LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so WSGIDaemonProcess mart.localhost user=mart group=users processes=2 threads=25 WSGIProcessGroup mart.localhost LogLevel debug Alias /media /home/mart/programmation/python/django/martfiles/media/ Order allow,deny Allow from all WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/http/wsgi-scripts/django.wsgi [Sat Jan 16 13:22:21 2010] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /media/css/style.css denied, referer: http://localhost/ [Sat Jan 16 13:22:21 2010] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=14783): Attach interpreter '' WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/http/wsgi-scripts/django.wsgi Order allow,deny Allow from all # Admin email, Server Name (domain name) and any aliases ServerAdmin testing@example.de ServerName www.example.de DocumentRoot /home/example/testing/parts/public Alias /media /home/example/testing/parts/public/media # WSGI Settings WSGIDaemonProcess example user=example group=example threads=25 WSGIProcessGroup example WSGIScriptAlias / /home/example/testing/parts/public/django.wsgi # Allow Apache to follow links Options FollowSymLinks # Turn on the ability to use .htaccess files AllowOverride All # Controls who can get stuff from this directory Order allow,deny Allow from all