Mischas-MacBook-Air:deploy demolischa$ cap deploy:setup triggering load callbacks * executing `staging' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:setup' * executing `multistage:ensure' * executing `deploy:setup' * executing "mkdir -p public_html/staging.exposecreative.org public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared && chmod g+w public_html/staging.exposecreative.org public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 968ms Mischas-MacBook-Air:deploy demolischa$ cap deploy triggering load callbacks * executing `staging' triggering start callbacks for `deploy' * executing `multistage:ensure' * executing `deploy' triggering before callbacks for `deploy' * executing `git:submodule_tags' * executing "if [ -d public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy/ ]; then cd public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy/ && git submodule foreach --recursive git fetch origin --tags; fi" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 1198ms * executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start * executing `deploy:update_code' updating the cached checkout on all servers executing locally: "git ls-remote git@bitbucket.org:demolischa/exposecreative.org.git HEAD" * executing "if [ -d public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy ]; then cd public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy && git fetch -q origin && git fetch --tags -q origin && git reset -q --hard fcc01498fc94ff44333a4d4e6e64db805fe1ef32 && git submodule -q init && for mod in `git submodule status | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do git config -f .git/config submodule.${mod}.url `git config -f .gitmodules --get submodule.${mod}.url` && echo Synced $mod; done && git submodule -q sync && export GIT_RECURSIVE=$([ ! \"`git --version`\" \\< \"git version 1.6.5\" ] && echo --recursive) && git submodule -q update --init $GIT_RECURSIVE && git clean -q -d -x -f; else git clone -q git@bitbucket.org:demolischa/exposecreative.org.git public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy && cd public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy && git checkout -q -b deploy fcc01498fc94ff44333a4d4e6e64db805fe1ef32 && git submodule -q init && git submodule -q sync && export GIT_RECURSIVE=$([ ! \"`git --version`\" \\< \"git version 1.6.5\" ] && echo --recursive) && git submodule -q update --init $GIT_RECURSIVE; fi" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 15746ms copying the cached version to public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111 * executing "rsync -lrpt --exclude=\".git\" --exclude=\".gitmodules\" --exclude=\".DS_Store\" --exclude=\".gitignore\" public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/cached-copy/ public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111 && (echo fcc01498fc94ff44333a4d4e6e64db805fe1ef32 > public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/REVISION)" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 825ms * executing `deploy:finalize_update' * executing "chmod -R g+w public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 521ms triggering after callbacks for `deploy:update_code' * executing `shared:make_shared_dir' * executing "if [ ! -d public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/files ]; then mkdir public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/files; fi" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 511ms * executing `shared:make_symlinks' * executing "if [ ! -h public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/shared ]; then ln -s public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/shared/files/ public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/shared; fi" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 528ms * executing "for p in `find -L public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111 -type l`; do t=`readlink $p | grep -o 'shared/.*$'`; sudo mkdir -p public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/$t; sudo chown www-data:www-data public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/$t; done" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command ** [out :: exposecreative.com] [sudo] password for exposecr: ** [out :: exposecreative.com] ** [out :: exposecreative.com] [sudo] password for exposecr: ** [out :: exposecreative.com] ** [out :: exposecreative.com] [sudo] password for exposecr: ** [out :: exposecreative.com] ** [out :: exposecreative.com] [sudo] password for exposecr: ** [out :: exposecreative.com] command finished in 1200612ms *** [deploy:update_code] rolling back * executing "rm -rf public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111; true" servers: ["exposecreative.com"] [exposecreative.com] executing command command finished in 1013ms failed: "sh -c 'for p in `find -L public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111 -type l`; do t=`readlink $p | grep -o '\\''shared/.*$'\\''`; sudo mkdir -p public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/$t; sudo chown www-data:www-data public_html/staging.exposecreative.org/releases/20120913092111/$t; done'" on exposecreative.com Mischas-MacBook-Air:deploy demolischa$