PCH - Stats

Load & Uptime

Load Averages:\t".$avgs[1] .", ". $avgs[2] .", ". $avgs[3] ."\n";
echo "Uptime:\t\t".trim($uptime)."\n";

Disk usage

Total space:\t" . bytes2SI($total) . "\t100  %\n";
echo "Used space:\t" . bytes2SI($used) . "\t".$usedperc . " %\n";
echo "Free space:\t" . bytes2SI($free) . "\t".$freeperc . " %\n";


Programs status

".$procesname." is installed ";

	if (count($output) > 2) {	echo "and running.\n";}
	else {						echo "but NOT running.\n";}
}else {
	echo "\t".$procesname." is NOT installed\n";

} // End of function checkactive

// ATTENTION: When adding other apps..
// use the foldername like in /share/Apps/
// the php function is_dir() for foldername IS CaSE SEnsItiVE
// the grep command uses the -i option to make it case-insentive

echo "CouchPotato:";
checkactive (couchpotato);

echo "lighttpd:";
checkactive (lighttpd);

echo "NZBget:\t";
checkactive (NZBget);

echo "Sick Beard:";
checkactive (sickbeard);

echo "Telnetd:";
checkactive (Telnetd);

echo "Transmission:";
checkactive (Transmission);

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