Built with no patches. Just v0.5.3 basecode. root@ip-W-X-Y-Z:/mnt/btc-dev/sandbox-v053-base/bitcoin-bitcoin-a8def6b/src# ./bitcoind getinfo { "version" : 50300, "balance" : 0.00000000, "blocks" : 168000, "connections" : 8, "proxy" : "", "generate" : false, "genproclimit" : -1, "difficulty" : 1376302.26788638, "hashespersec" : 0, "testnet" : false, "keypoololdest" : 1423165772, "keypoolsize" : 101, "paytxfee" : 0.00000000, "errors" : "WARNING: Displayed transactions may not be correct! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade." } 1629925 02/05/15 21:31:04 received: block (7111 bytes) 1629926 received block 000000000000099e61ea 1629927 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000099e61ea height=168000 work=243835201642261706754 1629928 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED 1629929 02/05/15 21:31:10 received: block (21230 bytes) 1629930 received block 0000000000000a40136b 1629931 ERROR: ConnectInputs() : 2c2314f353 VerifySignature failed 1629932 InvalidChainFound: invalid block=0000000000000a40136b height=168001 work=243841112905690411140 1629933 InvalidChainFound: current best=000000000000099e61ea height=168000 work=243835201642261706754 1629934 ERROR: SetBestChain() : ConnectBlock failed 1629935 ERROR: AcceptBlock() : AddToBlockIndex failed 1629936 ERROR: ProcessBlock() : AcceptBlock FAILED