function log_in_user($username, $password) { // Get the user based on the username from the POST $user = parse_user($username); // Remove html tags from the title and content fields $username_stripped = strip_tags($username); $password_stripped = strip_tags($password); // Validate the Form Data if(isEmptyString($username_stripped)) return new WP_Error('forgot_username', 'You forgot to enter your Username'); if(isEmptyString($password_stripped)) return new WP_Error('incorrect_password', "You forgot to enter your Password."); if(!wp_check_password( $password_stripped, $user->user_pass ) ) return new WP_Error('incorrect_password', "You seem to have entered a wrong password."); wp_set_auth_cookie($user->ID, $remember); wp_login($username_stripped, $password_stripped); wp_redirect(apply_filters('login_redirect', get_bloginfo('url') . '/my-account/','', $user)); exit; }