vdr: [2136] Streamdev: Accepted new client (VTP) vdr: [2136] client (VTP) has closed connection vdr: [2136] streamdev-server: closing VTP connection to vdr: [2136] Streamdev: Accepted new client (VTP) tvheadend[641]: IPTV: Starting RTSP Streaming with rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=211&flavour=ld tvheadend[641]: subscription: "HTTP" subscribing on "AB 1", weight: 100, adapter: "rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=211&flavour=ld", network: "", mux: "::", provider: "", service: "", qual vdr: [2136] Streamdev: Setting data connection to vdr: [2302] streamdev-writer thread started (pid=2116, tid=2302, prio=high) vdr: [2302] ERROR (thread.c,227): Permission denied vdr: [2304] receiver on device 9 thread started (pid=2116, tid=2304, prio=high) vdr: [2305] IPTV streamer thread started (pid=2116, tid=2305, prio=high) vdr: [2303] streamdev-livestreaming thread started (pid=2116, tid=2303, prio=high) vdr: [2303] ERROR (thread.c,227): Permission denied vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (10) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 1 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (11) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 0 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (12) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (13) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (14) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (15) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (16) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 1 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (17) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 0 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (18) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2303] streamdev-livestreaming thread ended (pid=2116, tid=2303) vdr: [2305] IPTV streamer thread ended (pid=2116, tid=2305) vdr: [2302] streamdev-writer thread ended (pid=2116, tid=2302) vdr: [2304] receiver on device 9 thread ended (pid=2116, tid=2304) vdr: [2136] client (VTP) has closed connection vdr: [2136] streamdev-server: closing VTP connection to vdr: [2136] buffer stats: 36848 (0%) used tvheadend[641]: pass: Live stream: Write failed -- Broken pipe tvheadend[641]: webui: Stop streaming /stream/channelid/12, muxer reported errors tvheadend[641]: subscription: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "AB 1" vdr: [2136] Streamdev: Accepted new client (VTP) vdr: [2136] client (VTP) has closed connection vdr: [2136] streamdev-server: closing VTP connection to kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 0 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (19) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (20) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (21) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list vdr: [2137] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel ARTE, id: 479432349 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Trigger EPG update for channel D17, id: 2109844438 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (22) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 1 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (23) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list kernel: tbsqboxs2: tbsqboxs2_set_voltage 0 vdr: [2137] VNSI: Recordings state changed (24) vdr: [2137] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list