keyspace: extreme keyspace_definition: | CREATE KEYSPACE extreme WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; table: extreme table_definition: | CREATE TABLE extreme ( partition_key int, clustering_col0 int, clustering_col1 int, clustering_col2 int, val int, PRIMARY KEY ((partition_key), clustering_col0, clustering_col1, clustering_col2) ) WITH compaction = { 'class': 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' } columnspec: - name: partition_key population: fixed(1) - name: clustering_col0 cluster: fixed(10K) - name: clustering_col1 cluster: fixed(100) - name: clustering_col2 cluster: fixed(1) insert: partitions: fixed(1) select: fixed(1)/1M batchtype: UNLOGGED queries: #chunk: # cql: select data from chunks where name = ? and id = ? # fields: samerow slice: cql: select val from extreme where partition_key = ? and clustering_col0 = ? and clustering_col1 = ? fields: samerow