#cureformiley >>Our Goal: Convince the masses that Miley Cyrus contracted AIDS. >>Why, and how we think it will be believable. 1. Miley's relationship with Liam Hemsworth ended for reasons not speculated. We can make a story that he left her after he told him of her condition. 2. It can be used to explain her irrational sexuality on stage and in her music videos, she doesnt have much time to live, she wants to get the most out of life, and feels she is doing so through her dancing. 3. Miley changed from a loveable character and singer, to a seducive sex loving drug user, We can say this was caused by a depression that followed her finding out of this condition. >>How we do it. We start making pictures that say "Cure For Miley" and make it seem as tho alot of people are pooling in money to help her get treated. We tweet about the hastag #CureForMiley We create a facebook page named /CureforMiley Use whatever resources you have available. Let's get this going. Links: irc --> mibbit.com Channel: #cureformiley Youtube Comment, like comments, and dislike/mark for spam all that call it hoax http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My2FRPA3Gf8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrUvu1mlWco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVbQxC2c3-8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjSG6z_13-Q Like on FB https://www.facebook.com/cureformiley?fref=ts Comment on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/mileycyrus https://soundcloud.com/mileycyrus/wrecking-ball-miley-cyrus https://soundcloud.com/mileycyrus/we-cant-stop Her Fanforum http://mileyhq.net/wp-en/ get them fake tweets going http://lemmetweetthatforyou.com/ http://socialmediaexplode.com/