# About snow # "snow" is a meta language that compiles down to php. It has its own syntax inspired by python, ruby and scala that strives to be DRY, clean and easy to read as well as write. snow is called "snow" because it should look "pure as snow", because is has significant WHITEspace and because the winter of 2010 in Copenhagen was extremely cold and snowy. Its main features are: * The generated PHP code is fast and does not look generated. All features of snow are build so they will look nice as regular PHP and so you at some point can throw away the snow code if its "just not fun anymore". * Can compile to PHP using different profiles. During developement one can enable extra safetynets and when everything works a lean fast code can be compiled. Some safetynets include: * Check input and return type for functions and methods. * Valididate argument value for function and methods. * Custom checks can be created using annotations. * Has significant whitespace. * Loops can return a value, with the new "yield" type collector called "putin" that can collect into all types - not just an array. * Has its own scope system that i.e. is being used to join both "->" and "::" into ".". The global scope does only work inside one file and that is considered a feature. * Is parsed using PHP which makes it easy to modify and extend. * Has infix operators. * Has operator overloading. * Has method chaining. * Has a _lot_ fewer characters than PHP. * Uses Markdown for comments and can generate doc pages in HTML. * Has support for inline HTML using HAML-style indention based autoclosing tags. * Is very well tested with PHPT, including a round trip compiler with the existing PHP suite in its enterity. This file is valid snow code. # Conventions # * snow files must be named "[FILENAME].snow". * All lines must begin with a number of spaces dividable by 4. Other indentation styles are not and will not be supported. snow has the following recommended naming conventions: * CONSTS_ARE_UPPERCASE_SEPERATED_BY_UNDERSCORE (required) * ClassesAreUpperCamelCase * vars_are_lowercase_separated_by_underscores * functions_are_lowercase_separated_by_underscores * methods_are_lowercase_separated_by_underscores * Static_Methods_Are_Mixed_Case_Seperated_By_Underscores # Various minor changes from php # * "->" is now ".". * "::" is now ".". * "." is now "^". * "^" is now "><". * "%" is now "mod". * The "new" keyword can be omitted. * "function" is now "fn". * "foreach" is replaced with a python style "for" loop. * The old "for" loop is removed. * ";", "{", "}" is removed and white space is used as a determining factor. * "array" keyword is replaced with "[]" short form. * "=>" in array is replaced with ":". * "{}" can be used as a short form of object creation. * ":" can be used instead of increased indentation for ie. 1 line functions. * "//" and "/* ... */" comments no longer work. * "->" is now keyword for method chaining. * "" is now "<% %>". "" can be used to inject PHP code (Not recommended). "<%" is implied in the beginning of a snow file. "<%=" can be used. * "pow()" is now "**". # The basics # # Globals are all uppercase with underscores and can hold complex values. I_AM_GLOBAL = [4,3,2] # $foo and ';' is no more. New string concatenator. foo = 'This is nuschool' ^ '!' # Method chaining with "->". The () can be omitted. b = 'string'->ucfirst # b will contain "String". # "%" is used in strings to denote a variable. # Matches multiple levels without the need of the "{}" notation. # Functions can be called and their return concatenates to the string. a_string = "%foo.bar.stuff | %foo['bar']['stuff'] | %foo('bar', 'stuff')" # "%" is also used as a "variable variable" bar = 'foo' %bar() # Will call the function "foo". # File level function prefix annotation. # All functions will be prefixed "bowling_". Inside the file functions can be # called without the prefix. @fnprefix bowling # Operators can be used as functions a = ^ ( 'string' myfunc(43) 'string' ) # Array and objects # Both have new short form definitions. The old 'array' definition can no longer be used. The seperator ',' can be omitted. my_array = [1 2 3] my_array = [1,2,3] my_array = [ 'x': 32 'y': z: 54 m: 'foo' ] # You can still use "foo = stdClass" (notice that "new" is omitted). my_object = { 'x': 32 'y': z: 54 m: 'foo' } # The "->" and "::" is replaced by ".". echo my_object.y.z # This will be called as a static method, because there is no a variable called # SomeClass in scope. SomeClass.Static_Method() # Functions # The argument list of functions is moved above the function definition. This makes it possible to add documentation to each argument without repeating yourself. This helps to avoid docblock rot as well. Each argument must have a type and can have optional value checks. Inner functions are supported in the same way as in python. All types are shortened to three letters(int, str, arr, obj, flo, boo) and this is also the case for typecasting. When calling functions: * The "," seperator can be omitted: myfunc(45 65 somefunc()) * A trailing "," is allowed: myfunc(45,65,somefunc(),) * "()" can be replaced by indentation: myfunc 34 42 false @ int x # This is commentary about x. % > 0 && % < 99 && !%->empty # Input validation. "%" replaces variable name. fn square return x ** 2 # Or the function can be a oneliner using the ":" as a seperator. fn square: return x ** 2 # Function with inner function that uses the short form of a function definition. # Short form is only recommended for very simple inner functions. @ int x # Comment about x. fn withinner int y fn inner int x (% > 0) return 2 / x return y->inner # Loops # "for" keyword is now closer to the good old "foreach". Understands the "[0-9a-zA-Z] to [0-9a-zA-Z]" infix operator. Implemented the same way as python 3s "range". A new keyword "putin" is introduced that decides what value or variable the loop will collect into when returning a value from the loop. ## Examples ## a = get_some_random_array() for x in a for x:y in a for [x,y:z,v] in a for x in 1 to 98 step 2 # "*=", "/=", "+=", "-=" can be used to collected into the value set by "putin" return for k:v in a putin 1 *= k + v a = 32 c = for k:v in array putin a: *= k + v # Classes # * @classvar annotation that creates code like "$this->foo = $foo" in the constructor. ## Example class with example documentation. ## * Markdown is used by default for documentation. * Bluh. * Images can be used: [image.png]. @classvar int x # "x" is stored as a public class var. % > 0 && !%->empty @classvar private static int y # "y" is stored in a private static class var. % > 0 && !%->empty @ int z=0 # Because it does not have public / private keyword, "z" is just passed to the constructor. % > 0 && !%->empty class MyClass # Defaults to public. int zulu = 0 # Constructor # Nothing much to tell. fn __construct zulu = z * 2 # "this" is implied. echo 9->other_method # "this" is implied. # Talk about this method. fn some_method return x + y # "this" is implied. # Methods / functions can have inline args as well. fn other_method(int x): return x - 2 # Example of static method. @ obj obj (!%->empty) static fn Some_Static_Method: return obj.foo.bar foo = MyClass(1,2) # "new" keyword can be ommitted. # Operator overloading # @ int t @ int n class Broek fn *(Broek b): return new Broek(t*b.t, n*b.n) # Method overloading. fn *(int i): return new Broek(t*i, n) fn /(Broek b): return new Broek(t*b.n, n*b.t) fn +(Broek b): c = n * b.n return new Broek(c * t + c * b.t, c) fn -(Broek b): c = n * b.n return new Broek(c * t - c * b.t, c) b = Broek(4,5) c = Broek(2,3) d = b * c + c / Broek(1,2) # The line above will compile to this: times($d)->plus($c->divide(Broek:factory(1,2))) ?> # Infix operator # @ int x @ int y @ int z infix x times y plus z: return x * y + z a = 4 times 9 plus 98 # Text formats # ## HAML style inline html ## $s =
