalbackground" then custombackground = true elseif s3[1] == "timelimit" then mariotimelimit = tonumber(s3[2]) elseif s3[1] == "scrollfactor" then scrollfactor = tonumber(s3[2]) end end if custombackground then loadcustombackground() end return true end function changemapwidth(width) if width > mapwidth then for x = mapwidth+1, width do map[x] = {} for y = 1, 13 do map[x][y] = {1} map[x][y]["gels"] = {} end for y = 14, 15 do map[x][y] = {2} objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) map[x][y]["gels"] = {} end end end mapwidth = width objects["screenboundary"]["right"].x = mapwidth if objects["player"][1].x > mapwidth then objects["player"][1].x = mapwidth-1 end end function generatespritebatch() for split = 1, #splitscreen do local smbmsb = smbspritebatch[split] local portalmsb = portalspritebatch[split] local custommsb if customtiles then custommsb = customspritebatch[split] end smbmsb:clear() portalmsb:clear() if customtiles then custommsb:clear() end local xtodraw if mapwidth < width+1 then xtodraw = math.ceil(mapwidth/#splitscreen) else if mapwidth > width and splitxscroll[split] < mapwidth-width then xtodraw = width+1 else xtodraw = width end end local lmap = map for y = 1, 15 do for x = 1, xtodraw do local bounceyoffset = 0 local draw = true for i, v in pairs(blockbouncex) do if blockbouncex[i] == math.floor(splitxscroll[split])+x and blockbouncey[i] == y then draw = false end end if draw == true then local t = lmap[math.floor(splitxscroll[split])+x][y] local tilenumber = t[1] if tilenumber ~= 0 and tilequads[tilenumber].invisible == false and tilequads[tilenumber].coinblock == false and tilequads[tilenumber].coin == false then if tilenumber <= smbtilecount then smbmsb:addq( tilequads[tilenumber].quad, (x-1)*16*scale, ((y-1)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale ) elseif tilenumber <= smbtilecount+portaltilecount then portalmsb:addq( tilequads[tilenumber].quad, (x-1)*16*scale, ((y-1)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale ) elseif tilenumber <= smbtilecount+portaltilecount+customtilecount then custommsb:addq( tilequads[tilenumber].quad, (x-1)*16*scale, ((y-1)*16-8)*scale, 0, scale, scale ) end end end end end end end function game_keypressed(key, unicode) if pausemenuopen then if menuprompt then if (key == "left" or key == "a") then pausemenuselected2 = 1 elseif (key == "right" or key == "d") then pausemenuselected2 = 2 elseif (key == "return" or key == "enter" or key == "kpenter" or key == " ") then if pausemenuselected2 == 1 then pausemenuopen = false menuprompt = false menu_load() else menuprompt = false end elseif key == "escape" then menuprompt = false end return elseif desktopprompt then if (key == "left" or key == "a") then pausemenuselected2 = 1 elseif (key == "right" or key == "d") then pausemenuselected2 = 2 elseif (key == "return" or key == "enter" or key == "kpenter" or key == " ") then if pausemenuselected2 == 1 then love.event.quit() else desktopprompt = false end elseif key == "escape" then desktopprompt = false end return elseif suspendprompt then if (key == "left" or key == "a") then pausemenuselected2 = 1 elseif (key == "right" or key == "d") then pausemenuselected2 = 2 elseif (key == "return" or key == "enter" or key == "kpenter" or key == " ") then if pausemenuselected2 == 1 then suspendgame() suspendprompt = false pausemenuopen = false else suspendprompt = false end elseif key == "escape" then suspendprompt = false end return end if (key == "down" or key == "s") then if pausemenuselected < #pausemenuoptions then pausemenuselected = pausemenuselected + 1 end elseif (key == "up" or key == "w") then if pausemenuselected > 1 then pausemenuselected = pausemenuselected - 1 end elseif (key == "return" or key == "enter" or key == "kpenter" or key == " ") then if pausemenuoptions[pausemenuselected] == "resume" then pausemenuopen = false elseif pausemenuoptions[pausemenuselected] == "suspend" then suspendprompt = true pausemenuselected2 = 1 elseif pausemenuoptions2[pausemenuselected] == "menu" then menuprompt = true pausemenuselected2 = 1 elseif pausemenuoptions2[pausemenuselected] == "desktop" then desktopprompt = true pausemenuselected2 = 1 end elseif key == "escape" then pausemenuopen = false elseif (key == "right" or key == "d") then if pausemenuoptions[pausemenuselected] == "volume" then if volume < 1 then volume = volume + 0.1 volume ) soundenabled = true playsound(coinsound) end end elseif (key == "left" or key == "a") then if pausemenuoptions[pausemenuselected] == "volume" then volume = math.max(volume - 0.1, 0) volume ) if volume == 0 then soundenabled = false end playsound(coinsound) end end return end if endpressbutton then endpressbutton = false endgame() return end for i = 1, players do if controls[i]["jump"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:jump() elseif controls[i]["run"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:fire() elseif controls[i]["reload"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:removeportals() elseif controls[i]["use"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:use() elseif controls[i]["left"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:leftkey() elseif controls[i]["right"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:rightkey() end if controls[i]["portal1"][i] == key then shootportal(i, 1, objects["player"][i].x+6/16, objects["player"][i].y+6/16, objects["player"][i].pointingangle) return end if controls[i]["portal2"][i] == key then shootportal(i, 2, objects["player"][i].x+6/16, objects["player"][i].y+6/16, objects["player"][i].pointingangle) return end end if key == "escape" then if not editormode and testlevel then marioworld = testlevelworld mariolevel = testlevellevel testlevel = false editormode = true startlevel(marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel) return elseif not editormode and not everyonedead then pausemenuopen = true playsound(pausesound) end end if editormode then editor_keypressed(key) end end function game_keyreleased(key, unicode) for i = 1, players do if controls[i]["jump"][1] == key then objects["player"][i]:stopjump() end end end function createportal(plnumber, i, cox, coy, side, tendency, x, y) if cox ~= false then local otheri = 1 if i == 1 then otheri = 2 end moveoutportal(i) --remove the portal temporarily so that it doesn't obstruct itself local oldx, oldy, oldfacing if i == 1 then oldx, oldy, oldfacing = objects["player"][plnumber].portal1X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal1Y, objects["player"][plnumber].portal1facing objects["player"][plnumber].portal1X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal1Y = false, false else oldx, oldy, oldfacing = objects["player"][plnumber].portal2X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal2Y, objects["player"][plnumber].portal2facing objects["player"][plnumber].portal2X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal2Y = false, false end local newx, newy = getportalposition(i, cox, coy, side, tendency) if newx and (newx ~= oldx or newy ~= oldy or side ~= oldfacing) then if i == 1 then objects["player"][plnumber].portal1X = newx objects["player"][plnumber].portal1Y = newy objects["player"][plnumber].portal1facing = side else objects["player"][plnumber].portal2X = newx objects["player"][plnumber].portal2Y = newy objects["player"][plnumber].portal2facing = side end --physics --Recreate old hole if oldfacing == "up" then modifyportaltiles(oldx, oldy, 1, 0, plnumber, i, "add") elseif oldfacing == "down" then modifyportaltiles(oldx, oldy, -1, 0, plnumber, i, "add") elseif oldfacing == "left" then modifyportaltiles(oldx, oldy, 0, -1, plnumber, i, "add") elseif oldfacing == "right" then modifyportaltiles(oldx, oldy, 0, 1, plnumber, i, "add") end --Create and remove new stuff if side == "up" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy, 2, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-1, 0, 1, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx+1, newy-1, 0, 1, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, 1, 0, plnumber, i, "remove") elseif side == "down" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx-2, newy-1, 2, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-2, newy-1, 0, 1, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx, newy-1, 0, 1, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, -1, 0, plnumber, i, "remove") elseif side == "left" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx, newy-2, 0, 2, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-2, 1, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy, 1, 0, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, 0, -1, plnumber, i, "remove") elseif side == "right" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-1, 0, 2, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-1, 1, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy+1, 1, 0, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, 0, 1, plnumber, i, "remove") end if oldx == false then --Remove blocks from other portal local x, y, side if otheri == 1 then side = objects["player"][plnumber].portal1facing x, y = objects["player"][plnumber].portal1X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal1Y else side = objects["player"][plnumber].portal2facing x, y = objects["player"][plnumber].portal2X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal2Y end if side == "up" then modifyportaltiles(x, y, 1, 0, plnumber, otheri, "remove") elseif side == "down" then modifyportaltiles(x, y, -1, 0, plnumber, otheri, "remove") elseif side == "left" then modifyportaltiles(x, y, 0, -1, plnumber, otheri, "remove") elseif side == "right" then modifyportaltiles(x, y, 0, 1, plnumber, otheri, "remove") end end objects["player"][plnumber].lastportal = i if i == 1 then playsound(portal1opensound) else playsound(portal2opensound) end for i, v in pairs(objects["lightbridge"]) do v:updaterange() end for i, v in pairs(objects["laser"]) do v:updaterange() end else --recreate the temporarily removed portal if i == 1 then objects["player"][plnumber].portal1X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal1Y = oldx, oldy else objects["player"][plnumber].portal2X, objects["player"][plnumber].portal2Y = oldx, oldy end end end end function shootportal(plnumber, i, sourcex, sourcey, direction) --box if objects["player"][plnumber].pickup then return end --portalgun delay if portaldelay[plnumber] > 0 then return else portaldelay[plnumber] = portalgundelay end local otheri = 1 local color = objects["player"][plnumber].portal2color if i == 1 then otheri = 2 color = objects["player"][plnumber].portal1color end local cox, coy, side, tendency, x, y = traceline(sourcex, sourcey, direction) table.insert(portalprojectiles, portalprojectile:new(sourcex, sourcey, x, y, color, true, {plnumber, i, cox, coy, side, tendency, x, y})) end function game_mousepressed(x, y, button) if pausemenuopen then return end if editormode and editorstate ~= "portalgun" then editor_mousepressed(x, y, button) else if editormode then editor_mousepressed(x, y, button) end if not noupdate and objects["player"][mouseowner] and objects["player"][mouseowner].controlsenabled and objects["player"][mouseowner].vine == false then if button == "l" or button == "r" and objects["player"][mouseowner] then --knockback if portalknockback then local xadd = math.sin(objects["player"][mouseowner].pointingangle)*30 local yadd = math.cos(objects["player"][mouseowner].pointingangle)*30 objects["player"][mouseowner].speedx = objects["player"][mouseowner].speedx + xadd objects["player"][mouseowner].speedy = objects["player"][mouseowner].speedy + yadd objects["player"][mouseowner].falling = true objects["player"][mouseowner].animationstate = "falling" objects["player"][mouseowner]:setquad() end end if button == "l" then if playertype == "portal" then local sourcex = objects["player"][mouseowner].x+6/16 local sourcey = objects["player"][mouseowner].y+6/16 local direction = objects["player"][mouseowner].pointingangle shootportal(mouseowner, 1, sourcex, sourcey, direction) elseif playertype == "minecraft" then local v = objects["player"][mouseowner] local sourcex, sourcey = v.x+6/16, v.y+6/16 local cox, coy, side, tend, x, y = traceline(sourcex, sourcey, v.pointingangle) if cox then local dist = math.sqrt((v.x+v.width/2 - x)^2 + (v.y+v.height/2 - y)^2) if dist <= minecraftrange then breakingblockX = cox breakingblockY = coy breakingblockprogress = 0 end end end elseif button == "r" then if playertype == "portal" then local sourcex = objects["player"][mouseowner].x+6/16 local sourcey = objects["player"][mouseowner].y+6/16 local direction = objects["player"][mouseowner].pointingangle shootportal(mouseowner, 2, sourcex, sourcey, direction) elseif playertype == "minecraft" then local v = objects["player"][mouseowner] local sourcex, sourcey = v.x+6/16, v.y+6/16 local cox, coy, side, tend, x, y = traceline(sourcex, sourcey, v.pointingangle) if cox then local dist = math.sqrt((v.x+v.width/2 - x)^2 + (v.y+v.height/2 - y)^2) if dist <= minecraftrange then placeblock(cox, coy, side) end end end end end if button == "wd" then if playertype == "minecraft" then mccurrentblock = mccurrentblock + 1 if mccurrentblock >= 10 then mccurrentblock = 1 end elseif bullettime then speedtarget = speedtarget - 0.1 if speedtarget < 0.1 then speedtarget = 0.1 end end elseif button == "wu" then if playertype == "minecraft" then mccurrentblock = mccurrentblock - 1 if mccurrentblock <= 0 then mccurrentblock = 9 end elseif bullettime then speedtarget = speedtarget + 0.1 if speedtarget > 1 then speedtarget = 1 end end end end end function modifyportalwalls() --Create and remove new stuff if side == "up" then if getTile(newx-1, newy, nil, true, side) == false then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-1, 0, 1, true) end if getTile(newx, newy+1, nil, true, side) == false then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy, 1, 0, true) end if getTile(newx+1, newy+1, nil, true, side) == false then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx, newy, 1, 0, true) end if getTile(newx+2, newy, nil, true, side) == false then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-4"] = portalwall:new(newx+1, newy-1, 0, 1, true) end modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, 1, 0, plnumber, i, "remove") elseif side == "down" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx-2, newy-1, 2, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-2, newy-1, 0, 1, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx, newy-1, 0, 1, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, -1, 0, plnumber, i, "remove") elseif side == "left" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx, newy-2, 0, 2, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-2, 1, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy, 1, 0, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, 0, -1, plnumber, i, "remove") elseif side == "right" then objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-1"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-1, 0, 2, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-2"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy-1, 1, 0, true) objects["portalwall"][plnumber .. "-" .. i .. "-3"] = portalwall:new(newx-1, newy+1, 1, 0, true) modifyportaltiles(newx, newy, 0, 1, plnumber, i, "remove") end end function modifyportaltiles(x, y, xplus, yplus, plnumber, i, mode) if i == 1 then if objects["player"][plnumber].portal2facing ~= nil then if mode == "add" then objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) objects["tile"][x+xplus .. "-" .. y+yplus] = tile:new(x-1+xplus, y-1+yplus, 1, 1, true) else objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = nil objects["tile"][x+xplus .. "-" .. y+yplus] = nil end end else if objects["player"][plnumber].portal1facing ~= nil then if mode == "add" then objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) objects["tile"][x+xplus .. "-" .. y+yplus] = tile:new(x-1+xplus, y-1+yplus, 1, 1, true) else objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = nil objects["tile"][x+xplus .. "-" .. y+yplus] = nil end end end end function getportalposition(i, x, y, side, tendency) --returns the "optimal" position according to the parsed arguments (or false if no possible position was found) local xplus, yplus = 0, 0 if side == "up" then yplus = -1 elseif side == "right" then xplus = 1 elseif side == "down" then yplus = 1 elseif side == "left" then xplus = -1 end if side == "up" or side == "down" then if tendency == -1 then if getTile(x-1, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x-1, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "up" then return x-1, y else return x, y end elseif getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x+1, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x+1, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "up" then return x, y else return x+1, y end end else if getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x+1, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x+1, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "up" then return x, y else return x+1, y end elseif getTile(x-1, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x-1, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x, y+yplus, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "up" then return x-1, y else return x, y end end end else if tendency == -1 then if getTile(x, y-1, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x+xplus, y-1, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x+xplus, y, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "right" then return x, y-1 else return x, y end elseif getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y+1, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x+xplus, y, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x+xplus, y+1, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "right" then return x, y else return x, y+1 end end else if getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y+1, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x+xplus, y, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x+xplus, y+1, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "right" then return x, y else return x, y+1 end elseif getTile(x, y-1, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x, y, true, true, side) == true and getTile(x+xplus, y-1, nil, false, side) == false and getTile(x+xplus, y, nil, false, side) == false then if side == "right" then return x, y-1 else return x, y end end end end return false end function getTile(x, y, portalable, portalcheck, facing) --returns masktable value of block (As well as the ID itself as second return parameter) also includes a portalcheck and returns false if a portal is on that spot. --Portal on same tile doesn't work so well yet (collision code, of course), so: --facing = nil if portalcheck then for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do --Get the extra block of each portal local portal1xplus, portal1yplus, portal2xplus, portal2yplus = 0, 0, 0, 0 if v.portal1facing == "up" then portal1xplus = 1 elseif v.portal1facing == "right" then portal1yplus = 1 elseif v.portal1facing == "down" then portal1xplus = -1 elseif v.portal1facing == "left" then portal1yplus = -1 end if v.portal2facing == "up" then portal2xplus = 1 elseif v.portal2facing == "right" then portal2yplus = 1 elseif v.portal2facing == "down" then portal2xplus = -1 elseif v.portal2facing == "left" then portal2yplus = -1 end if v.portal1X ~= false then if (x == v.portal1X or x == v.portal1X+portal1xplus) and (y == v.portal1Y or y == v.portal1Y+portal1yplus) then--and (facing == nil or v.portal1facing == facing) then return false end end if v.portal2X ~= false then if (x == v.portal2X or x == v.portal2X+portal2xplus) and (y == v.portal2Y or y == v.portal2Y+portal2yplus) then--and (facing == nil or v.portal2facing == facing) then return false end end end end --check for tubes for i, v in pairs(objects["geldispenser"]) do if (x == v.cox or x == v.cox+1) and (y == v.coy or y == v.coy+1) then if portalcheck then return false else return true end end end for i, v in pairs(objects["cubedispenser"]) do if (x == v.cox or x == v.cox+1) and (y == v.coy or y == v.coy+1) then if portalcheck then return false else return true end end end --bonusstage thing for keeping it from fucking up. if bonusstage then if y == 15 and (x == 4 or x == 6) then if portalcheck then return false else return true end end end if x <= 0 or y <= 0 or y >= 16 or x > mapwidth then return false, 1 end if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].invisible then return false end if portalcheck then local side if facing == "up" then side = "top" elseif facing == "right" then side = "right" elseif facing == "down" then side = "bottom" elseif facing == "left" then side = "left" end --To stop people from portalling under the vine, which caused problems, but was fixed elsewhere (and betterer) --[[for i, v in pairs(objects["vine"]) do if x == v.cox and y == v.coy and side == "top" then return false, 1 end end--]] if map[x][y]["gels"][side] == 3 then return true, map[x][y][1] else return tilequads[map[x][y][1]].collision and tilequads[map[x][y][1]].portalable, map[x][y][1] end else return tilequads[map[x][y][1]].collision, map[x][y][1] end end function getPortal(x, y) --returns the block where you'd come out when you'd go in the argument's block for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do if v.portal1X ~= false and v.portal2X ~= false then --Get the extra block of each portal local portal1xplus, portal1yplus, portal2xplus, portal2yplus = 0, 0, 0, 0 if v.portal1facing == "up" then portal1xplus = 1 elseif v.portal1facing == "right" then portal1yplus = 1 elseif v.portal1facing == "down" then portal1xplus = -1 elseif v.portal1facing == "left" then portal1yplus = -1 end if v.portal2facing == "up" then portal2xplus = 1 elseif v.portal2facing == "right" then portal2yplus = 1 elseif v.portal2facing == "down" then portal2xplus = -1 elseif v.portal2facing == "left" then portal2yplus = -1 end if v.portal1X ~= false then if (x == v.portal1X or x == v.portal1X+portal1xplus) and (y == v.portal1Y or y == v.portal1Y+portal1yplus) and (facing == nil or v.portal1facing == facing) then if v.portal1facing ~= v.portal2facing then local xplus, yplus = 0, 0 if v.portal1facing == "left" or v.portal1facing == "right" then if y == v.portal1Y then if v.portal2facing == "left" or v.portal2facing == "right" then yplus = portal2yplus else xplus = portal2xplus end end return v.portal2X+xplus, v.portal2Y+yplus, v.portal2facing, v.portal1facing else if x == v.portal1X then if v.portal2facing == "left" or v.portal2facing == "right" then yplus = portal2yplus else xplus = portal2xplus end end return v.portal2X+xplus, v.portal2Y+yplus, v.portal2facing, v.portal1facing end else return v.portal2X+(x-v.portal1X), v.portal2Y+(y-v.portal1Y), v.portal2facing, v.portal1facing end end end if v.portal2X ~= false then if (x == v.portal2X or x == v.portal2X+portal2xplus) and (y == v.portal2Y or y == v.portal2Y+portal2yplus) and (facing == nil or v.portal2facing == facing) then if v.portal1facing ~= v.portal2facing then local xplus, yplus = 0, 0 if v.portal2facing == "left" or v.portal2facing == "right" then if y == v.portal2Y then if v.portal1facing == "left" or v.portal1facing == "right" then yplus = portal1yplus else xplus = portal1xplus end end return v.portal1X+xplus, v.portal1Y+yplus, v.portal1facing, v.portal2facing else if x == v.portal2X then if v.portal1facing == "left" or v.portal1facing == "right" then yplus = portal1yplus else xplus = portal1xplus end end return v.portal1X+xplus, v.portal1Y+yplus, v.portal1facing, v.portal2facing end else return v.portal1X+(x-v.portal2X), v.portal1Y+(y-v.portal2Y), v.portal1facing, v.portal2facing end end end end end return false end function insideportal(x, y, width, height) --returns whether an object is in, and which, portal. if width == nil then width = 12/16 end if height == nil then height = 12/16 end for i, v in pairs(objects["player"]) do if v.portal1X ~= false and v.portal2X ~= false then for j = 1, 2 do local portalx, portaly, portalfacing if j == 1 then portalx = v.portal1X portaly = v.portal1Y portalfacing = v.portal1facing else portalx = v.portal2X portaly = v.portal2Y portalfacing = v.portal2facing end if portalfacing == "up" then xplus = 1 elseif portalfacing == "down" then xplus = -1 elseif portalfacing == "left" then yplus = -1 end if portalfacing == "right" then if (math.floor(y) == portaly or math.floor(y) == portaly-1) and inrange(x, portalx-width, portalx, false) then return i, j end elseif portalfacing == "left" then if (math.floor(y) == portaly-1 or math.floor(y) == portaly-2) and inrange(x, portalx-1-width, portalx-1, false) then return i, j end elseif portalfacing == "up" then if inrange(y, portaly-height-1, portaly-1, false) and inrange(x, portalx-1.5-.2, portalx+.5+.2, true) then return i, j end elseif portalfacing == "down" then if inrange(y, portaly-height, portaly, false) and inrange(x, portalx-2, portalx-.5, true) then return i, j end end --widen rect by 3 pixels? end end end return false end function moveoutportal(p0) --pushes objects out of the portal i in. for i, v in pairs(objects) do if i ~= "tile" and i ~= "portalwall" then for j, w in pairs(v) do if and w.static == false then local p1, p2 = insideportal(w.x, w.y, w.width, w.height) if p1 ~= false and p2 == p0 then local portalfacing, portalx, portaly if p2 == 1 then portalfacing = objects["player"][p1].portal1facing portalx = objects["player"][p1].portal1X portaly = objects["player"][p1].portal1Y else portalfacing = objects["player"][p1].portal2facing portalx = objects["player"][p1].portal2X portaly = objects["player"][p1].portal2Y end if portalfacing == "right" then w.x = portalx elseif portalfacing == "left" then w.x = portalx - 1 - w.width elseif portalfacing == "up" then w.y = portaly - 1 - w.height elseif portalfacing == "down" then w.y = portaly end end end end end end end function nextlevel() mariolevel = mariolevel + 1 if mariolevel > 4 then mariolevel = 1 marioworld = marioworld + 1 end levelscreen_load("next") end function warpzone(i) mariolevel = 1 marioworld = i mariosublevel = 0 prevsublevel = false -- minus 1 world glitch just because I can. if not displaywarpzonetext and i == 4 then marioworld = "M" end levelscreen_load("next") end function game_mousereleased(x, y, button) if button == "l" then if playertype == "minecraft" then breakingblockX = false end end if editormode then editor_mousereleased(x, y, button) end end function getMouseTile(x, y) local xout = math.floor((x+xscroll*16*scale)/(16*scale))+1 local yout = math.floor((y-yoffset*scale)/(16*scale))+1 return xout, yout end function savemap(filename) local s = "" for y = 1, 15 do for x = 1, mapwidth do if y ~= 15 or x ~= mapwidth then for i = 1, #map[x][y] do s = s .. tostring(map[x][y][i]) if i ~= #map[x][y] then s = s .. "-" end end s = s .. "," else for i = 1, #map[x][y] do s = s .. tostring(map[x][y][i]) if i ~= #map[x][y] then s = s .. "-" end end end end end --options s = s .. ";background=" .. background s = s .. ";spriteset=" .. spriteset s = s .. ";music=" .. musici if intermission then s = s .. ";intermission" end if bonusstage then s = s .. ";bonusstage" end if haswarpzone then s = s .. ";haswarpzone" end if underwater then s = s .. ";underwater" end if custombackground then s = s .. ";custombackground" end s = s .. ";timelimit=" .. mariotimelimit s = s .. ";scrollfactor=" .. scrollfactor --tileset love.filesystem.mkdir( "mappacks" ) love.filesystem.mkdir( "mappacks/" .. mappack ) love.filesystem.write("mappacks/" .. mappack .. "/" .. filename .. ".txt", s) print("Map saved as " .. "mappacks/" .. filename .. ".txt") end function savelevel() if mariosublevel == 0 then savemap(marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel) else savemap(marioworld .. "-" .. mariolevel .. "_" .. mariosublevel) end end function traceline(sourcex, sourcey, radians) local currentblock = {} local x, y = sourcex, sourcey currentblock[1] = math.floor(x) currentblock[2] = math.floor(y+1) local emancecollide = false for i, v in pairs(emancipationgrills) do if v:getTileInvolved(currentblock[1]+1, currentblock[2]) then emancecollide = true end end local doorcollide = false for i, v in pairs(objects["door"]) do if v.dir == "hor" then if == false and (v.cox == currentblock[1] or v.cox == currentblock[1]+1) and v.coy == currentblock[2] then doorcollide = true end else if == false and v.cox == currentblock[1]+1 and (v.coy == currentblock[2] or v.coy == currentblock[2]+1) then doorcollide = true end end end if emancecollide or doorcollide then return false, false, false, false, x, y end local side while currentblock[1]+1 > 0 and currentblock[1]+1 <= mapwidth and (flagx == false or currentblock[1]+1 <= flagx) and (axex == false or currentblock[1]+1 <= axex) and (currentblock[2] > 0 or currentblock[2] >= math.floor(sourcey+0.5)) and currentblock[2] < 16 do --while in map range local oldy = y local oldx = x --calculate X and Y diff.. local ydiff, xdiff local side1, side2 if inrange(radians, -math.pi/2, math.pi/2, true) then --up ydiff = (y-(currentblock[2]-1)) / math.cos(radians) y = currentblock[2]-1 side1 = "down" else ydiff = (y-(currentblock[2])) / math.cos(radians) y = currentblock[2] side1 = "up" end if inrange(radians, 0, math.pi, true) then --left xdiff = (x-(currentblock[1])) / math.sin(radians) x = currentblock[1] side2 = "right" else xdiff = (x-(currentblock[1]+1)) / math.sin(radians) x = currentblock[1]+1 side2 = "left" end --smaller diff wins if xdiff < ydiff then y = oldy - math.cos(radians)*xdiff side = side2 else x = oldx - math.sin(radians)*ydiff side = side1 end if side == "down" then currentblock[2] = currentblock[2]-1 elseif side == "up" then currentblock[2] = currentblock[2]+1 elseif side == "left" then currentblock[1] = currentblock[1]+1 elseif side == "right" then currentblock[1] = currentblock[1]-1 end local collide, tileno = getTile(currentblock[1]+1, currentblock[2]) local emancecollide = false for i, v in pairs(emancipationgrills) do if v:getTileInvolved(currentblock[1]+1, currentblock[2]) then emancecollide = true end end local doorcollide = false for i, v in pairs(objects["door"]) do if v.dir == "hor" then if == false and (v.cox == currentblock[1] or v.cox == currentblock[1]+1) and v.coy == currentblock[2] then doorcollide = true end else if == false and v.cox == currentblock[1]+1 and (v.coy == currentblock[2] or v.coy == currentblock[2]+1) then doorcollide = true end end end if collide == true then break elseif emancecollide or doorcollide then return false, false, false, false, x, y elseif x > xscroll + width or x < xscroll then return false, false, false, false, x, y end end if currentblock[1]+1 > 0 and currentblock[1]+1 <= mapwidth and (currentblock[2] > 0 or currentblock[2] >= math.floor(sourcey+0.5)) and currentblock[2] < 16 and currentblock[1] ~= nil then local tendency --get tendency if side == "down" or side == "up" then if math.mod(x, 1) > 0.5 then tendency = 1 else tendency = -1 end elseif side == "left" or side == "right" then if math.mod(y, 1) > 0.5 then tendency = 1 else tendency = -1 end end return currentblock[1]+1, currentblock[2], side, tendency, x, y else return false, false, false, false, x, y end end function spawnenemy(x, y) if not inmap(x, y) then return end for i = 1, #enemiesspawned do if x == enemiesspawned[i][1] and y == enemiesspawned[i][2] then return end end local t = map[x][y] if #t > 1 then local enemy = true local i = entityquads[t[2]].t if i == "goomba" then table.insert(objects["goomba"], goomba:new(x-0.5, y-1/16)) elseif i == "goombahalf" then table.insert(objects["goomba"], goomba:new(x, y-1/16)) elseif i == "koopa" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x-0.5, y-1/16)) elseif i == "koopahalf" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x, y-1/16)) elseif i == "koopared" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x-0.5, y-1/16, "red")) elseif i == "kooparedhalf" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x, y-1/16, "red")) elseif i == "beetle" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x-0.5, y-1/16, "beetle")) elseif i == "beetlehalf" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x, y-1/16, "beetle")) elseif i == "kooparedflying" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x-.5, y-1/16, "redflying")) elseif i == "koopaflying" then table.insert(objects["koopa"], koopa:new(x-.5, y-1/16, "flying")) elseif i == "bowser" then objects["bowser"][1] = bowser:new(x, y-1/16) elseif i == "cheepred" then table.insert(objects["cheep"], cheepcheep:new(x-.5, y-1/16, 1)) elseif i == "cheepwhite" then table.insert(objects["cheep"], cheepcheep:new(x-.5, y-1/16, 2)) elseif i == "spikey" then table.insert(objects["goomba"], goomba:new(x-0.5, y-1/16, "spikey")) elseif i == "spikeyhalf" then table.insert(objects["goomba"], goomba:new(x, y-1/16, "spikey")) elseif i == "lakito" then table.insert(objects["lakito"], lakito:new(x, y-1/16)) elseif i == "squid" then table.insert(objects["squid"], squid:new(x, y-1/16)) elseif i == "platformup" then table.insert(objects["platform"], platform:new(x, y, "up", t[3])) --Platform right elseif i == "platformright" then table.insert(objects["platform"], platform:new(x, y, "right", t[3])) --Platform up elseif i == "platformfall" then table.insert(objects["platform"], platform:new(x, y, "fall", t[3])) --Platform up elseif i == "platformbonus" then table.insert(objects["platform"], platform:new(x, y, "justright", 3)) elseif i == "plant" then table.insert(objects["plant"], plant:new(x, y)) elseif i == "castlefirecw" then table.insert(objects["castlefire"], castlefire:new(x, y, tonumber(t[3]), "cw")) elseif i == "castlefireccw" then table.insert(objects["castlefire"], castlefire:new(x, y, tonumber(t[3]), "ccw")) elseif i == "hammerbro" then table.insert(objects["hammerbro"], hammerbro:new(x, y)) elseif i == "whitegeldown" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 3, "down")) elseif i == "whitegelright" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 3, "right")) elseif i == "whitegelleft" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 3, "left")) elseif i == "bulletbill" then table.insert(rocketlaunchers, rocketlauncher:new(x, y)) elseif i == "bluegeldown" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 1, "down")) elseif i == "bluegelright" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 1, "right")) elseif i == "bluegelleft" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 1, "left")) elseif i == "orangegeldown" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 2, "down")) elseif i == "orangegelright" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 2, "right")) elseif i == "orangegelleft" then table.insert(objects["geldispenser"], geldispenser:new(x, y, 2, "left")) elseif i == "upfire" then table.insert(objects["upfire"], upfire:new(x, y)) else enemy = false end if enemy then table.insert(enemiesspawned, {x, y}) --spawn enemies in 5x1 line so they spawn as a unit and not alone. spawnenemy(x-2, y) spawnenemy(x-1, y) spawnenemy(x+1, y) spawnenemy(x+2, y) end end end function item(i, x, y, size) if i == "mushroom" then if size and size > 1 then table.insert(objects["flower"], flower:new(x-0.5, y-2/16)) else table.insert(objects["mushroom"], mushroom:new(x-0.5, y-2/16)) end elseif i == "oneup" then table.insert(objects["oneup"], oneup:new(x-0.5, y-2/16)) elseif i == "star" then table.insert(objects["star"], star:new(x-0.5, y-2/16)) elseif i == "vine" then table.insert(objects["vine"], vine:new(x, y)) end end function addpoints(i, x, y) if i > 0 then marioscore = marioscore + i if x ~= nil and y ~= nil then table.insert(scrollingscores, scrollingscore:new(i, x, y)) end else table.insert(scrollingscores, scrollingscore:new(-i, x, y)) end end function addzeros(s, i) for j = string.len(s)+1, i do s = "0" .. s end return s end function properprint2(s, x, y) for i = 1, string.len(tostring(s)) do if fontquads[string.sub(s, i, i)] then, font2quads[string.sub(s, i, i)], x+((i-1)*4)*scale, y, 0, scale, scale) end end end function playsound(sound) if soundenabled then sound:stop() sound:rewind() sound:play() end end function runkey(i) local s = controls[i]["run"] return checkkey(s) end function rightkey(i) local s = controls[i]["right"] return checkkey(s) end function leftkey(i) local s = controls[i]["left"] return checkkey(s) end function downkey(i) local s = controls[i]["down"] return checkkey(s) end function upkey(i) local s = controls[i]["up"] return checkkey(s) end function checkkey(s) if s[1] == "joy" then if s[3] == "hat" then if love.joystick.getHat(s[2], s[4]) == s[5] then return true else return false end elseif s[3] == "but" then if love.joystick.isDown(s[2], s[4]) then return true else return false end elseif s[3] == "axe" then if s[5] == "pos" then if love.joystick.getAxis(s[2], s[4]) > joystickdeadzone then return true else return false end else if love.joystick.getAxis(s[2], s[4]) < -joystickdeadzone then return true else return false end end end else if love.keyboard.isDown(s[1]) then return true else return false end end end function game_joystickpressed( joystick, button ) if pausemenuopen then return end if endpressbutton then endgame() return end for i = 1, players do if not noupdate and objects["player"][i].controlsenabled and not objects["player"][i].vine then local s1 = controls[i]["jump"] local s2 = controls[i]["run"] local s3 = controls[i]["reload"] local s4 = controls[i]["use"] local s5 = controls[i]["left"] local s6 = controls[i]["right"] if s1[1] == "joy" and joystick == tonumber(s1[2]) and s1[3] == "but" and button == tonumber(s1[4]) then objects["player"][i]:jump() return elseif s2[1] == "joy" and joystick == s2[2] and s2[3] == "but" and button == s2[4] then objects["player"][i]:fire() return elseif s3[1] == "joy" and joystick == s3[2] and s3[3] == "but" and button == s3[4] then objects["player"][i]:removeportals() return elseif s4[1] == "joy" and joystick == s4[2] and s4[3] == "but" and button == s4[4] then objects["player"][i]:use() return elseif s5[1] == "joy" and joystick == s5[2] and s5[3] == "but" and button == s5[4] then objects["player"][i]:leftkey() return elseif s6[1] == "joy" and joystick == s6[2] and s6[3] == "but" and button == s6[4] then objects["player"][i]:rightkey() return end local s = controls[i]["portal1"] if s and s[1] == "joy" then if s[3] == "but" then if joystick == s[2] and button == s[4] then shootportal(i, 1, objects["player"][i].x+6/16, objects["player"][i].y+6/16, objects["player"][i].pointingangle) return end end end local s = controls[i]["portal2"] if s and s[1] == "joy" then if s[3] == "but" then if joystick == tonumber(s[2]) and button == tonumber(s[4]) then shootportal(i, 2, objects["player"][i].x+6/16, objects["player"][i].y+6/16, objects["player"][i].pointingangle) return end end end end end end function game_joystickreleased( joystick, button ) for i = 1, players do local s = controls[i]["jump"] if s[1] == "joy" then if s[3] == "but" then if joystick == tonumber(s[2]) and button == tonumber(s[4]) then objects["player"][i]:stopjump() return end end end end end function inrange(i, a, b, include) if a > b then b, a = a, b end if include then if i >= a and i <= b then return true else return false end else if i > a and i < b then return true else return false end end end function adduserect(x, y, width, height, callback) local t = {} t.x = x t.y = y t.width = width t.height = height t.callback = callback t.delete = false table.insert(userects, t) return t end function userect(x, y, width, height) local outtable = {} for i, v in pairs(userects) do if aabb(x, y, width, height, v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height) then table.insert(outtable, v.callback) end end return outtable end function drawrectangle(x, y, width, height)"fill", x*scale, y*scale, width*scale, scale)"fill", x*scale, y*scale, scale, height*scale)"fill", x*scale, (y+height-1)*scale, width*scale, scale)"fill", (x+width-1)*scale, y*scale, scale, height*scale) end function inmap(x, y) if not x or not y then return false end if x >= 1 and x <= mapwidth and y >= 1 and y <= 15 then return true else return false end end function playmusic() if musici == 7 and custommusic then music:play(custommusic) elseif musici ~= 1 then if mariotime < 100 and mariotime > 0 then music:playIndex(musici-1, true) else music:playIndex(musici-1) end end end function stopmusic() if musici ~= 1 then if mariotime < 100 and mariotime > 0 then music:stopIndex(musici-1, true) else music:stopIndex(musici-1) end end end function updatesizes() mariosizes = {} if not objects then for i = 1, players do mariosizes[i] = 1 end else for i = 1, players do mariosizes[i] = objects["player"][i].size end end end function hitrightside() if haswarpzone then objects["plant"] = {} displaywarpzonetext = true end end function getclosestplayer(x) closestplayer = 1 for i = 2, players do if math.abs(objects["player"][closestplayer].x+6/16-x) < math.abs(objects["player"][i].x+6/16-x) then closestplayer = i end end return closestplayer end function endgame() playertype = "minecraft" playertypei = 2 gamefinished = true saveconfig() menu_load() end --Minecraft stuff function placeblock(x, y, side) if side == "up" then y = y - 1 elseif side == "down" then y = y + 1 elseif side == "left" then x = x - 1 elseif side == "right" then x = x + 1 end if not inmap(x, y) then return false end --get block local tileno if inventory[mccurrentblock].t ~= nil then tileno = inventory[mccurrentblock].t else return false end if #checkrect(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, "all") == 0 then map[x][y][1] = tileno objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = tile:new(x-1, y-1, 1, 1, true) generatespritebatch() inventory[mccurrentblock].count = inventory[mccurrentblock].count - 1 if inventory[mccurrentblock].count == 0 then inventory[mccurrentblock].t = nil end return true else return false end end function collectblock(i) local success = false for j = 1, 9 do if inventory[j].t == i and inventory[j].count < 64 then inventory[j].count = inventory[j].count+1 success = true break end end if not success then for j = 1, 9 do if inventory[j].t == nil then inventory[j].count = 1 inventory[j].t = i success = true break end end end return success end function breakblock(x, y) --create a cute block table.insert(miniblocks, miniblock:new(x-.5, y-.2, map[x][y][1])) map[x][y][1] = 1 map[x][y]["gels"] = {} objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = nil generatespritebatch() end function respawnplayers() if mariolivecount == false then return end for i = 1, players do if mariolives[i] == 1 and objects["player"].dead then objects["player"][i]:respawn() end end end