@echo off title Monopoly REM (C) Copyright 2010 GrellesLicht28 REM This is a creation of Makroware. color 0f setlocal enabledelayedexpansion call :SetFields goto :StartMain :: Start of setting fields :SetFields :SetFields :: Player 1 if not defined Field1_1 set Field1_1= if not defined Field2_1 set Field2_1=A if not defined Field3_1 set Field3_1= if not defined Field4_1 set Field4_1= if not defined Field5_1 set Field5_1= if not defined Field6_1 set Field6_1= if not defined Field7_1 set Field7_1=A if not defined Field8_1 set Field8_1= if not defined Field9_1 set Field9_1=A if not defined Field10_1 set Field10_1=A if not defined Field11_1 set Field11_1=i if not defined Field11_J_1 set Field11_J_1= if not defined Field12_1 set Field12_1= if not defined Field13_1 set Field13_1= if not defined Field14_1 set Field14_1= if not defined Field15_1 set Field15_1= if not defined Field16_1 set Field16_1= if not defined Field17_1 set Field17_1= if not defined Field18_1 set Field18_1= if not defined Field19_1 set Field19_1= if not defined Field20_1 set Field20_1= if not defined Field21_1 set Field21_1= if not defined Field22_1 set Field22_1=A if not defined Field23_1 set Field23_1= if not defined Field24_1 set Field24_1=A if not defined Field25_1 set Field25_1=A if not defined Field26_1 set Field26_1= if not defined Field27_1 set Field27_1=A if not defined Field28_1 set Field28_1=A if not defined Field29_1 set Field29_1= if not defined Field30_1 set Field30_1= if not defined Field31_1 set Field31_1= if not defined Field32_1 set Field32_1= if not defined Field33_1 set Field33_1=l if not defined Field34_1 set Field34_1= if not defined Field35_1 set Field35_1= if not defined Field36_1 set Field36_1= if not defined Field37_1 set Field37_1= if not defined Field38_1 set Field38_1= if not defined Field39_1 set Field39_1= if not defined Field40_1 set Field40_1= :: Player 2 if not defined Field1_2 set Field1_2= if not defined Field2_2 set Field2_2=e if not defined Field3_2 set Field3_2= if not defined Field4_2 set Field4_2= if not defined Field5_2 set Field5_2= if not defined Field6_2 set Field6_2= if not defined Field7_2 set Field7_2=e if not defined Field8_2 set Field8_2= if not defined Field9_2 set Field9_2=e if not defined Field10_2 set Field10_2=e if not defined Field11_2 set Field11_2= if not defined Field11_J_2 set Field11_J_2= if not defined Field12_2 set Field12_2= if not defined Field13_2 set Field13_2= if not defined Field14_2 set Field14_2= if not defined Field15_2 set Field15_2= if not defined Field16_2 set Field16_2= if not defined Field17_2 set Field17_2= if not defined Field18_2 set Field18_2= if not defined Field19_2 set Field19_2= if not defined Field20_2 set Field20_2= if not defined Field21_2 set Field21_2= if not defined Field22_2 set Field22_2=e if not defined Field23_2 set Field23_2= if not defined Field24_2 set Field24_2=e if not defined Field25_2 set Field25_2=e if not defined Field26_2 set Field26_2= if not defined Field27_2 set Field27_2=e if not defined Field28_2 set Field28_2=e if not defined Field29_2 set Field29_2= if not defined Field30_2 set Field30_2= if not defined Field31_2 set Field31_2= if not defined Field32_2 set Field32_2= if not defined Field33_2 set Field33_2= if not defined Field34_2 set Field34_2= if not defined Field35_2 set Field35_2= if not defined Field36_2 set Field36_2= if not defined Field37_2 set Field37_2=? if not defined Field38_2 set Field38_2= if not defined Field39_2 set Field39_2= if not defined Field40_2 set Field40_2= exit /b :: End of setting fields :: Instructions start here. :Instructions :Instructions cls echo Instructions of Monopoly echo îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî echo 1. Each player starts with $1500. Their characters are placed on the field echo "Go" in the beginning of the game. echo 2. Every round, the current player has to throw two dice which have 6 sides. echo The amount thrown is between 2 and 12. echo. echo 3. If a player gets on a street or a railroad, he or she can buy it, if it echo is unowned, yet. Else the player has to pay the rent to the owner depending echo on the amount of houses or hotels (or railroads). echo 4. If a player arrives to any other field, he has to follow the instructions echo given on the field. echo. echo 5. Money, which is paid to the bank, goes into "Free Parking" (except for the echo $50 to escape from Jail). This money can be recollected by arriving on this echo field. echo 6. It is not allowed to share money with the other player without arriving on echo one of his or her streets, railroads or companies, selling the echo Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-card or having to follow the instructions of a echo community chest- or event card. echo. echo 7. There are 16 community chest cards and 16 event cards. They are not chosen echo by following an order, but they are chosen randomly. This allows the same echo card one after the other. echo 8. The Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card can only be owned once. If got, this card echo cannot be chosen by random anymore until it is used or sold. echo 9. You cannot own two Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Cards. echo. echo 10. You can only buy houses by arriving right on the field you want to buy echo some. echo 11. You can buy 4 houses on each of the 22 streets. The fifth house will be echo returned into a hotel. The other houses disappear in this case. echo 12. There is no limit of total houses or hotels to use in the entire game echo unless all of the streets got a hotel. echo. echo 13. If you throw three doublets in a row, you are sent to Jail. echo 14. In Jail, you can try a doublet at last for three times. Then you have to echo pay $50. If you don't want to try to roll a doublet, you can pay $50 to echo escape everytime or you can use your Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card if owned. echo 15. If you are "just visiting" the Jail, nothing will happen. echo. echo 16. By passing "Go", you receive $200. By arriving onto the field "Go", you echo receive $400. echo 17. If you get a card which changes your current position, you receive $200 by echo passing "Go". echo 18. You do not receive $200 if you are sent to Jail, no matter if passing "Go" echo or not. echo. echo 19. The game ends when one player loses all his or her money. The player is not echo allowed to sell any property like houses, hotels, streets, railroads, echo companies or cards anymore. echo. set /p Pause= exit /b :: Instructions end here. :StartMain :StartMain cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º Choose your character: º echo º 1: Û º echo º 2: ² º echo º 3: ± º echo º 4: ° º echo º º echo ºEnter "instructions" to read them.º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ set /p Character1=Player 1: Character no. set /p Character2=Player 2: Character no. if "%Character1%" == "1" set Char_1=Û if "%Character1%" == "2" set Char_1=² if "%Character1%" == "3" set Char_1=± if "%Character1%" == "4" set Char_1=° if /i "%Character1%" == "instructions" call :Instructions if "%Character2%" == "1" set Char_2=Û if "%Character2%" == "2" set Char_2=² if "%Character2%" == "3" set Char_2=± if "%Character2%" == "4" set Char_2=° if /i "%Character2%" == "instructions" call :Instructions if not defined Char_1 goto :StartMain if not defined Char_2 goto :StartMain if "%Char_1%" == "%Char_2%" ( echo You cannot use the same character twice. pause goto :StartMain ) set DiceAmount=0 set Escape=4 set Field1_1=%Char_1% set Field1_2=%Char_2% set Money_1=1500 set Money_2=1500 set Money_Parking=0 set Player=1 set Player1Position=1 set Player2Position=1 mode con cols=91 lines=600 :FIELD :FIELD cls set OutOfJail=0 if not "%1" == "StepDone" set Go=0 if not "%1" == "Chance_Walked" set RentalTwice=0 set Player=!Player! echo ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ echo ³ Free ³Kentu-³Chance³India-³Illi- ³B.^& O.³Atlan-³Veni- ³Water ³Marvin³ GO TO ³ echo ³ ÜßßßÜ ³ cky ³ ?? ³ na ³ nois ³ RAIL-³ tic ³ nor ³Works ³ Gar- ³ °°°°° ³ echo ³!Field21_1! ÛÜÜÜÛ !Field21_2!³!Field22_1!venu!Field22_2!³!Field23_1!? ?!Field23_2!³!Field24_1!venu!Field24_2!³!Field25_1!venu!Field25_2!³!Field26_1!ROAD!Field26_2!³!Field27_1!venu!Field27_2!³!Field28_1!venu!Field28_2!³!Field29_1! !Field29_2!³!Field30_1!dens!Field30_2!³!Field31_1! °°° !Field31_2!³ echo ³ ÜÛÛÜÛÛÜ ³ ³ ? ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ° ³ echo ³ ° ° ³Price ³ ? ³Price ³Price ³Price ³Price ³Price ³Price ³Price ³ ³ echo ³ Parking ³ $220 ³ ? ³ $220 ³ $240 ³ $200 ³ $260 ³ $260 ³ $150 ³ $280 ³ ° JAIL ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ New York ³ ________ ³ Pacific ³ echo ³!Field20_1! Avenue !Field20_2!³ / / ³!Field32_1! Avenue !Field32_2!³ echo ³Price: $200 ³ / / ± ± ³Price: $300 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ / / ± ± ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ Tennessee ³ / / ± ± ³North Caro- ³ echo ³!Field19_1! Avenue !Field19_2!³ /_______/ ± ± ³!Field33_1!ina Avenue!Field33_2!³ echo ³Price: $180 ³ Community Chest ± ± ± ³Price: $300 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ± ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ Community ³ ± ± ³ Community ³ echo ³!Field18_1! Chest !Field18_2!³ ± ± ³!Field34_1! Chest !Field34_2!³ echo ³ ³ ± ± ³ ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ St. James ³ ± ± ³Pennsylvania³ echo ³!Field17_1! Place !Field17_2!³ ± ± ³!Field35_1! Avenue !Field35_2!³ echo ³Price: $180 ³ ± ± ³Price: $320 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³PENNSYLVANIA³ ± ± ³ SHORT LINE ³ echo ³!Field16_1! RAILROAD !Field16_2!³ ± ± ± ³!Field36_1! !Field36_2!³ echo ³Price: $200 ³ ± ± ± ³Price: $200 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ Virginia ³ ± ± ³ ?? Chance³ echo ³!Field15_1! Avenue !Field15_2!³ ± ± ³!Field37_1!? ?? ? !Field37_2!³ echo ³Price: $160 ³ ± ± ³ ? ?? ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ States ³ ± ± ³ Park Place ³ echo ³!Field14_1! Avenue !Field14_2!³ ± ± ³!Field38_1! !Field38_2!³ echo ³Price: $140 ³ ± ± ³Price: $350 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ± ± ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³ Electric ³ ± ± ± C ________ ³ LUXURY TAX ³ echo ³!Field13_1! Company !Field13_2!³ ± ± h / / ³!Field39_1! !Field39_2!³ echo ³Price: $150 ³ ± ± ± a / / ³ Pay $75 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ± ± n / / ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³St. Charles ³ ± ± c / / ³ Boardwalk ³ echo ³!Field12_1! Place !Field12_2!³ ± e /_______/ ³!Field40_1! !Field40_2!³ echo ³Price: $140 ³ ± ³Price: $400 ³ echo ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ echo ³Just³ IN ³Connec³Ver- ³Chance³Orien-³READIN³INCOME³Baltic³ ³Medite³Collect $200³ echo ³v ³ÉÍËÍËÍ»³ticut ³ mont³ ?? ³tal ³RAIL- ³ TAX ³Avenue³Commu-³r... ³as you pass ³ echo ³!Field11_1! !Field11_2!³º!Field11_J_1!º º!Field11_J_2!º³!Field10_1!venu!Field10_2!³!Field9_1!venu!Field9_2!³!Field8_1!? ?!Field8_2!³!Field7_1!venu!Field7_2!³!Field6_1!ROAD!Field6_2!³!Field5_1! !Field5_2!³!Field4_1! !Field4_2!³!Field3_1!nity!Field3_2!³!Field2_1!venu!Field2_2!³!Field1_1! !Field1_2!³ echo ³s ³º º º º³ ³ ³ ? ³ ³ ³Pay ³ ³ ³ ³ Ûßßß ÜÜÜÜ ³ echo ³i ³ÈÍÊÍÊͼ³Price ³Price ³ ? ³Price ³Price ³10%% or³Price ³Chest ³Price ³ Û ßÜ Û Û ³ echo ³ting³ JAIL ³ $120 ³ $100 ³ ? ³ $100 ³ $200 ³$200 ³ $60 ³ ³ $60 ³ ßßßß ßßßß ³ echo ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ if "%1" == "StepDone" exit /b if "%1" == "Chance_Walked" goto :StartComparingPositions if "!Field11_J_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :InJail if "%OutOfJail%" == "1" goto :FIELD :RecallDisplay :RecallDisplay echo. echo Player %Player% (!Char_%Player%!)'s turn: :: Checks every street if owned by the current player. echo Streets owned: set Display_%Player%= set Display_Amount_%Player%=0 FOR %%A IN (MediterraneanAvenue BalticAvenue ReadingRailroad OrientalAvenue VermontAvenue ConnecticutAvenue St.CharlesPlace ElectricCompany StatesAvenue VirginiaAvenue PennsylvaniaRailroad St.JamesPlace TennesseeAvenue NewYorkAvenue KentuckyAvenue IndianaAvenue IllinoisAvenue B.O.Railroad AtlanticAvenue VeninorAvenue WaterWorks MarvinGardens PacificAvenue NorthCarolinaAvenue PennsylvaniaAvenue ShortLine ParkPlace Boardwalk) DO ( if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" ( if not "!Display_Amount_%Player%!" == "4" (set Display_%Player%=!Display_%Player%!%%A / ) ELSE (set Display_%Player%=!Display_%Player%!%%A) set /a Display_Amount_%Player%=!Display_Amount_%Player%! + 1 if "!Display_Amount_%Player%!" == "4" ( echo !Display_%Player%! set Display_Amount_%Player%=0 set Display_%Player%= ) ) if "%%A" == "Boardwalk" if not "!Display_Amount_%Player%!" == "0" echo !Display_%Player%! ) echo. if "!FreeOutOfJail_%Player%!" == "1" ( set OtherPlayer= set Sell_JailCard= set Accept_JailCard= echo You own a card to get out of jail for free. echo Enter "sell for XX" to sell it to the other player for XX dollars. set /p Sell_JailCard= if /i "!Sell_JailCard:~0,9!" == "sell for " ( echo To the other player: Do you want to accept the price [!Sell_JailCard:~9,4!], echo then enter "Yes, I would like to.". set /p Accept_JailCard= if /i "!Accept_JailCard!" == "Yes, I would like to." ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $!Sell_JailCard:~9,4! to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_2! set /a Money_2=!Money_2! - !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $!Sell_JailCard:~9,4! to $!Money_2!. if "!Money_2:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! set /a Money_2=!Money_2! + !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money amounts set back. ) ) ELSE ( set Puffer=!Money_1! set /a Money_1=!Money_1! - !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $!Sell_JailCard:~9,4! to $!Money_1!. if "!Money_1:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! set /a Money_1=!Money_1! + !Sell_JailCard:~9,4! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money amounts set back. ) ) if "!FreeOutOfJail_Chance!" == "!FreeOutOfJail_%Player%!" ( set FreeOutOfJail_Chance=0 ) ELSE ( set FreeOutOfJail_Community=0 ) set FreeOutOfJail_%Player%=0 ) ELSE ( echo Trade cancelled. ) ) ) ELSE ( echo Press any key to roll a dice... if not "%1" == "StepDone" pause >nul ) if "%1" == "StepDone" exit /b :RollADice :RollADice :: Randomly roll two dices. The IF's make sure they are between 1 and 6. set DiceOne=%random:~0,1% set DiceTwo=%random:~0,1% if "%DiceOne%" EQU "0" goto :RollADice if "%DiceOne%" GTR "6" goto :RollADice if "%DiceTwo%" EQU "0" goto :RollADice if "%DiceTwo%" GTR "6" goto :RollADice :: Resetting the current player's position. set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= :: Calculating the amount of steps to go. Also informs the user. set /a Dice=%DiceOne% + %DiceTwo% echo Dice one (%DiceOne%) + dice two (%DiceTwo%) = %Dice% set /a Player%Player%Position=!Player%Player%Position! + %Dice% :: Check if the player went over "GO". if not "!Player%Player%Position:~1,1!" == "" if "!Player%Player%Position:~0,1!" GEQ "4" if "!Player%Player%Position:~1,1!" GTR "0" ( set /a Player%Player%Position=!Player%Player%Position! - 40 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! if "!Player%Player%Position:~0,1!" GTR "1" ( set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 set Go=1 ) ) :: Reset the fields after having changed the position. call :SetFields :: Set the new player's position. set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! pause >nul :RollDone :RollDone :: Showing the user the new position before dwelling on it. call :FIELD StepDone call :RecallDisplay StepDone echo Dice one (%DiceOne%) + dice two (%DiceTwo%) = %Dice% if "!Go!" == "1" echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. :StartComparingPositions :StartComparingPositions pause >nul :: Dwelling on the player's position. if "!Field1_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :GO if "!Field2_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :MediterraneanAvenue if "!Field3_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :CommunityChest if "!Field4_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :BalticAvenue if "!Field5_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :IncomeTax if "!Field6_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :ReadingRailroad if "!Field7_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :OrientalAvenue if "!Field8_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :Chance if "!Field9_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :VermontAvenue if "!Field10_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :ConnecticutAvenue if "!Field11_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :AtJail if "!Field12_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :St.CharlesPlace if "!Field13_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :ElectricCompany if "!Field14_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :StatesAvenue if "!Field15_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :VirginiaAvenue if "!Field16_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :PennsylvaniaRailroad if "!Field17_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :St.JamesPlace if "!Field18_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :CommunityChest if "!Field19_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :TennesseeAvenue if "!Field20_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :NewYorkAvenue if "!Field21_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :FreeParking if "!Field22_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :KentuckyAvenue if "!Field23_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :Chance if "!Field24_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :IndianaAvenue if "!Field25_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :IllinoisAvenue if "!Field26_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :B.O.Railroad if "!Field27_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :AtlanticAvenue if "!Field28_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :VeninorAvenue if "!Field29_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :WaterWorks if "!Field30_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :MarvinGardens if "!Field31_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :SendToJail if "!Field32_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :PacificAvenue if "!Field33_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :NorthCarolinaAvenue if "!Field34_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :CommunityChest if "!Field35_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :PennsylvaniaAvenue if "!Field36_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :ShortLineRailroad if "!Field37_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :Chance if "!Field38_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :ParkPlace if "!Field39_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :LuxuryTax if "!Field40_%Player%!" == "!Char_%Player%!" call :Boardwalk if "%1" == "Chance_Walked" exit /b :: Changes the player if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) :: Counting the doublets set goto_immediately=0 if defined DiceOne if defined DiceTwo if "%DiceOne%" == "%DiceTwo%" ( set /a DiceAmount=!DiceAmount! + 1 echo. echo You got a doublet [%DiceOne% - %DiceTwo%], you can do another round. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set goto_immediately=1 pause ) ::Checks if 3 doublets in a row. If so, sends the user to jail. if "!DiceAmount!" == "3" if "%DiceOne%" == "%DiceTwo%" ( echo You got 3 doublets in a row, you are now sent to jail. set goto_immediately=0 pause call :SendToJail Doublets ) if not "!goto_immediately!" == "1" set DiceAmount=0 goto :FIELD :: Start of fields. :GO :GO 1 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ²²²²²²²²²²² º echo º ²²² º echo º ²²² º echo º ²²² º echo º ²²² ²²²²²² ²²²²²²²² º echo º ²²² ²²² ²² ²² º echo º ²²² ²²² ²² ²² º echo º ²²² ²²² ²² ²² º echo º ²²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²² º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º Collect $200 as you pass or º echo º collect $400 as you meet. º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 400 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $%Puffer% by $400 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo. pause exit /b :MediterraneanAvenue :MediterraneanAvenue 2 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined MediterraneanAvenue_Houses set MediterraneanAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Mediterranean Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $60 RENT $2 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $10 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $30 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $90 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $160 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $250 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $50 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $30 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!MediterraneanAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :MediterraneanAvenue_Houses if defined MediterraneanAvenue goto :MediterraneanAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $60 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 60 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 60 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $60 to $!Money_%Player%!. set MediterraneanAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :MediterraneanAvenue :MediterraneanAvenue_Houses :MediterraneanAvenue_Houses if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !MediterraneanAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $30. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a MediterraneanAvenue_Houses=!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !MediterraneanAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 30 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $30 to $!Money_%Player%!. set MediterraneanAvenue= set MediterraneanAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :MediterraneanAvenue_Houses :MediterraneanAvenue_PayRent :MediterraneanAvenue_PayRent if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=2 if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=10 if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=30 if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=90 if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=160 if "!MediterraneanAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=250 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :CommunityChest :CommunityChest 3/18/34 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º Community Chest º echo º º echo º ################# º echo º #///////////////## º echo º #################I# º echo º #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#I# º echo º #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,## º echo º #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# º echo º ################# º echo º #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,## º echo º #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#I# º echo º #################II# º echo º #jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj#II# º echo º #jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj#I# º echo º #jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj## º echo º ################# º echo º º echo º You found a community º echo º chest, draw a card. º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. :ChooseCommunityCard :ChooseCommunityCard set /a ChooseCommunityCard=%random:~0,2% + 1 if not "%ChooseCommunityCard:~1,1%" == "" if "%ChooseCommunityCard:~0,1%" GTR "1" (goto :ChooseCommunityCard) ELSE (if "%ChooseCommunityCard:~1,1%" GTR "6" goto :ChooseCommunityCard) if "!FreeOutOfJail_Community!" == "1" if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "7" goto :ChooseCommunityCard if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "1" set Var=%%A if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "2" set Var=%%B if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "3" set Var=%%C if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "4" set Var=%%D if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "5" set Var=%%E if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "6" set Var=%%F if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "7" set Var=%%G if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "8" set Var=%%H if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "9" set Var=%%I if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "10" set Var=%%J if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "11" set Var=%%K if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "12" set Var=%%L if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "13" set Var=%%M if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "14" set Var=%%N if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "15" set Var=%%O if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "16" set Var=%%P echo ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ echo ³ Community Card ³ echo ³ ³ FOR /F "tokens=1-16 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ Grand Opera ³/³ Advance to Go. ³/³ You have won ³/³ Doctor's fee. ³/³ Christmas fund ³/³ You inherit ³/³Get ouf of Jail ³/³You are assessed³/³ From sale of ³/³ Pay school tax ³/³ Income tax ³/³ Receive for ³/³ Pay hospital ³/³ Go directly to ³/³ Life insurance ³/³ Bank error in ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-16 delims=/" %%A IN ("³Opening: Collect³/³ Collect $200. ³/³second prize in ³/³ Pay $50. ³/³ matures. ³/³ $100. ³/³ free. ³/³ for street ³/³ stock you ³/³ of $150. ³/³ refund. ³/³ serviced $25. ³/³ $100. ³/³ Jail, do not ³/³ matures. ³/³ your favor. ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-16 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ $50 from every ³/³ ³/³ a beauty ³/³ ³/³ Collect $100. ³/³ ³/³ This card may ³/³ repairs. ³/³ receive $45. ³/³ ³/³ Collect $20. ³/³ ³/³ ³/³pass Go, do not ³/³ Collect $100. ³/³ Collect $200. ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-16 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ player for ³/³ ³/³ contest ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ be kept until ³/³ Pay $40 per ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ collect $200. ³/³ ³/³ ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-16 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ opening night ³/³ ³/³ Collect $10 ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³needed, or sold.³/³ house and $115 ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-16 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ seats. ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ per hotel. ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/") DO echo %Var% echo ³ ³ echo ³ ³ echo ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) ) if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "2" ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%=, set Player%Player%Position=1 set Field1_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "3" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 10 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $10 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "4" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $50 went into Free Parking. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "5" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "6" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "7" ( set FreeOutOfJail_%Player%=1 set FreeOutOfJail_Community=1 ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "8" ( set Houses_%Player%=0 set Hotels_%Player%=0 set PayForHouses=0 set PayForHotels=0 set PayForHousesAndHotels=0 FOR %%A IN (MediterraneanAvenue BalticAvenue ReadingRailroad OrientalAvenue VermontAvenue ConnecticutAvenue St.CharlesPlace ElectricCompany StatesAvenue VirginiaAvenue PennsylvaniaRailroad St.JamesPlace TennesseeAvenue NewYorkAvenue KentuckyAvenue IndianaAvenue IllinoisAvenue B.O.Railroad AtlanticAvenue VeninorAvenue WaterWorks MarvinGardens PacificAvenue NorthCarolinaAvenue PennsylvaniaAvenue ShortLine ParkPlace Boardwalk) DO ( if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" ( if not "!%%A_Houses!" == "5" (set /a Houses_%Player%=!Houses_%Player%! + !%%A_Houses!) ELSE (set /a Hotels_%Player%=!Hotels_%Player%! + 1) ) ) set /a PayForHouses=!Houses_%Player%! * 40 set /a PayForHotels=!Hotels_%Player%! * 115 echo You have to pay $!PayForHouses! for !Houses_%Player%! houses and echo you have to pay $!PayForHotels! for !Hotels_%Player%! hotels. echo. set /a PayForHousesAndHotels=!PayForHouses! + !PayForHotels! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - !PayForHousesAndHotels! set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + !PayForHousesAndHotels! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $!PayForHousesAndHotels! to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $!PayForHousesAndHotels! went into Free Parking. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "9" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 45 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $45 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "10" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + 150 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $150 went into Free Parking. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "11" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 20 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $20 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "12" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 25 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $25 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "13" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $100 went into Free Parking. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "14" ( pause call :SendToJail ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "15" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseCommunityCard%" == "16" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) pause exit /b :BalticAvenue :BalticAvenue 4 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined BalticAvenue_Houses set BalticAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Baltic Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $60 RENT $4 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $20 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $60 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $180 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $320 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $450 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $50 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $30 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!BalticAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :BalticAvenue_Houses if defined BalticAvenue goto :BalticAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $60 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 60 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 60 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $60 to $!Money_%Player%!. set BalticAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :BalticAvenue :BalticAvenue_Houses :BalticAvenue_Houses if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !BalticAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $30. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a BalticAvenue_Houses=!BalticAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !BalticAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 30 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $30 to $!Money_%Player%!. set BalticAvenue= set BalticAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :BalticAvenue_Houses :BalticAvenue_PayRent :BalticAvenue_PayRent if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=4 if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=20 if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=60 if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=180 if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=320 if "!BalticAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=450 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :IncomeTax :IncomeTax 5 set IncomeTax= cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º INCOME º echo º º echo º TAX º echo º º echo º º echo º You can pay 10%% of º echo º º echo º your total money º echo º º echo º amount or you can pay º echo º º echo º$200 to pass this field.º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. echo Press [1] to pay 10%% of your total money or echo press [2] to pay $200. set /p IncomeTax= if "%IncomeTax%" == "1" ( set /a Decrease=!Money_%Player%! / 10 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - !Decrease! set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + !Decrease! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $!Decrease! to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $!Decrease! went into Free Parking. set IncomeTax=Done ) if "%IncomeTax%" == "2" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + 200 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $200 went into Free Parking. set IncomeTax=Done ) ) if not "!IncomeTax!" == "Done" goto :IncomeTax echo. pause exit /b :ReadingRailroad :ReadingRailroad 6 set Purchase= set PayRent= set Buy_House= set Sell_Street= set RailroadAmount=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Reading Railroad º echo º º echo º PRICE $200 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo º º echo º If 1 owned $25 º echo º º echo º If 2 owned $50 º echo º º echo º If 3 owned $100 º echo º º echo º If 4 owned $200 º echo º º echo º º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º Mortgage value $100 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!ReadingRailroad!" == "%Player%" goto :ReadingRailroad_Houses if defined ReadingRailroad goto :ReadingRailroad_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this railroad for $200 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ReadingRailroad=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :ReadingRailroad :ReadingRailroad_Houses :ReadingRailroad_Houses echo This railroad is yours. echo. echo Press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $100. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell this railroad? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ReadingRailroad= ) ) goto :ReadingRailroad_Houses :ReadingRailroad_PayRent :ReadingRailroad_PayRent if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! FOR %%A IN (ReadingRailroad PennsylvaniaRailroad B.O.Railroad ShortLineRailroad) DO if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" set /a RailroadAmount=!RailroadAmount! + 1 if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo The other player owns !RailroadAmount! of 4 railroads. if "!RailroadAmount!" == "1" set PayRent=25 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "2" set PayRent=50 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "3" set PayRent=100 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "4" set PayRent=200 if "!RentalTwice!" == "1" set /a PayRent=%PayRent% * 2 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :OrientalAvenue :OrientalAvenue 7 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined OrientalAvenue_Houses set OrientalAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Oriental Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $100 RENT $6 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $30 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $90 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $270 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $400 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $550 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $50 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $50 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!OrientalAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :OrientalAvenue_Houses if defined OrientalAvenue goto :OrientalAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $100 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set OrientalAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :OrientalAvenue :OrientalAvenue_Houses :OrientalAvenue_Houses if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !OrientalAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $50. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a OrientalAvenue_Houses=!OrientalAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !OrientalAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set OrientalAvenue= set OrientalAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :OrientalAvenue_Houses :OrientalAvenue_PayRent :OrientalAvenue_PayRent if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=6 if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=30 if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=90 if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=270 if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=400 if "!OrientalAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=550 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :Chance :Chance 8/23/37 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º Chance º echo º º echo º KKKKKKK º echo º KKKj KKK º echo º KKK KKK º echo º KKK KKK º echo º KK KKK º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º º echo º KKK º echo º KKK º echo º º echo º Draw a card. º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. :ChooseChanceCard :ChooseChanceCard set /a ChooseChanceCard=%random:~0,2% + 1 if not "%ChooseChanceCard:~1,1%" == "" if "%ChooseChanceCard:~0,1%" GTR "1" (goto :ChooseChanceCard) ELSE (if "%ChooseChanceCard:~1,1%" GTR "6" goto :ChooseChanceCard) if "!FreeOutOfJail_Chance!" == "1" if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "12" goto :ChooseChanceCard if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "16" set ChooseChanceCard=7 if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "1" set Var=%%A if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "2" set Var=%%B if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "3" set Var=%%C if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "4" set Var=%%D if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "5" set Var=%%E if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "6" set Var=%%F if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "7" set Var=%%G if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "8" set Var=%%H if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "9" set Var=%%I if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "10" set Var=%%J if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "11" set Var=%%K if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "12" set Var=%%L if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "13" set Var=%%M if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "14" set Var=%%N if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "15" set Var=%%O echo ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ echo ³ Chance Card ³ echo ³ ³ FOR /F "tokens=1-15 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ Your building ³/³ Bank pays you ³/³ Go back ³/³ Make general ³/³ Take a walk on ³/³Advance token to³/³Advance token to³/³ Advance to ³/³ Pay poor tax ³/³ Advance to Go. ³/³ Advance to St. ³/³Get out of Jail ³/³ Take a ride on ³/³ Go directly to ³/³ You have been ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-15 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ and loan ³/³ dividend of ³/³ 3 spaces. ³/³ repairs on all ³/³ the Boardwalk. ³/³nearest utility.³/³ the nearest ³/³Illinois Avenue.³/³ of $15. ³/³ ³/³ Charles Place. ³/³ free. ³/³ the Reading ³/³ Jail, do not ³/³elected Chairman³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-15 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ matures. ³/³ $50. ³/³ ³/³ your property. ³/³ Advance token ³/³If unowned, you ³/³Railroad and pay³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³If you pass Go, ³/³This card may be³/³ Railroad. ³/³pass Go, do not ³/³ of the board. ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-15 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ Collect $150. ³/³ ³/³ ³/³Pay $25 for each³/³ to Boardwalk. ³/³may buy it from ³/³the owner twice ³/³If you pass Go, ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ collect $200. ³/³ kept until ³/³If you pass Go, ³/³ collect $200. ³/³Pay each player ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-15 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ house and $100 ³/³ ³/³ the Bank. If ³/³ the rental. If ³/³ collect $200. ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³needed, or sold.³/³ collect $200. ³/³ ³/³ $50. ³/") DO echo %Var% FOR /F "tokens=1-15 delims=/" %%A IN ("³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ for each hotel.³/³ ³/³ owned, throw ³/³unowned, you may³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/³ ³/") DO echo %Var% if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "6" (echo ³dice and pay the³) ELSE (if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "7" (echo ³buy it from bank³) ELSE (echo ³ ³)) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "6" (echo ³ owner a total ³) ELSE (echo ³ ³) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "6" echo ³ ten times the ³ if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "6" echo ³ amount thrown. ³ echo ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "2" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "3" ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set /a Player%Player%Position=!Player%Player%Position! - 3 set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "4" ( set Houses_%Player%=0 set Hotels_%Player%=0 set PayForHouses=0 set PayForHotels=0 set PayForHousesAndHotels=0 FOR %%A IN (MediterraneanAvenue BalticAvenue ReadingRailroad OrientalAvenue VermontAvenue ConnecticutAvenue St.CharlesPlace ElectricCompany StatesAvenue VirginiaAvenue PennsylvaniaRailroad St.JamesPlace TennesseeAvenue NewYorkAvenue KentuckyAvenue IndianaAvenue IllinoisAvenue B.O.Railroad AtlanticAvenue VeninorAvenue WaterWorks MarvinGardens PacificAvenue NorthCarolinaAvenue PennsylvaniaAvenue ShortLine ParkPlace Boardwalk) DO ( if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" ( if not "!%%A_Houses!" == "5" (set /a Houses_%Player%=!Houses_%Player%! + !%%A_Houses!) ELSE (set /a Hotels_%Player%=!Hotels_%Player%! + 1) ) ) set /a PayForHouses=!Houses_%Player%! * 25 set /a PayForHotels=!Hotels_%Player%! * 100 echo You have to pay $!PayForHouses! for !Houses_%Player%! houses and echo you have to pay $!PayForHotels! for !Hotels_%Player%! hotels. echo. set /a PayForHousesAndHotels=!PayForHouses! + !PayForHotels! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - !PayForHousesAndHotels! set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + !PayForHousesAndHotels! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $!PayForHousesAndHotels! to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $!PayForHousesAndHotels! went into Free Parking. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "5" ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Player%Player%Position=40 set Field40_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "6" ( :Chance_RollADice set DiceOne=%random:~0,1% set DiceTwo=%random:~0,1% if "!DiceOne!" EQU "0" goto :Chance_RollADice if "!DiceOne!" GTR "6" goto :Chance_RollADice if "!DiceTwo!" EQU "0" goto :Chance_RollADice if "!DiceTwo!" GTR "6" goto :Chance_RollADice set /a Dice=!DiceOne! + !DiceTwo! if "!Player%Player%Position!" == "8" ( set Field8_%Player%= set Field12_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set Player%Player%Position=12 call :ElectricCompany CameByChance ) ELSE ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Field29_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set Player%Player%Position=29 call :SetFields call :WaterWorks CameByChance ) ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "7" ( if "!Player%Player%Position:~1,1!" == "" ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Field6_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set Player%Player%Position=6 ) ELSE ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Field!Player%Player%Position:~0,1!6_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set Player%Player%Position=!Player%Player%Position:~0,1!6 ) set RentalTwice=1 call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "8" ( if "!Player%Player%Position!" == "37" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%! by passing Go. pause ) set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Player%Player%Position=25 set Field25_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "9" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 15 set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + 15 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $15 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $15 went into Free Parking. ) pause if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "10" ( set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Player%Player%Position=1 set Field1_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "11" ( if not "!Player%Player%Position!" == "8" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%! by passing Go. pause ) set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Player%Player%Position=12 set Field12_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "12" ( set FreeOutOfJail_%Player%=1 set FreeOutOfJail_Chance=1 ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "13" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%! by passing Go. pause set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= set Player%Player%Position=6 set Field6_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! call :SetFields call :FIELD Chance_Walked ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "14" ( pause call :SendToJail ) if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "15" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) ) if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! if "%ChooseChanceCard%" == "15" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. ) if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! pause exit /b :VermontAvenue :VermontAvenue 9 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined VermontAvenue_Houses set VermontAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Vermont Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $100 RENT $6 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $30 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $90 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $270 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $400 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $550 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $50 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $50 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!VermontAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :VermontAvenue_Houses if defined VermontAvenue goto :VermontAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $100 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set VermontAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :VermontAvenue :VermontAvenue_Houses :VermontAvenue_Houses if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !VermontAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $50. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a VermontAvenue_Houses=!VermontAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !VermontAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set VermontAvenue= set VermontAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :VermontAvenue_Houses :VermontAvenue_PayRent :VermontAvenue_PayRent if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=6 if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=30 if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=90 if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=270 if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=400 if "!VermontAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=550 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :ConnecticutAvenue :ConnecticutAvenue 10 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined ConnecticutAvenue_Houses set ConnecticutAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Connecticut Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $120 RENT $8 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $40 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $100 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $300 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $450 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $600 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $50 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $60 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!ConnecticutAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :ConnecticutAvenue_Houses if defined ConnecticutAvenue goto :ConnecticutAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $120 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 120 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 120 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $120 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ConnecticutAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :ConnecticutAvenue :ConnecticutAvenue_Houses :ConnecticutAvenue_Houses if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !ConnecticutAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $60. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a ConnecticutAvenue_Houses=!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !ConnecticutAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 60 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $60 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ConnecticutAvenue= set ConnecticutAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :ConnecticutAvenue_Houses :ConnecticutAvenue_PayRent :ConnecticutAvenue_PayRent if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=8 if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=40 if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=100 if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=300 if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=450 if "!ConnecticutAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=600 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :AtJail :AtJail 11 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º ² º echo º ² ÉÍÍÍËÍÍÍËÍÍÍËÍÍÍ» º echo º ² º º º º º º echo º ² ² º º º º º º echo º ²²²² º º º º º º echo º ÈÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÊÍÍͼ º echo º ²² º echo º ² ² º echo º ²²²² º echo º ² ² º if "%Player%" == "1" if "!Field11_J_2!" == "%Char_2%" (echo º There is player 2 in jail now. º) ELSE (echo º º) if "%Player%" == "2" if "!Field11_J_1!" == "%Char_1%" (echo º There is player 1 in jail now. º) ELSE (echo º º) echo º ²² º echo º ²² º echo º ²² º echo º ²² º if not "!Field11_J_1!" == "%Char_1%" (if not "!Field11_J_2!" == "%Char_2%" (echo º There is noone in jail at the moment.º) ELSE (echo º º)) ELSE (echo º º) echo º ² º echo º ² º echo º ² º echo º ²²²² º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! pause >nul exit /b :InJail :InJail 11J cls set InJail= set Player%Player%Position=11 if "%Escape%" == "no" set Escape=4 echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º º º º º º º º º echo º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍͼ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. set /a Escape=!Escape! - 1 if "%Escape%" == "0" set Escape=no echo You are in jail. You can pay $50 to get out of here immediately or echo you can escape in rolling a doublet (%Escape% tries left). echo. if "%Escape%" == "no" ( set Field11_J_%Player%= set Field11_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! echo You now have to pay $50. pause set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 echo. echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set OutOfJail=1 pause exit /b ) echo Press [1] to pay $50 or press anything else to try to escape. if "!FreeOutOfJail_%Player%!" == "1" echo Press [2] to use your card to get out of jail for free. set /p InJail=-^> if "%InJail%" == "1" ( set Escape=4 set Field11_J_%Player%= set Field11_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 50 echo. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 50 echo. pause ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $50 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set OutOfJail=1 pause exit /b ) ) if "!FreeOutOfJail_%Player%!" == "1" ( if "%InJail%" == "2" ( echo Card used. set Escape=4 set Field11_J_%Player%= set Field11_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set FreeOutOfJail_%Player%=0 if "!FreeOutOfJail_Chance!" == "!FreeOutOfJail_%Player%!" ( set FreeOutOfJail_Chance=0 ) ELSE ( set FreeOutOfJail_Community=0 ) set FreeOutOfJail_%Player%=0 pause exit /b ) ) echo. echo Trying to roll a doublet... set /a Dice=%DiceOne% + %DiceTwo% echo Dice one (%DiceOne%) + dice two (%DiceTwo%) = %Dice% if "%DiceOne%" == "%DiceTwo%" ( set Field11_J_%Player%= set /a Player%Player%Position=!Player%Player%Position! + %Dice% set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! echo You successfully rolled a doublet. ping localhost -n 3 >nul set DiceAmount=1 ) ELSE ( echo You missed. ping localhost -n 3 >nul ) goto :RollDone :St.CharlesPlace :St.CharlesPlace 12 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined St.CharlesPlace_Houses set St.CharlesPlace_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º St. Charles Place º echo º º echo º PRICE $140 RENT $10 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $50 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $150 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $450 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $625 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $750 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $100 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $70 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!St.CharlesPlace!" == "%Player%" goto :St.CharlesPlace_Houses if defined St.CharlesPlace goto :St.CharlesPlace_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $140 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 140 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 140 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $140 to $!Money_%Player%!. set St.CharlesPlace=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :St.CharlesPlace :St.CharlesPlace_Houses :St.CharlesPlace_Houses if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !St.CharlesPlace_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $70. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a St.CharlesPlace_Houses=!St.CharlesPlace_Houses! + 1 if not "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !St.CharlesPlace_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 70 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $70 to $!Money_%Player%!. set St.CharlesPlace= set St.CharlesPlace_Houses=0 ) ) goto :St.CharlesPlace_Houses :St.CharlesPlace_PayRent :St.CharlesPlace_PayRent if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=10 if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=50 if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=150 if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=450 if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=625 if "!St.CharlesPlace_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=750 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :ElectricCompany :ElectricCompany 13 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set CompanyAmount=0 set Sell_Street= cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Electric Company º echo º º echo º PRICE $150 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo º º echo ºIf 1 owned, rent equals º echo º º echo º 4 times dice roll º echo º º echo º º echo ºIf 2 owned, rent equals º echo º º echo º 10 times dice roll º echo º º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º Mortgage value $75 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!ElectricCompany!" == "%Player%" goto :ElectricCompany_Houses if defined ElectricCompany goto :ElectricCompany_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $150 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ElectricCompany=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :ElectricCompany :ElectricCompany_Houses :ElectricCompany_Houses echo Press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $75. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell this street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 75 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $75 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ElectricCompany= ) ) goto :ElectricCompany_Houses :ElectricCompany_PayRent :ElectricCompany_PayRent if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! if "!ElectricCompany!" == "%Player%" set /a CompanyAmount=!CompanyAmount! + 1 if "!WaterWorks!" == "%Player%" set /a CompanyAmount=!CompanyAmount! + 1 if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo The other player owns !CompanyAmount! of 2 companies. if "!CompanyAmount!" == "1" set /a PayRent=%Dice% * 4 if "!CompanyAmount!" == "2" set /a PayRent=%Dice% * 10 if "%1" == "CameByChance" set /a PayRent=!Dice! * 10 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :StatesAvenue :StatesAvenue 14 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined StatesAvenue_Houses set StatesAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º States Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $140 RENT $10 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $50 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $150 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $450 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $625 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $750 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $100 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $70 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!StatesAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :StatesAvenue_Houses if defined StatesAvenue goto :StatesAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $140 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 140 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 140 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $140 to $!Money_%Player%!. set StatesAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :StatesAvenue :StatesAvenue_Houses :StatesAvenue_Houses if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !StatesAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $70. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a StatesAvenue_Houses=!StatesAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !StatesAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 70 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $70 to $!Money_%Player%!. set StatesAvenue= set StatesAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :StatesAvenue_Houses :StatesAvenue_PayRent :StatesAvenue_PayRent if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=10 if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=50 if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=150 if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=450 if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=625 if "!StatesAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=750 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :VirginiaAvenue :VirginiaAvenue 15 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined VirginiaAvenue_Houses set VirginiaAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Virginia Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $160 RENT $12 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $60 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $180 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $500 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $700 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $900 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $100 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $80 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!VirginiaAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :VirginiaAvenue_Houses if defined VirginiaAvenue goto :VirginiaAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $160 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 160 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 160 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $160 to $!Money_%Player%!. set VirginiaAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :VirginiaAvenue :VirginiaAvenue_Houses :VirginiaAvenue_Houses if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !VirginiaAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $80. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a VirginiaAvenue_Houses=!VirginiaAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !VirginiaAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 80 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $80 to $!Money_%Player%!. set VirginiaAvenue= set VirginiaAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :VirginiaAvenue_Houses :VirginiaAvenue_PayRent :VirginiaAvenue_PayRent if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=12 if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=60 if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=180 if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=500 if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=700 if "!VirginiaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=900 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :PennsylvaniaRailroad :PennsylvaniaRailroad 16 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= set RailroadAmount=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Pennsylvania Railroad º echo º º echo º PRICE $200 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo º º echo º If 1 owned $25 º echo º º echo º If 2 owned $50 º echo º º echo º If 3 owned $100 º echo º º echo º If 4 owned $200 º echo º º echo º º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º Mortgage value $100 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!PennsylvaniaRailroad!" == "%Player%" goto :PennsylvaniaRailroad_Houses if defined PennsylvaniaRailroad goto :PennsylvaniaRailroad_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this railroad for $200 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set PennsylvaniaRailroad=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :PennsylvaniaRailroad :PennsylvaniaRailroad_Houses :PennsylvaniaRailroad_Houses echo This railroad is yours. echo. echo Press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $100. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell this railroad? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set PennsylvaniaRailroad= ) ) goto :PennsylvaniaRailroad_Houses :PennsylvaniaRailroad_PayRent :PennsylvaniaRailroad_PayRent if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! FOR %%A IN (ReadingRailroad PennsylvaniaRailroad B.O.Railroad ShortLineRailroad) DO if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" set /a RailroadAmount=!RailroadAmount! + 1 if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo The other player owns !RailroadAmount! of 4 railroads. if "!RailroadAmount!" == "1" set PayRent=25 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "2" set PayRent=50 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "3" set PayRent=100 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "4" set PayRent=200 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :St.JamesPlace :St.JamesPlace 17 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined St.JamesPlace_Houses set St.JamesPlace_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º St. James Place º echo º º echo º PRICE $180 RENT $14 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $70 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $200 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $550 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $700 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $900 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $100 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $90 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!St.JamesPlace!" == "%Player%" goto :St.JamesPlace_Houses if defined St.JamesPlace goto :St.JamesPlace_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $180 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 180 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 180 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $180 to $!Money_%Player%!. set St.JamesPlace=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :St.JamesPlace :St.JamesPlace_Houses :St.JamesPlace_Houses if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !St.JamesPlace_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $90. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a St.JamesPlace_Houses=!St.JamesPlace_Houses! + 1 if not "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !St.JamesPlace_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 90 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $90 to $!Money_%Player%!. set St.JamesPlace= set St.JamesPlace_Houses=0 ) ) goto :St.JamesPlace_Houses :St.JamesPlace_PayRent :St.JamesPlace_PayRent if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=14 if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=70 if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=200 if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=550 if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=700 if "!St.JamesPlace_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=900 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b ,s=a ,z=h ,l=v ,e=m ,u=l ,t=i ,r=y ,v=r ,f=g ,n=o ,for %%a in (z a y b x c w d v e u f t g s h r i q j p k o l n m 0 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5) do ( ,!%%i!e!%%j! (%%f) %%f!%%y!%%u!%%q!!%%i!%%r!%%l!!%%a!%%m %%~%%{%%|%%{ !%%l!%v%%%j!%%k!%u%%%j%%o%u%!%%m!%%f!%%a!%%m%%~%% ,) :TennesseeAvenue :TennesseeAvenue 19 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined TennesseeAvenue_Houses set TennesseeAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Tennessee Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $180 RENT $14 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $70 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $200 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $550 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $700 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $900 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $100 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $90 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!TennesseeAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :TennesseeAvenue_Houses if defined TennesseeAvenue goto :TennesseeAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $180 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 180 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 180 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $180 to $!Money_%Player%!. set TennesseeAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :TennesseeAvenue :TennesseeAvenue_Houses :TennesseeAvenue_Houses if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !TennesseeAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $90. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a TennesseeAvenue_Houses=!TennesseeAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !TennesseeAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 90 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $90 to $!Money_%Player%!. set TennesseeAvenue= set TennesseeAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :TennesseeAvenue_Houses :TennesseeAvenue_PayRent :TennesseeAvenue_PayRent if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=14 if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=70 if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=200 if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=550 if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=700 if "!TennesseeAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=900 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :NewYorkAvenue :NewYorkAvenue 20 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined NewYorkAvenue_Houses set NewYorkAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º New York Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $200 RENT $16 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $80 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $220 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $600 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $800 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1000 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $100 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $10 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!NewYorkAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :NewYorkAvenue_Houses if defined NewYorkAvenue goto :NewYorkAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $200 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set NewYorkAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :NewYorkAvenue :NewYorkAvenue_Houses :NewYorkAvenue_Houses if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !NewYorkAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $100. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 100 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a NewYorkAvenue_Houses=!NewYorkAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !NewYorkAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set NewYorkAvenue= set NewYorkAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :NewYorkAvenue_Houses :NewYorkAvenue_PayRent :NewYorkAvenue_PayRent if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=16 if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=80 if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=220 if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=600 if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=800 if "!NewYorkAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1000 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :FreeParking :FreeParking 21 if "!Money_Parking:~4,1!" == "" set Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! if "!Money_Parking:~3,1!" == " " set Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! if "!Money_Parking:~2,1!" == " " set Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º Free Parking º echo º ÜÜÜÜ º echo º ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ º echo º ÛÛ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÛÛ º echo º Û°°°ÛßßßßßßßßÛ°°°Û º echo º Û°°°Û Û°°°Û º echo º Û°°°ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ°°°Û º echo º Û°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Û º echo º Û°°°°°ÜÛßßÛÜ°°°°°Û º echo º ÜÛÛÛÛ°°°°°Û °° Û°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÜ º echo º ÜÛ°°°°°°°°°ßÛÜÜÛß°°°°°°°°°ÛÜ º echo º ßÛ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Ûß º echo º ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß º echo º ²±² ²±² º echo º ²²² ²²² º echo º º if not "!Money_Parking:~4,1!" == "" (echo º Money stored: $!Money_Parking! º) ELSE (if not "!Money_Parking:~3,1!" == "" (echo º Money stored: $!Money_Parking! º) ELSE (if not "!Money_Parking:~2,1!" == "" (echo º Money stored: $!Money_Parking! º) ELSE (if not "!Money_Parking:~1,1!" == "" (echo º Money stored: $!Money_Parking! º) ELSE (echo º Money stored: $!Money_Parking! º)))) echo º º echo º If you come on this field, you receive all the º echo º stored money from payments by other fields. º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! if not "!Money_Parking!" == "0" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + !Money_Parking! echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $!Money_Parking! to $!Money_%Player%!. echo. ) set Money_Parking=0 pause exit /b :KentuckyAvenue :KentuckyAvenue 22 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined KentuckyAvenue_Houses set KentuckyAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Kentucky Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $220 RENT $18 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $90 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $250 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $700 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $875 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1050 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $150 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $110 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!KentuckyAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :KentuckyAvenue_Houses if defined KentuckyAvenue goto :KentuckyAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $220 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 220 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 220 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $220 to $!Money_%Player%!. set KentuckyAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :KentuckyAvenue :KentuckyAvenue_Houses :KentuckyAvenue_Houses if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !KentuckyAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $110. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a KentuckyAvenue_Houses=!KentuckyAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !KentuckyAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 110 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $110 to $!Money_%Player%!. set KentuckyAvenue= set KentuckyAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :KentuckyAvenue_Houses :KentuckyAvenue_PayRent :KentuckyAvenue_PayRent if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=18 if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=90 if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=250 if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=700 if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=875 if "!KentuckyAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1050 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :IndianaAvenue :IndianaAvenue 24 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined IndianaAvenue_Houses set IndianaAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Indiana Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $220 RENT $18 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $90 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $250 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $700 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $875 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1050 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $150 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $110 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!IndianaAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :IndianaAvenue_Houses if defined IndianaAvenue goto :IndianaAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $220 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 220 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 220 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $220 to $!Money_%Player%!. set IndianaAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :IndianaAvenue :IndianaAvenue_Houses :IndianaAvenue_Houses if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !IndianaAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $110. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a IndianaAvenue_Houses=!IndianaAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !IndianaAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 110 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $110 to $!Money_%Player%!. set IndianaAvenue= set IndianaAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :IndianaAvenue_Houses :IndianaAvenue_PayRent :IndianaAvenue_PayRent if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=18 if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=90 if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=250 if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=700 if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=875 if "!IndianaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1050 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :IllinoisAvenue :IllinoisAvenue 25 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined IllinoisAvenue_Houses set IllinoisAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Illinois Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $240 RENT $20 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $100 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $300 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $750 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $925 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1100 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $150 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $120 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!IllinoisAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :IllinoisAvenue_Houses if defined IllinoisAvenue goto :IllinoisAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $240 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 240 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 240 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $240 to $!Money_%Player%!. set IllinoisAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :IllinoisAvenue :IllinoisAvenue_Houses :IllinoisAvenue_Houses if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !IllinoisAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $120. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a IllinoisAvenue_Houses=!IllinoisAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !IllinoisAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 120 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $120 to $!Money_%Player%!. set IllinoisAvenue= set IllinoisAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :IllinoisAvenue_Houses :IllinoisAvenue_PayRent :IllinoisAvenue_PayRent if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=20 if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=100 if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=300 if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=750 if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=925 if "!IllinoisAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1100 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :B.O.Railroad :B.O.Railroad 26 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set RailroadAmount=0 set Sell_Street= cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º B. ^& O. Railroad º echo º º echo º PRICE $200 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo º º echo º If 1 owned $25 º echo º º echo º If 2 owned $50 º echo º º echo º If 3 owned $100 º echo º º echo º If 4 owned $200 º echo º º echo º º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º Mortgage value $100 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!B.O.Railroad!" == "%Player%" goto :B.O.Railroad_Houses if defined B.O.Railroad goto :B.O.Railroad_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this railroad for $200 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set B.O.Railroad=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :B.O.Railroad :B.O.Railroad_Houses :B.O.Railroad_Houses echo This railroad is yours. echo. echo Press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $100. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell this railroad? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set B.O.Railroad= ) ) goto :B.O.Railroad_Houses :B.O.Railroad_PayRent :B.O.Railroad_PayRent if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! FOR %%A IN (ReadingRailroad PennsylvaniaRailroad B.O.Railroad ShortLineRailroad) DO if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" set /a RailroadAmount=!RailroadAmount! + 1 if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo The other player owns !RailroadAmount! of 4 railroads. if "!RailroadAmount!" == "1" set PayRent=25 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "2" set PayRent=50 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "3" set PayRent=100 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "4" set PayRent=200 if "!RentalTwice!" == "1" set /a PayRent=%PayRent% * 2 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :AtlanticAvenue :AtlanticAvenue 27 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined AtlanticAvenue_Houses set AtlanticAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Atlantic Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $260 RENT $22 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $110 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $330 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $800 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $975 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1150 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $150 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $130 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!AtlanticAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :AtlanticAvenue_Houses if defined AtlanticAvenue goto :AtlanticAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $260 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 260 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 260 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $260 to $!Money_%Player%!. set AtlanticAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :AtlanticAvenue :AtlanticAvenue_Houses :AtlanticAvenue_Houses if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !AtlanticAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $130. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a AtlanticAvenue_Houses=!AtlanticAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !AtlanticAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 130 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $130 to $!Money_%Player%!. set AtlanticAvenue= set AtlanticAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :AtlanticAvenue_Houses :AtlanticAvenue_PayRent :AtlanticAvenue_PayRent if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=22 if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=110 if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=330 if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=800 if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=975 if "!AtlanticAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1150 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :VeninorAvenue :VeninorAvenue 28 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined VeninorAvenue_Houses set VeninorAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Veninor Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $260 RENT $22 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $110 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $330 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $800 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $975 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1150 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $150 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $130 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!VeninorAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :VeninorAvenue_Houses if defined VeninorAvenue goto :VeninorAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $260 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 260 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 260 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $260 to $!Money_%Player%!. set VeninorAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :VeninorAvenue :VeninorAvenue_Houses :VeninorAvenue_Houses if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !VeninorAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $130. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a VeninorAvenue_Houses=!VeninorAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !VeninorAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 130 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $130 to $!Money_%Player%!. set VeninorAvenue= set VeninorAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :VeninorAvenue_Houses :VeninorAvenue_PayRent :VeninorAvenue_PayRent if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=22 if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=110 if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=330 if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=800 if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=975 if "!VeninorAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1150 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :WaterWorks :WaterWorks 29 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set CompanyAmount=0 set Sell_Street= cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Water Works º echo º º echo º PRICE $150 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo º º echo ºIf 1 owned, rent equals º echo º º echo º 4 times dice roll º echo º º echo º º echo ºIf 2 owned, rent equals º echo º º echo º 10 times dice roll º echo º º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º Mortgage value $75 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!WaterWorks!" == "%Player%" goto :WaterWorks_Houses if defined WaterWorks goto :WaterWorks_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $150 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set WaterWorks=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :WaterWorks :WaterWorks_Houses :WaterWorks_Houses echo Press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $75. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell this street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 75 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $75 to $!Money_%Player%!. set WaterWorks= ) ) goto :ElectricCompany_Houses :WaterWorks_PayRent :WaterWorks_PayRent if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! if "!ElectricCompany!" == "%Player%" set /a CompanyAmount=!CompanyAmount! + 1 if "!WaterWorks!" == "%Player%" set /a CompanyAmount=!CompanyAmount! + 1 if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo The other player owns !CompanyAmount! of 2 companies. if "!CompanyAmount!" == "1" set /a PayRent=%Dice% * 4 if "!CompanyAmount!" == "2" set /a PayRent=%Dice% * 10 if "%1" == "CameByChance" set /a PayRent=!Dice! * 10 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :MarvinGardens :MarvinGardens 30 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined MarvinGardens_Houses set MarvinGardens_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Marvin Gardens º echo º º echo º PRICE $280 RENT $24 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $120 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $360 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $850 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $1025 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1200 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $150 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $140 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!MarvinGardens!" == "%Player%" goto :MarvinGardens_Houses if defined MarvinGardens goto :MarvinGardens_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $280 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 280 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 280 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $280 to $!Money_%Player%!. set MarvinGardens=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :MarvinGardens :MarvinGardens_Houses :MarvinGardens_Houses if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !MarvinGardens_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $140. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 150 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a MarvinGardens_Houses=!MarvinGardens_Houses! + 1 if not "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !MarvinGardens_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 140 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $140 to $!Money_%Player%!. set MarvinGardens= set MarvinGardens_Houses=0 ) ) goto :MarvinGardens_Houses :MarvinGardens_PayRent :MarvinGardens_PayRent if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=24 if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=120 if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=360 if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=850 if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=1025 if "!MarvinGardens_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1200 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :SendToJail :SendToJail 31 set Field!Player%Player%Position!_%Player%= call :SetFields set Field11_J_%Player%=!Char_%Player%! set Player%Player%Position=11 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º EDEE º echo º DELLffD Go to jail. º echo º DffLfLLD º echo º , fGDED º echo º , L G º echo º E ú^> . GL º echo º .L LGj D º echo º G i..E D G º echo º t, D D / f º echo º jDE D D D º echo º Ei D-E D tDt º echo º EfDD DGD j D º echo º DLLELEGjD GE .DDf º echo º ,GLLD.E D D if º echo º ,fELLLEKLELLE LLL º echo ºDfLKLLLLKLLLLDD Do not walk over Go, º echo ºDfLLELLDGLLLLfE do not collect $200. º echo ºDfffLLfLLLLfL, º echo ºDfffLfffLLffE º echo ºGGGGGGGDLiE º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. if "%1" == "Doublets" ( echo You got three doublets in a row. if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) ) set Player=!Player! pause exit /b :PacificAvenue :PacificAvenue 32 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined PacificAvenue_Houses set PacificAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Pacific Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $300 RENT $26 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $130 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $390 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $900 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $1100 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1275 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $200 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $150 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!PacificAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :PacificAvenue_Houses if defined PacificAvenue goto :PacificAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $300 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 300 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 300 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $300 to $!Money_%Player%!. set PacificAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :PacificAvenue :PacificAvenue_Houses :PacificAvenue_Houses if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !PacificAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $150. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a PacificAvenue_Houses=!PacificAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !PacificAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set PacificAvenue= set PacificAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :PacificAvenue_Houses :PacificAvenue_PayRent :PacificAvenue_PayRent if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=26 if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=130 if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=390 if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=900 if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=1100 if "!PacificAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1275 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :NorthCarolinaAvenue :NorthCarolinaAvenue 33 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses set NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º North Carolina Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $300 RENT $26 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $130 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $390 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $900 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $1100 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1275 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $200 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $150 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses if defined NorthCarolinaAvenue goto :NorthCarolinaAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $300 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 300 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 300 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $300 to $!Money_%Player%!. set NorthCarolinaAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :NorthCarolinaAvenue :NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses :NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $150. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses=!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 150 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $150 to $!Money_%Player%!. set NorthCarolinaAvenue= set NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses :NorthCarolinaAvenue_PayRent :NorthCarolinaAvenue_PayRent if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=26 if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=130 if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=390 if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=900 if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=1100 if "!NorthCarolinaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1275 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :PennsylvaniaAvenue :PennsylvaniaAvenue 35 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses set PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Pennsylvania Avenue º echo º º echo º PRICE $320 RENT $28 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $150 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $450 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $1000 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $1200 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1400 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $200 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $160 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue!" == "%Player%" goto :PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses if defined PennsylvaniaAvenue goto :PennsylvaniaAvenue_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $320 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 320 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 320 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $320 to $!Money_%Player%!. set PennsylvaniaAvenue=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :PennsylvaniaAvenue :PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses :PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $160. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses=!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses! + 1 if not "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 160 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $160 to $!Money_%Player%!. set PennsylvaniaAvenue= set PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses=0 ) ) goto :PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses :PennsylvaniaAvenue_PayRent :PennsylvaniaAvenue_PayRent if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=28 if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=150 if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=450 if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=1000 if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=1200 if "!PennsylvaniaAvenue_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1400 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :ShortLineRailroad :ShortLineRailroad 36 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set RailroadAmount=0 set Sell_Street= cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Short Line º echo º º echo º PRICE $200 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo º º echo º If 1 owned $25 º echo º º echo º If 2 owned $50 º echo º º echo º If 3 owned $100 º echo º º echo º If 4 owned $200 º echo º º echo º º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º Mortgage value $100 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!ShortLineRailroad!" == "%Player%" goto :ShortLineRailroad_Houses if defined ShortLineRailroad goto :ShortLineRailroad_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this railroad for $200 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ShortLineRailroad=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :ShortLineRailroad :ShortLineRailroad_Houses :ShortLineRailroad_Houses echo This railroad is yours. echo. echo Press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $100. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell this railroad? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 100 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $100 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ShortLineRailroad= ) ) goto :ShortLineRailroad_Houses :ShortLineRailroad_PayRent :ShortLineRailroad_PayRent if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! FOR %%A IN (ReadingRailroad PennsylvaniaRailroad B.O.Railroad ShortLineRailroad) DO if "!%%A!" == "%Player%" set /a RailroadAmount=!RailroadAmount! + 1 if "%Player%" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo The other player owns !RailroadAmount! of 4 railroads. if "!RailroadAmount!" == "1" set PayRent=25 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "2" set PayRent=50 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "3" set PayRent=100 if "!RailroadAmount!" == "4" set PayRent=200 if "!RentalTwice!" == "1" set /a PayRent=%PayRent% * 2 set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :ParkPlace :ParkPlace 38 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined ParkPlace_Houses set ParkPlace_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Park Place º echo º º echo º PRICE $350 RENT $35 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $175 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $500 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $1100 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $1300 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $1500 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $200 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $175 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!ParkPlace!" == "%Player%" goto :ParkPlace_Houses if defined ParkPlace goto :ParkPlace_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $350 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 350 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 350 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $350 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ParkPlace=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :ParkPlace :ParkPlace_Houses :ParkPlace_Houses if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !ParkPlace_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $175. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a ParkPlace_Houses=!ParkPlace_Houses! + 1 if not "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !ParkPlace_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 175 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $175 to $!Money_%Player%!. set ParkPlace= set ParkPlace_Houses=0 ) ) goto :ParkPlace_Houses :ParkPlace_PayRent :ParkPlace_PayRent if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=35 if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=175 if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=500 if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=1100 if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=1300 if "!ParkPlace_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=1500 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b :LuxuryTax :LuxuryTax 39 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º LUXURY º echo º º echo º TAX º echo º º echo º ___ º echo º ²²²/***\²²² º echo º ²°°°\***/°°°² º echo º ²°°°°°îîî°°°°°² º echo º ²°°°²²²²²²²²²°°°² º echo º ²°°°²²² ²²²°°°² º echo º ²°°²² ²²°°² º echo º ²°°² ²°°² º echo º ²°°² ²°°² º echo º ²°°°² ²°°°² º echo º ²°°°²²²²²²²²²°°°² º echo º ²°°°°°°°°°°°°°² º echo º ²°°°°°°°°°°°² º echo º ²²²²²²²²²²² º echo º º echo º You have to pay $75 º echo º for the Luxury Tax. º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 75 set /a Money_Parking=!Money_Parking! + 75 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $75 to $!Money_%Player%!. echo ^& $75 went into Free Parking. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) echo. pause exit /b :Boardwalk :Boardwalk 40 set Purchase= set Buy_House= set PayRent= set Sell_Street= if not defined Boardwalk_Houses set Boardwalk_Houses=0 cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º Boardwalk º echo º º echo º PRICE $400 RENT $50 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º With 1 House $200 º echo º º echo º With 2 Houses $600 º echo º º echo º With 3 Houses $1400 º echo º º echo º With 4 Houses $1700 º echo º º echo º With HOTEL $2000 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º One house costs $200 º echo º º echo º Mortgage value $200 º echo º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Current player: %Player% (!Char_%Player%!) echo Total money: !Money_%Player%! echo. if "!Boardwalk!" == "%Player%" goto :Boardwalk_Houses if defined Boardwalk goto :Boardwalk_PayRent echo Press [1] to buy this street for $400 or echo press [2] to leave it. set /p Purchase= if "%Purchase%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 400 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 400 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $400 to $!Money_%Player%!. set Boardwalk=%Player% ) pause exit /b ) if "%Purchase%" == "2" exit /b goto :Boardwalk :Boardwalk_Houses :Boardwalk_Houses if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "5" ( echo This street has got a hotel. pause exit /b ) ELSE ( echo This street has got !Boardwalk_Houses! houses, yet. echo. ) echo Press [1] to buy a new house or echo press [2] to leave it or echo press [3] to sell it for $200. set /p Buy_House= echo. if "%Buy_House%" == "1" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - 200 if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo You have not enough money. set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 ) ELSE ( echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set /a Boardwalk_Houses=!Boardwalk_Houses! + 1 if not "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "5" (echo This street has got !Boardwalk_Houses! houses now.) ELSE (echo This street has got a hotel now.) ) pause exit /b ) if "%Buy_House%" == "2" exit /b if "%Buy_House%" == "3" ( echo Are you sure you want to sell the street? [Y/N] set /p Sell_Street= if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "n" exit /b if /i "!Sell_Street!" == "y" ( set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + 200 echo ÄÄÄ^> Money increased from $!Puffer! by $200 to $!Money_%Player%!. set Boardwalk= set Boardwalk_Houses=0 ) ) goto :Boardwalk_Houses :Boardwalk_PayRent :Boardwalk_PayRent if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "0" set PayRent=50 if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "1" set PayRent=200 if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "2" set PayRent=600 if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "3" set PayRent=1400 if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "4" set PayRent=1700 if "!Boardwalk_Houses!" == "5" set PayRent=2000 echo This street is owned by the other player. You have to pay echo $%PayRent% to pass. set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! - %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> Money decreased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Money_%Player%:~0,1!" == "-" ( echo. pause cls echo Player %Player% [!Char_%Player%!] is bankrupt. echo. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) echo Player !Player! wins the game. echo. pause exit ) if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! set Puffer=!Money_%Player%! set /a Money_%Player%=!Money_%Player%! + %PayRent% echo ÄÄÄ^> The other player's money increased from $%Puffer% by $%PayRent% to $!Money_%Player%!. if "!Player!" == "1" (set Player=2) ELSE (set Player=1) set Player=!Player! echo. pause exit /b