USE master GO -- Drop the snapshot if it exists if db_id('Accounting_snapshot') is not null begin alter database Accounting set single_user with rollback immediate; drop database Accounting_snapshot; end go -- if db_id('Accounting') is not null begin alter database Accounting set single_user with rollback immediate; drop database Accounting; end go create database Accounting; go alter authorization on database::Accounting to sa; use Accounting; go create queue q; create service s on queue q ([DEFAULT]); go -- 1 - Create a snapshot CREATE DATABASE [Accounting_Snapshot] ON ( NAME = Accounting, FILENAME = 'c:\projects\') AS SNAPSHOT OF Accounting go -- ALTER DATABASE [Accounting] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE go -- 2 - Restore with ENABLE_BROKER from the snapshot while in single user mode USE MASTER; RESTORE DATABASE Accounting FROM DATABASE_SNAPSHOT = 'Accounting_Snapshot' WITH ENABLE_BROKER; USE Accounting; go -- declare @h uniqueidentifier; begin dialog conversation @h from service [s] to service N's' with encryption = off; send on conversation @h ('Hello, World'); go -- Give the queue a bit of time to process WAITFOR DELAY '0:00:02'; GO -- Take a look after sending a message SELECT * FROM sys.transmission_queue; -- 1 row, transmission_status = "...single user ..." GO -- Retry same multiuser with ENABLE_BROKER USE master GO ALTER DATABASE Accounting SET MULTI_USER, ENABLE_BROKER WITH NO_WAIT GO use Accounting; go -- wait for the message delivery WAITFOR (receive cast(message_body as varchar(8000)), * from q), timeout 60; GO -- Look at xmit queue USE Accounting; SELECT * FROM sys.transmission_queue; -- 1 row, no error status. GO -- Look again at xmit queue, in 10 seconds waitfor delay '00:00:10'; USE Accounting; SELECT * FROM sys.transmission_queue; -- row is gone GO