(function($){ "use strict"; /****************************************************** * * Check parent * ******************************************************/ jQuery.expr[':'].notparents = function(a,i,m){ return jQuery(a).parents(m[3]).length < 1; }; /*! Copyright 2012, Ben Lin (http://dreamerslab.com/) * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * Version: 1.0.14 * * Requires: jQuery 1.2.3 ~ 1.9.0 */ ;(function(e){e.fn.extend({actual:function(t,n){if(!this[t]){throw'$.actual => The jQuery method "'+t+'" you called does not exist'}var r={absolute:false,clone:false,includeMargin:false};var i=e.extend(r,n);var s=this.eq(0);var o,u;if(i.clone===true){o=function(){var e="position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; ";s=s.clone().attr("style",e).appendTo("body")};u=function(){s.remove()}}else{var a=[];var f="";var l;o=function(){if(e.fn.jquery>="1.8.0")l=s.parents().addBack().filter(":hidden");else l=s.parents().andSelf().filter(":hidden");f+="visibility: hidden !important; display: block !important; ";if(i.absolute===true)f+="position: absolute !important; ";l.each(function(){var t=e(this);a.push(t.attr("style"));t.attr("style",f)})};u=function(){l.each(function(t){var n=e(this);var r=a[t];if(r===undefined){n.removeAttr("style")}else{n.attr("style",r)}})}}o();var c=/(outer)/g.test(t)?s[t](i.includeMargin):s[t]();u();return c}})})(jQuery); /* * Function for finding elements in viewport * */ (function ($) { var $window = $(window), _watch = [], _buffer; function test($el, tolerance) { var docViewTop = $window.scrollTop() - tolerance, docViewBottom = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height() + tolerance, elemTop = $el.offset().top, elemBottom = elemTop + $el.outerHeight(); return ( ( elemBottom >= docViewTop && elemTop <= docViewBottom ) || ( elemBottom <= docViewBottom && elemTop >= docViewTop ) || ( elemBottom >= docViewTop && elemTop <= docViewTop ) ); } function scroller( e ) { if ( !_buffer ) { _buffer = setTimeout(function () { checkInView( e ); _buffer = null; }, 300); } } if (window.addEventListener) { //window.addEventListener('load', scroller, false); window.addEventListener('scroll', scroller, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { //window.attachEvent('onload', scroller); window.attachEvent('onscroll', scroller); } $window.on('resize', scroller); $(function() { setTimeout(scroller, 0); }); function checkInView( e ) { $.each(_watch, function () { if ( test( this.element, this.options.tolerance ) ) { if ( !this.invp ) { this.invp = true; if ( this.options.scrolledin ) this.options.scrolledin.call( this.element, e ); this.element.trigger( 'scrolledin', e ); } } else if ( this.invp ) { this.invp = false; if ( this.options.scrolledout ) this.options.scrolledout.call( this.element, e ); this.element.trigger( 'scrolledout', e ); } }); } function monitor( element, options ) { var item = { element: element, options: options, invp: false }; _watch.push(item); return item; } function unmonitor( item ) { for ( var i=0;i<_watch.length;i++ ) { if ( _watch[i] === item ) { _watch.splice( i, 1 ); item.element = null; break; } } } var pluginName = 'pixGridderScrolledIntoView', settings = { tolerance: null, scrolledin: null, scrolledout: null }; $.fn[pluginName] = function( options ) { var options = $.extend({}, settings, options); this.each( function () { var $el = $(this), instance = $.data( this, pluginName ); if ( instance ) { instance.options = options; } else { $.data( this, pluginName, monitor( $el, options ) ); $el.on( 'remove', $.proxy( function () { $.removeData(this, pluginName); unmonitor( instance ); }, this ) ); } }); return this; }; })(jQuery); var PIXGRIDDER = window.PIXGRIDDER || {}; PIXGRIDDER.rotatingFrames = function(){ var $window = $(window); $('.row[style*="rotate"]').addClass('pixgridder_rotate').each(function(){ if ( !$('.pix_section_video', this).length ) { if ( !$('.rotating-frame', this).length ) { var $frame = $(this); $frame.append('
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winH : pH; //h = h+(h*ratio); ratioSection = w/h; if( ratioImg > ratioSection ) { r = h / imgH; d = d1 = d2 = (w - (imgW*r))*0.5; $img.css({ 'height' : h, 'left': 0, 'margin-left': d1+'px', 'margin-right': d2+'px', 'margin-top': 0, 'max-width': 'none', 'position': position, 'top': 0, 'width': imgW*r, 'z-Index': '-1' }); } else { r = w / imgW; d = (h - (imgH*r))*0.5; $img.css({ 'height': imgH*r, 'left': 0, 'margin-left': 0, 'margin-right': 0, 'margin-top': d+'px', 'max-width': 'none', 'position': position, 'top': 0, 'width': w, 'z-Index': '-1' }); } }); }); }; PIXGRIDDER.pixgridderFirstInARow = function() { var pixgridder_css_selector = typeof pixgridder_css_selector !== 'undefined' ? pixgridder_css_selector : '.row .column', $window = $(window); var pixgridderFirstInARowCheck = function(){ var elW = 0, $el = $(pixgridder_css_selector).filter(':notparents(.pix-letmebe)'); $el.each(function(){ var $t = $(this), pos, newPos, w = $window.width(), tW = $t.outerWidth(); $t.removeClass('first-child'); pos = $t.position(); newPos = parseFloat(pos.left)+10; if ( $t.is(':first-child') ) { $t.attr('data-child','first'); elW = 0; } else if ( newPos < elW ) { $t.addClass('first-child'); elW = 0; } elW = elW + tW; }); }; pixgridderFirstInARowCheck(); $window.on('resize',function(){ pixgridderFirstInARowCheck(); }); }; PIXGRIDDER.initPixElem = function() { var top = 0, delay = 0, start = 100, setDelay, pixgridder_css_selector = typeof pixgridder_css_selector !== 'undefined' ? pixgridder_css_selector : '.row .column', elems = jQuery('.pix-fadeIn, .pix-fadeDown, .pix-fadeUp, .pix-fadeLeft, .pix-fadeRight, .pix-zoomIn, .pix-zoomOut, .pix-rotateIn, .pix-rotateOut, .pix-flipClock, .pix-swing, .pix-turnBackward, .pix-turnForward').add(pixgridder_css_selector); $(elems).not(".pix-lazy-load").not(".pix-letmebe").filter(':notparents(.pix-letmebe)').pixGridderScrolledIntoView().on('scrolledin', function () { var $elem = $(this), opt = $elem.data('delay'); $elem.addClass('pix-lazy-load'); var newOff = $elem.offset(), newTop = newOff.top; if ( !$elem.hasClass('none') && !$elem.hasClass('bx-clone') ) { if ( typeof opt != 'undefined' && opt !== '' /*&& isNaN(parseFloat(opt))*/ ) { delay = parseFloat(opt); } else { if ( newTop != top ) { top = newTop; setDelay = 0; } else { setDelay = (setDelay+200); } delay = start+setDelay; $elem.attr('data-delay',delay); } } if(!Modernizr.csstransforms3d) { $elem.filter('.pix-flipClock').removeClass('pix-flipClock').addClass('pix-fadeDown'); $elem.filter('.pix-swing').removeClass('pix-swing').addClass('pix-fadeDown'); $elem.filter('.pix-turnBackward').removeClass('pix-turnBackward').addClass('pix-fadeRight'); $elem.filter('.pix-turnForward').removeClass('pix-turnForward').addClass('pix-fadeLeft'); } if ( !$elem.is('.none, .available, .pix-fadeIn, .pix-fadeDown, .pix-fadeUp, .pix-fadeLeft, .pix-fadeRight, .pix-zoomIn, .pix-zoomOut, .pix-rotateIn, .pix-rotateOut, .pix-flipClock, .pix-swing, .pix-turnBackward, .pix-turnForward') && typeof pixgridder_fx !== 'undefined' ) { $elem.addClass(pixgridder_fx); } var elemClass = function(){ $elem.addClass('pix-transended') .removeClass('pix-loaded') .removeClass('pix-fadeIn') .removeClass('pix-fadeDown') .removeClass('pix-fadeUp') .removeClass('pix-fadeLeft') .removeClass('pix-fadeRight') .removeClass('pix-zoomIn') .removeClass('pix-zoomOut') .removeClass('pix-rotateIn') .removeClass('pix-rotateOut') .removeClass('pix-flipClock') .removeClass('pix-swing') .removeClass('pix-turnBackward') .removeClass('pix-turnForward'); } var addLoaded = function(){ if(!Modernizr.cssanimations){ $elem.not('.pix-loaded').addClass('pix-loaded-inanim'); $('body').removeClass('pix-scroll-load'); } else { $elem.addClass('pix-loaded'); $elem.not('.pix-loaded').not('.available').not('.none').addClass('pix-loaded'); } $elem.off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd mozTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd'); $elem.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd mozTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd', function(){ setTimeout(elemClass, 1000); }); }; if ( !$elem.hasClass('none') && !$elem.hasClass('bx-clone') ) { setTimeout( addLoaded, delay); } else { elemClass(); } }); }; PIXGRIDDER.init = function(){ PIXGRIDDER.rotatingFrames(); PIXGRIDDER.pixgridderParallax(); PIXGRIDDER.pixgridderFirstInARow(); PIXGRIDDER.initPixElem(); }; $(function(){ PIXGRIDDER.init(); //$(window).trigger('resize'); }); $(window).on('pixgridder', function(){ PIXGRIDDER.init(); $(window).trigger('resize'); }); })(jQuery);