/usr/share/live/build/lists# cat * [21:25:57 on 10-11-23] # /usr/share/live/build/lists/debian-forensics - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Debian Forensics #include # http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=forensics-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org ## Packages available as of lenny #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 i386 ext3grep galleta gpart #endif grokevt memdump missidentify myrescue pasco reglookup scrounge-ntfs sleuthkit ssdeep tableau-parm tct unhide wipe ## Packages available as of squeeze #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid aesfix aeskeyfind afflib-tools chaosreader ed2k-hash guymager ewf-tools libguytools1 libphash0 md5deep nasty pipebench recoverdm rifiuti rifiuti2 safecopy shed #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/debian-junior - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Debian Junior #include # http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=debian-jr@lists.debian.org junior-sound junior-typing junior-internet junior-toys junior-games-net junior-games-sim junior-games-gl junior-puzzle junior-arcade junior-math junior-writing junior-games-card junior-programming junior-system junior-art junior-doc junior-games-text # /usr/share/live/build/lists/debian-live - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Debian Live #include # http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=debian-live@lists.debian.org # debian-live live-build live-manual aufs-tools dosfstools genisoimage parted squashfs-tools syslinux syslinux-common memtest86+ # some other stuff #if DISTRIBUTION lenny qemu #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid bridge-utils lxc kvm #endif git-core gnupg less rsync screen sudo vim # build debootstrap cdebootstrap #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid multistrap #endif build-essential debhelper devscripts fakechroot fakeroot lintian wdiff # bootchart acct bootchart # /usr/share/live/build/lists/debian-live-pxe-server - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Debian Live #include bind9 #if DISTRIBUTION lenny dhcp3-server #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid isc-dhcp-server #endif nfs-kernel-server syslinux-common tftpd-hpa #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid debian-installer-netboot-amd64 debian-installer-netboot-i386 #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/debian-science - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Debian Science #include # http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org science-astronomy science-biology science-chemistry science-electronics science-engineering science-geography science-linguistics science-mathematics science-mathematics-dev science-physics science-robotics science-statistics science-typesetting science-viewing # /usr/share/live/build/lists/gnome - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: GNOME Desktop #include #if DISTRIBUTION lenny gdm-themes #endif gnome-desktop-environment gnome-screensaver gnome-themes-extras #if MODE debian system-config-printer #endif #if MODE ubuntu system-config-printer-gnome #endif rhythmbox synaptic # /usr/share/live/build/lists/gnome-core - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: GNOME Core #include gnome-core #if DISTRIBUTION lenny gdm #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid gdm3 #endif desktop-base gnome-themes # /usr/share/live/build/lists/gnome-full - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: GNOME full #include gnome #if DISTRIBUTION lenny gdm #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid gdm3 #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/gnome-junior - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Debian Junior (Gnome) #include #include junior-gnome # /usr/share/live/build/lists/gnustep - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: GNUstep desktop #include wdm gnustep gnumail.app talksoup.app viewpdf.app wmaker gnustep-icons gnustep-examples gnumail-doc aclock.app biococoa.app timemon.app cenon.app wmnd bubblefishymon wmmixer wmpinboard gworkspace.app clipbook.app poe.app plopfolio.app mpdcon.app lusernet.app helpviewer.app gnuwash.app easydiff.app displaycalibrator.app cynthiune.app agenda.app stepulator.app edenmath.app price.app volumecontrol.app latex.service wildmenus.bundle innerspace.app gnustep-core gnustep-core-devel gnustep-base-examples gnustep-core-doc gnustep-tutorial-html gnustep-tutorial-pdf gnustep-games gridlock.app gnustep-devel librenaissance0-dev steptalk libpantomime1-dev popplerkit.framework gnustep-netclasses # /usr/share/live/build/lists/kde - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: KDE #include #if DISTRIBUTION lenny kde #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid kde-standard #endif kdm desktop-base # /usr/share/live/build/lists/kde-core - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: KDE Core #include #if DISTRIBUTION lenny kde-core #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid kde-plasma-desktop #endif kdm desktop-base # /usr/share/live/build/lists/kde-extra - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: KDE Extra #include kde-extras # /usr/share/live/build/lists/kde-full - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: KDE Full #include #if DISTRIBUTION lenny koffice #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid kde-full #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/kde-junior - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: KDE Junior #include #include junior-kde # /usr/share/live/build/lists/lxde - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: LXDE #include lxde gdm #if DISTRIBUTION lenny lxnm #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid network-manager-gnome #endif desktop-base # /usr/share/live/build/lists/minimal - package list for live-build(7) # Warning: if you only use this list directly, not inherited through e.g. # standard, then live-build also triggers the minimal hook and some other # things to make the image smaller. This can lead to breakages at any time, # don't use it if you're not willing/capable of fixing any arising issues. ## LH: Minimal eject file user-setup sudo #if MODE ubuntu gnupg #endif #if DISTRIBUTION wheezy live-config #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/rescue - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Rescue #include # Debian Forensics #include # Other forensic packages #if DISTRIBUTION lenny squeeze wheezy sid scalpel #endif # Bootloaders #if DISTRIBUTION lenny squeeze wheezy sid syslinux-common #endif #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 i386 grub lilo mbr syslinux #endif #if ARCHITECTURE hppa palo #endif # System gnupg dash discover gawk htop less lsof ltrace psmisc screen strace units #if ARCHITECTURE i386 pstack #endif tcsh vlock mailutils moreutils # Editors aview mc nano-tiny mg vim wdiff hexedit nvi tweak # Harddisk dvd+rw-tools genisoimage sdparm hdparm blktool parted partimage secure-delete scsitools smartmontools testdisk wodim wipe hddtemp bonnie++ par2 dvd+rw-tools #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid fsarchiver #endif # for /usr/bin/summer: chiark-utils-bin # System #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 i386 dmidecode mcelog cpuburn #endif lshw pciutils procinfo usbutils sysstat stress #if ARCHITECTURE i386 powerpc read-edid #endif # Browser lynx links2 w3m # Compression arj bzip2 lzma p7zip-full unace unrar-free unzip zip lzop ncompress unace pax #if ARCHIVE_AREAS non-free rar unrar sl-modem-daemon atmel-firmware linux-wlan-ng-firmware firmware-ralink bluez-firmware libertas-firmware firmware-iwlwifi zd1211-firmware firmware-qlogic firmware-bnx2 #endif # These two are from contrib but the idea is the same: non-free firmware. #if ARCHIVE_AREAS contrib b43-fwcutter #endif # Backup dar gddrescue dump ddrescue mt-st afio dar duplicity tob # File comparison rdiff rdiff-backup rsnapshot colordiff # General chrootuid cpio cryptcat directvnc etherwake ftp ifenslave-2.6 ifrename ethtool ipcalc mii-diag minicom gkermit netcat netcat6 netmask #if DISTRIBUTION lenny openntpd #endif openssl openvpn vpnc strongswan sipcalc socat ssh telnet-ssl whois irssi debootstrap cdebootstrap rinse pv manpages acl symlinks # for hexdump if nothing else: bsdmainutils # Firewalling denyhosts fail2ban iptables knockd portsentry vlan #if DISTRIBUTION lenny zorp #endif # Essential networking netbase rdate ntpdate #if DISTRIBUTION lenny msntp #endif dhcp3-client ppp pppconfig pppoe pppoeconf atm-tools #ipppd # Bridging bridge-utils ebtables parprouted # Special hardware br2684ctl # Routing cutter iproute iproute-doc iputils-tracepath #if DISTRIBUTION lenny mrt #endif mtr-tiny tcptraceroute traceroute spinner # Monitoring arpalert arpwatch atsar bmon ethstatus ettercap geoip-bin hp-search-mac icmpinfo ifstat iftop ipgrab iptstate iptraf lft nast nbtscan netdiscover nload nsca nstreams ntop saidar samhain scanssh sntop ssldump tcpdump tcpreen tcpreplay tshark # Testing crashme dbench doscan dsniff honeyd hping3 icmpush macchanger medusa #if DISTRIBUTION lenny ndiff #endif netdiag netpipe-tcp nmap ndisc6 ngrep p0f packit #if DISTRIBUTION lenny paketto sing #endif python-scapy xprobe # Log Analysers fwanalog fwlogwatch lwatch multitail # Net Analysers httping arping dnstracer netselect dnsutils adns-tools fping # FS tools reiserfsprogs squashfs-tools sshfs sysfsutils udftools xfsdump xfsprogs #if DISTRIBUTION sid btrfs-tools #endif cryptsetup dmraid e2fsprogs fuse-utils hfsplus hfsutils jfsutils lde lsscsi lvm2 mdadm mtools nilfs2-tools ntfs-3g ntfsprogs reiser4progs dmsetup # Forensics foremost magicrescue sleuthkit # Tools for managing M$ and its ilk dosfstools mscompress chntpw pptpd pptp-linux # unsorted #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 i386 cpuid x86info #endif hwinfo tofrodos rpncalc hal dc bc rlwrap chkrootkit rkhunter clamav clamav-data smbclient nfs-common wireless-tools aide tripwire sleuthkit autopsy pwgen rsync ncftp rpm curl wget lftp net-tools expect gpm # Network servers: thttpd dhcp3-server hostap-utils hostapd # Flab #if DISTRIBUTION lenny emacs22-nox #endif #if DISTRIBUTON squeeze wheezy sid emacs23-nox #endif build-essential gdb gfortran gnat #if ARCHITECTURE i386 bin86 #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/standard - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Standard #include console-setup console-common kbd locales # /usr/share/live/build/lists/standard-x11 - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Standard X11 #include xorg xresprobe menu alsa-base alsa-utils #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid keyboard-configuration #endif # /usr/share/live/build/lists/studio - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Music Studio base # packagelist inspired from the A/DeMuDi one. # # You don't want to use that list as a standalone list. Instead use # studio-* desktop variants. alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui #if DISTRIBUTION sid ardour-gtk #endif ams amsynth artsbuilder arts audacity aumix-gtk beast aterm bristol cdparanoia ceres3 cheesetracker cmt cplay creox freewheeling ladspa-sdk lakai mcp-plugins mhwaveedit mikmod moosic mp3burn mp3info mpg321 muse musiclibrarian noteedit nyquist openjade openssh pd-externals pd-zexy pmidi puredata pytone qjackctl qsynth realtime-lsm recode rev-plugins rezound ripperx rosegarden seq24 sfftw2 sfront solfege somaplayer songwrite soundtracker sox specimen spiralsynthmodular supercollider supercollider-doc swami sweep swh-plugins tap-plugins terminatorx timidity timemachine timidity-el timidity-interfaces-extra unison vkeybd vorbis-tools wavbreaker wavesurfer xmms xmms-bumpscope xmms-cdread xmms-crossfade xmms-flac xmms-fmradio xmms-goodnight xmms-iris xmms-jack xmms-jess xmms-ladspa xmms-lirc xmms-mad xmms-modplug xmms-msa xmms-osd-plugin xmms-qbble xmms-shell xmms-status-plugin xmms-synaesthesia xmms-volnorm zynaddsubfx # /usr/share/live/build/lists/studio-gnome - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Music Studio (Gnome) #include #include # /usr/share/live/build/lists/studio-kde - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Music Studio (KDE) #include #include # /usr/share/live/build/lists/studio-xfce - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Music Studio (Xfce) #include #include # /usr/share/live/build/lists/xfce - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Xfce #include xfce4 #if DISTRIBUTION lenny gdm #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy sid gdm3 #endif desktop-base # /usr/share/live/build/lists/xfce-junior - package list for live-build(7) ## LH: Xfce Debian Junior #include #include junior-kde junior-gnome