**@matteo:** **Every build** of FFmpeg has its quirks, but I'm surprised such a simple command string doesn't deliver the expected results for you. Even if you have a strong reason to hold on to your current version, you can keep any number of builds at hand. I currently have two in my `%PATH%` directory, named `ffmpeg` and `ffmpeg2`. (Possibly useless if not using a static build.) **If you would like** to test your build against my input files and batch commands, I have [uploaded everything to a GoogleDrive][1] where they are freely available. **I have also** uploaded my [FFmpeg console output][2] and some file size/media length information to Pastebin in case it might help with debugging. **Pastebin links** to: - [FFmpeg console output][3] - [MediaInfo for final Flash video file][4] - [MediaInfo for audio input file][5] - [MediaInfo for still image input file][6] **GoogleDrive links** to: - Input audio file [narrate.wav][7] - Input image file [still.png][8] - Batch file [batch.bat][9] - Final output video file [final.flv][10] You are also welcome to upload anything to the [folder named Stack Exchange][11], I'll be happy to test your input files against my build. Obviously I've got very little to do over the weekend. [1]: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0BxafXIRt8NlPRk94QWd5aDBQdm8/edit "link to complete folder" [2]: http://pastebin.com/c5uu0upQ "FFmpeg console output" [3]: http://pastebin.com/c5uu0upQ "FFmpeg console output" [4]: http://pastebin.com/CxW9s1sz "Flash output MediaInfo" [5]: http://pastebin.com/Z01yEphW "Audio input MediaInfo" [6]: http://pastebin.com/UPYnZLi8 "Still image input MediaInfo" [7]: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxafXIRt8NlPSzEwWGxMRmY3RGs "Input audio file" [8]: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxafXIRt8NlPbHZYM0tLWWtzeWc "Input image file" [9]: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxafXIRt8NlPUmxvUmtjYW90LWM "Batch file" [10]: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxafXIRt8NlPREZaZ0dkR3VGVFk "Final Flash video file" [11]: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0BxafXIRt8NlPRk94QWd5aDBQdm8/edit "Open folder"