- INSTRUCTIONS TO UPLOAD To upload your video on this channel, you must do the following. 1.No Copyrighted Music, we do not wish to have any copyright strikes. 2.Commentary must be used in your video, please do not use any music. 3.Do not use any of your own intros, Please use our watermark in your video http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/6564/chatotwatermarkseethrou.png 4.Upload a you video through a file hosting site to such as http://mediafire.com/ http://rapidshare.com/ http://www.megaupload.com/ http://www.4shared.com/ Message PkmnWifiTV with the following. Title,Desciption,Tags, and Download link to your video. We will review the video and see if it is eligible for uploading. Good luck and Have fun! PkmnWifiTV is a channel dedicated for all things pokemon wifi related. Have you ever wanted to show off your battling skills? or had an awesome battle, but don't have much views? No problem! Submit your video to us and to our Wifi community today! So what you waiting for? join us today PkmnWifiTv where wifi battles await!