byte NUL = 0x00; byte START_HEADER = 0x01; byte START_TEXT = 0x02; byte END_TRANSMISSION = 0x04; byte ESC = 0x1B; byte FILL = 0x30; byte ROTATE = 0x61; byte SLOW = 0x15; byte FAST = 0x19; byte TIME = 0x13; byte CALL_STRING = 0x10; byte CALL_SIZE = 0x1A; byte SIZE_LARGE = 0x33; byte SIZE_SMALL = 0x31; #include #include char response[32]; long pollingInterval = 3000; // in milliseconds boolean failed = false; byte mac[] = { 0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDE, 0x02 }; IPAddress server(XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX); //your server's IP here EthernetClient client; void setup () { delay(5000); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Allocating Memory..."); allocateMemory(); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Setting Text..."); writeText(); Serial.println(); if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) { Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP"); // no point in carrying on, so do nothing forevermore: while(true); delay(1000); } } void loop() { if (client.connect(server, 80)) { Serial.println("connected"); // Make a HTTP request: client.println("GET /~path/to/reddit.php"); client.println(); delay(1000); } else { // if you didn't get a connection to the server: Serial.println("connection failed"); failed = true; } if (!failed) { delay(1000); if (client.available()) { int i = 0; memset( &response, 0, 32 ); do { response[i] =; i++; delay(1); } while (client.available()); Serial.print("response length: "); Serial.println(i); response[i] = '\0'; } Serial.print("Response from server: "); Serial.println(response); client.stop(); writeRedditString(response); } failed = false; delay(pollingInterval); if (client.connect(server, 80)) { Serial.println("connected"); // Make a HTTP request: client.println("GET /~path/to/reddit_change.php"); client.println(); delay(1000); } else { // if you didn't get a connection to the server: Serial.println("connection failed"); failed = true; } if (!failed) { delay(1000); if (client.available()) { int i = 0; memset( &response, 0, 32 ); do { response[i] =; i++; delay(1); } while (client.available()); Serial.print("response length: "); Serial.println(i); response[i] = '\0'; } Serial.print("Response from server: "); Serial.println(response); client.stop(); writeRedditChangeString(response); } failed = false; delay(pollingInterval); } void allocateMemory () { // See page 41 of manual. Serial.write(NUL); // Start frame sync chars Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); // end frame sync chars Serial.write(START_HEADER); // start of header Serial.write("Z00"); // all sign types, all addresses Serial.write(START_TEXT); //start of text Serial.write("E"); // write special functions command Serial.write("$AAU0400FF001BL002000002BL00200000"); // allocate memory for text file "A" and two strings, "1" and "2" Serial.write(END_TRANSMISSION); // End of transmission } void writeText() { Serial.write(NUL); // Start frame sync chars Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); // end frame sync chars Serial.write(START_HEADER); // start of header Serial.write("Z00"); // all sign types, all addresses Serial.write(START_TEXT); //start of text Serial.write("AA"); // write command, text file A Serial.write(ESC); Serial.write(FILL); Serial.write(ROTATE); Serial.write(CALL_SIZE); Serial.write(SIZE_LARGE); Serial.write(" Reddit: "); Serial.write(CALL_STRING); Serial.write("1"); // String File Serial.write(CALL_SIZE); Serial.write(SIZE_SMALL); Serial.write(" ("); Serial.write(CALL_STRING); Serial.write("2"); // String Files Serial.write(")"); Serial.write(END_TRANSMISSION); // End of transmission } void writeRedditString (String str1) { Serial.write(NUL); // Start frame sync chars Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); // end frame sync chars Serial.write(START_HEADER); // start of header Serial.write("Z00"); // all sign types, all addresses Serial.write(START_TEXT); //start of text Serial.write("G1"); // write string, string file 1 Serial.print(str1); // data Serial.write(END_TRANSMISSION); // End of transmission } void writeRedditChangeString (String str1) { Serial.write(NUL); // Start frame sync chars Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); Serial.write(NUL); // end frame sync chars Serial.write(START_HEADER); // start of header Serial.write("Z00"); // all sign types, all addresses Serial.write(START_TEXT); //start of text Serial.write("G2"); // write string, string file 2 Serial.print(str1); // data Serial.write(END_TRANSMISSION); // End of transmission }