//////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arena Control // Arena map: onevsone // Script by: Ngek202/Narugakuruga // Script for AKARO // Date Sept 23 2009 // Operation: Manual /////////////////////////////////////////////// - script arena -1,{ // Settings // GM LVL Allowed set .gmlvl,90; OnInit: disablenpc "Arena Registrar#1"; setcell "onevsone",87,142,108,145,cell_walkable,0; setcell "onevsone",139,142,160,145,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#1"; enablenpc "WALL#2"; enablenpc "WALL#3"; enablenpc "WALL#4"; enablenpc "WALL#5"; enablenpc "WALL#6"; enablenpc "WALL#7"; enablenpc "WALL#8"; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() <= .gmlvl) goto N_Authority; mes "[Arena Control]"; mes "Hi GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" what do you want to do?."; switch(select("Check Team [A] Area:Check Team [B] Area:Activate Registration NPC:Wall Block Control:Distribute Supplies:Buffer Control")) { case 1: warp "onevsone",75,143; close; end; case 2: warp "onevsone",174,144; close; end; case 3: next; mes "Activate Registration Manager?."; menu "Enable",-,"Disable",A_Disable; enablenpc "Arena Registrar#1"; announce "Server: Arena Registrar has been Activated Participants can now Submit their Permits.",0; dispbottom "Arena Registrar Activated."; close; case 4: mes "Wall Blockade Control."; menu "Enable",-,"Disable",W_Disable; setcell "onevsone",87,142,108,145,cell_walkable,0; setcell "onevsone",139,142,160,145,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#1"; enablenpc "WALL#2"; enablenpc "WALL#3"; enablenpc "WALL#4"; enablenpc "WALL#5"; enablenpc "WALL#6"; enablenpc "WALL#7"; enablenpc "WALL#8"; mapannounce "onevsone","Walls are now Enabled.",0; goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; case 5: mes "Distribute Supply?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",N_Dist; atcommand "@itemmap onevsone 607 1"; // this is a custom atcommand you need something like this or getitemmap2 // replace 607 for your Supply Item. mapannounce "onevsone","Supplies had been Distributed.",0; goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; case 6: mes "Buffer Control"; menu "Enable",-,"Disable",B_Disable; enablenpc "Arena Buffer#1"; enablenpc "Arena Buffer#2"; mapannounce "onevsone","Buffers Activated! you can now Buffs.",0; goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; end; W_Disable: setcell "onevsone",87,142,108,145,cell_walkable,1; setcell "onevsone",139,142,160,145,cell_walkable,1; disablenpc "WALL#1"; disablenpc "WALL#2"; disablenpc "WALL#3"; disablenpc "WALL#4"; disablenpc "WALL#5"; disablenpc "WALL#6"; disablenpc "WALL#7"; disablenpc "WALL#8"; mapannounce "onevsone","Walls are now Disabled.",0; goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; N_Authority: mes "[Arena Control]"; mes "Sorry GM "+strcharinfo(0)+". you are not Authorized to use Arena Control."; dispbottom "Not enough GM Level to use this Control."; close; A_Disable: dispbottom "Arena Registration is Disabled."; disablenpc "Arena Registrar#1"; next; goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; N_Dist: goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; B_Disable: mapannounce "onevsone","Buffers are now Disabled.",0; disablenpc "Arena Buffer#1"; disablenpc "Arena Buffer#2"; goto OnWhisperGlobal; close; } } // Arena Registrar // Suggestion: you must modify this to check the party size I don't know how to do that atm. :( // and add a way also to select Teams if they will be Team A or B. // not so knowledgeable about those script commands :( prontera,185,178,5 script Arena Registrar#1 415,{ // Checks if you are in a Party. if( !getcharid(1) ) { mes "You are not in a party!"; close; } // Checks if you are the Party Leader. if( GetPartyLeader(getcharid(1),2) == getcharid(0) ) goto P_Count; mes "I'm sorry but you are not the Party Leader!."; close; // Permit for Joining the Arena P_Count: if(countitem(7160) < 1) goto P_None; // Change 7160 to Permit mes "[Arena Registrar]"; mes "Checked!"; next; mes "I shall warp you now to the Arena"; next; warp "onevsone",126,151; sc_end SC_ALL; close; P_None: mes "[Arena Registrar]"; mes "You don't have a Permit"; close; } onevsone,73,150,5 script Arena Buffer#1 864,{ sc_start SC_BLESSING,0,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,0,10; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,0,10; skilleffect 34,0; skilleffect 29,0; close; } onevsone,176,149,3 duplicate(Arena Buffer#1) Arena Buffer#2 864 onevsone,159,145,0 script WALL#1 1905,{ } onevsone,159,144,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#2 1905 onevsone,159,143,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#3 1905 onevsone,159,142,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#4 1905 onevsone,88,145,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#5 1905 onevsone,88,144,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#6 1905 onevsone,88,143,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#7 1905 onevsone,88,142,0 duplicate(WALL#1) WALL#8 1905