try: from functools import lru_cache except ImportError: from functools32 import lru_cache import json import httplib2 from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials _FIREBASE_SCOPES = [ '', ''] # Memoize the authorized http, to avoid fetching new access tokens @lru_cache() def _get_http(): """Provides an authed http object.""" http = httplib2.Http() # Use application default credentials to make the Firebase calls # creds = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default().create_scoped( _FIREBASE_SCOPES) creds.authorize(http) return http def firebase_put(path, value=None): """Writes data to Firebase. An HTTP PUT writes an entire object at the given database path. Updates to fields cannot be performed without overwriting the entire object Args: path - the url to the Firebase object to write. value - a json string. """ response, content = _get_http().request(path, method='PUT', body=value) return json.loads(content) { "error" : "Permission denied." } Header { Key: "user-agent" Value: "Python-httplib2/0.9.2 (gzip)" } Header { Key: "accept-encoding" Value: "gzip, deflate" } Header { Key: "authorization" Value: "Bearer REDACTED_FOR_PRIVACY" } Payload: "{"sender": "12314", "timestamp": 1478368765.042335, "message": "asdf"}" FollowRedirects: false Deadline: 5 MustValidateServerCertificate: true