# Configuration file #################### # client #=================== # These options are client only. # Check here for key codes for the config: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Key_codes #################### client { # Allow the mod to override player hand rendering? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:handRenderOverride=1 # Allow an ingame keybind editor hook for Morph? # Disable this only if you have issues in the keybind menu. # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:ingameKeybindEditorHook=1 # Key Code to favourite/unfavourite morph on the selector and show the radial menu. # Default: 41 (` [also known as ~]) I:keyFavourite=-98 # Key Code to close the selector. # Default: 1 (Esc) I:keySelectorCancel=1 # Key Code to go down on the selector # Default: 27 (]) I:keySelectorDown=208 # Key required to hold to use down key on the selector # 0 = None # 1 = Shift # 2 = Ctrl # 3 = Alt # Default: 0 I:keySelectorDownHold=0 # Key Code to go left on the selector # Default: 26 ([) I:keySelectorLeft=203 # Key required to hold to use left key on the selector # 0 = None # 1 = Shift # 2 = Ctrl # 3 = Alt # Default: 1 I:keySelectorLeftHold=1 # Key Code to remove morph on the selector. # Delete also works by default # Default: 14 (Backspace) I:keySelectorRemoveMorph=14 # Key Code to go right on the selector # Default: 27 (]) I:keySelectorRight=205 # Key required to hold to use right key on the selector # 0 = None # 1 = Shift # 2 = Ctrl # 3 = Alt # Default: 1 I:keySelectorRightHold=1 # Key Code to select morph on the selector. # Default: 28 (Enter/Return) I:keySelectorSelect=28 # Key Code to go up on the selector # Default: 26 ([) I:keySelectorUp=200 # Key required to hold to use up key on the selector # 0 = None # 1 = Shift # 2 = Ctrl # 3 = Alt # Default: 0 I:keySelectorUpHold=0 # As per request, render the crosshair position when in the radial menu. # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:renderCrosshairInRadialMenu=1 # Show the abilities the morph has in the GUI? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:showAbilitiesInGui=1 # Sort the morphs in the GUI? # 0 = Order of acquisition (Server default) # 1 = Alphabetically (according to Operating System) # 2 = Alphabetically, and attempt to sort grouped morphs as well # 3 = Most recently used since connecting to the server I:sortMorphs=2 } #################### # gameplay #=================== # These options affect the gameplay while using the mod. #################### gameplay { # Enable abilities? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:abilities=1 # Requested by SoundLogic # Can you open the morph GUI? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:allowMorphSelection=1 # Prevent players from acquiring these mobs as a morph. # Leave blank to allow acquisition of all compatible mobs. # Formatting is as follows: , , # Example: am2.entities.EntityBattleChicken, biomesoplenty.entities.EntityJungleSpider, thaumcraft.common.entities.monster.EntityWisp S:blacklistedMobs= # Can you acquire boss morphs? # This is disabled by default due to morphing issues with mobs like the EnderDragon, Twilight Forest's Hydra and Naga, etc. # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:bossMorphs=0 # Can you sleep while morphed? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:canSleepMorphed=0 # Can you acquire child mob morphs? # Disabled by default due to improper morph transitions # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:childMorphs=0 # Disable the flight ability until a player... # 0 = Enable early game flight # 1 = ...has reached the nether # 2 = ...has killed the Wither I:disableEarlyGameFlight=0 # Force the mod to use the local copy of the ModMobAbilitySupport? # This is meant for debugging purposes and for modified local mod mob abilities mappings. # Do take note that mappings server and clientside are not synched so both ends will require the same mappings. # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:forceLocalModAbilityPatch=0 # Hostile Ability Distance Check for Hostile Ability Mode 4 # You have to be *this* close before hostile mobs know you are not one of them. # Default: 6 I:hostileAbilityDistanceCheck=6 # Hostile Ability Modes # 0 = Off, hostile mobs attack you despite being morphed. # 1 = Hostile mobs do not attack you if you are a hostile mob. # 2 = Hostile mobs of different types do not attack you if you are a hostile mob but hostile mobs of the same kind do. # 3 = Hostile mobs of the same type do not attack you but hostile mobs of other types attack you. # 4 = Hostile mobs have a decreased detection range around you. # If you'd like to turn on Hostile Ability, I'd recommend Mode 2 (personal preference) I:hostileAbilityMode=0 # Will you insta-morph into a new morph acquired? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:instaMorph=1 # Will you lose all your morphs on death? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:loseMorphsOnDeath=0 # Enable mod mob ability patching? # This support is mostly provided by the community and is not officially supported by the mod # If a mod mob you like doesn't have an ability, you can contribute to the mappings on the Morph Github page. # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:modAbilityPatch=1 # Enable mod mob NBT Stripping? # This support is mostly provided by the community and is not officially supported by the mod # The stripper was added to remove non-essential information from the Entity NBT to remove duplicate morphs. # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:modNBTStripper=1 # Can you acquire player morphs? # 0 = No # 1 = Yes I:playerMorphs=1 # Only allow these players to use the Morph skill. # Leave blank to allow all players to use the skill. # Formatting is as follows: , , # Example: Cojomax99, pahimar, ohaiiChun S:whitelistedPlayers= }