Geez seems like a lot of people at leveling these days. Evening raids with you kai would good fun, it is a shame you are going. Tanks are a bit low in the guild, i even off spec tank for people on my shadow On the weekend i normally looked forward to raiding but with the New system of singing up to raid a raid that i don't know which one we are doing. My main is geard only cause i have raided with PCG because i am certain its hard mode Your main is a toon that you will spend most of your time on and. Leveling alts can be a bit tiresome, but i have learnt just to do story and pvp to get lvl Even tho they have reduced the amount xp you receive now. Virtually i spend most of my time just doing skills and thats it cause Guild is not active Enough though out the day and then i go play League of legends :P Last note :P i know its a bit confusing but i am sorry you are leaving Kai and do hope you came back :)