=begin Duel Wield -> Free Hands by Fomar0153 Version 1.0 ---------------------- Notes ---------------------- No requirements Changes dual wielding to allow characters to equip shield or one handed weapons in the shield slot. Also allows for two handed weapons. ---------------------- Instructions ---------------------- Notetag two handed weapon with and have them disable the shield slot. I would reccomend changing the slot name to Main Hand and Off Hand or something similiar ---------------------- Known bugs ---------------------- None =end class Game_Actor def equip_slots return [0,1,2,3,4] end def change_equip(slot_id, item) return unless trade_item_with_party(item, equips[slot_id]) return if (item && equip_slots[slot_id] != item.etype_id) and not (dual_wield? and (equip_slots[slot_id] == 1 and item.etype_id == 0)) @equips[slot_id].object = item refresh end def release_unequippable_items(item_gain = true) @equips.each_with_index do |item, i| if !equippable?(item.object,equip_slots[i]) || (item.object.etype_id != equip_slots[i] and not (dual_wield? and (equip_slots[i] == 1 and item.object.etype_id == 0))) trade_item_with_party(nil, item.object) if item_gain item.object = nil end end end def equippable?(item, slot = nil) unless slot.nil? if slot == 1 and dual_wield? return (super(item) and not equip_type_sealed?(1)) if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) end end return super(item) end end class RPG::Weapon def two_handed? return self.note.include?("") end end class Window_EquipItem < Window_ItemList def include?(item) return true if item == nil return false unless item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem) return false if @slot_id < 0 return false if @actor.equip_slots[@slot_id] == 1 and (item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) and item.two_handed?) return false if (item.etype_id != @actor.equip_slots[@slot_id]) and not (@actor.dual_wield? and (@actor.equip_slots[@slot_id] == 1 and item.etype_id == 0)) return @actor.equippable?(item,@actor.equip_slots[@slot_id]) end end