' . stripslashes($arr[0]) . '

'; // filter blocked content message $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_restricted_msg', $str ); } } $arr = array( __( 'Existing Users Login', 'wp-members' ), __( 'Username', 'wp-members' ), 'text', 'log', __( 'Password', 'wp-members' ), 'password', 'pwd', 'login', __( 'Login', 'wp-members' ), 'username', 'password' ); $str = $str . wpmem_login_form( $page, $arr ); return $str; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_changepassword' ) ): /** * Change Password Dialog * * Loads the form for changing password. * * @since 2.0 * * @uses wpmem_login_form() * * @return string $str the generated html for the change password form */ function wpmem_inc_changepassword() { $arr = array(__('Change Password', 'wp-members'), __('New Password', 'wp-members'), 'password', 'pass1', __('Repeat Password', 'wp-members'), 'password', 'pass2', 'pwdchange', __('Update Password', 'wp-members'), 'password', 'password'); $str = wpmem_login_form( 'page', $arr ); return $str; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_resetpassword' ) ): /** * Reset Password Dialog * * Loads the form for resetting password. * * @since 2.1 * * @uses wpmem_login_form() * * @return string $str the generated html fo the reset password form */ function wpmem_inc_resetpassword() { $arr = array(__('Reset Forgotten Password', 'wp-members'), __('Username', 'wp-members'), 'text', 'user', __('Email', 'wp-members'), 'text', 'email', 'pwdreset', __('Reset Password', 'wp-members'), 'username', 'textbox'); $str = wpmem_login_form( 'page', $arr ); return $str; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_loginfailed' ) ): /** * Login Failed Dialog * * Returns the login failed error message. * * @since 1.8 * * @uses apply_filters Calls wpmem_login_failed which filters the failed login dialog * * @return string $str the generated html for the login failed message */ function wpmem_inc_loginfailed() { $str = '

' . __('Login Failed!', 'wp-members') . '

' . __('You entered an invalid username or password.', 'wp-members') . '

' . __('Click here to continue.', 'wp-members') . '

'; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_login_failed', $str ); return $str; } endif; if( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_memberlinks' ) ): /** * Member Links Dialog * * Outputs the links used on the members area. * * @since 2.0 * * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_member_links' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_register_links' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_login_links' * * @param string $page * @return string $str */ function wpmem_inc_memberlinks( $page = 'members' ) { global $user_login; $link = wpmem_chk_qstr(); switch( $page ) { case 'members': $str = ''; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_member_links', $str ); break; case 'register': $str = '

' . sprintf( __( 'You are logged in as %s', 'wp-members' ), $user_login ) . '

'; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_register_links', $str ); break; case 'login': $str = '

' . sprintf( __( 'You are logged in as %s', 'wp-members' ), $user_login ) . '
' . __( 'click here to logout', 'wp-members' ) . '

'; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_login_links', $str ); break; case 'status': $str ='

' . sprintf( __( 'You are logged in as %s', 'wp-members' ), $user_login ) . ' | ' . __( 'click here to logout', 'wp-members' ) . '

'; break; } return $str; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_regmessage' ) ): /** * Message Dialog * * Returns various dialogs and error messages. * * @since 1.8 * * @uses apply_filters Calls the wpmem_msg_dialog filter to filter the message dialog * * @param string $toggle error message toggle to look for specific error messages * @param string $msg a message that has no toggle that is passed directly to the function * @return string $str */ function wpmem_inc_regmessage( $toggle, $msg='' ) { $wpmem_dialogs = get_option('wpmembers_dialogs'); $arr = array( 'user', 'email', 'success', 'editsuccess', 'pwdchangerr', 'pwdchangesuccess', 'pwdreseterr', 'pwdresetsuccess' ); $str = '


'; for( $r = 0; $r < count( $arr ); $r++ ) { if( $toggle == $arr[$r] ) { $str = $str . stripslashes( $wpmem_dialogs[$r+1] ) . '


'; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_msg_dialog', $str ); return $str; } } $str = $str . stripslashes( $msg ) . '


'; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_msg_dialog', $str ); return $str; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_registration' ) ): /** * Registration Form Include * * Calls the appropriate set of forms and passes back string containing the form * * @since 2.5.1 * * @uses wpmem_inc_registration_NEW() * @uses wpmem_inc_registration_OLD() * * @param var $toggle * @param string $heading * @return string */ function wpmem_inc_registration( $toggle = 'new', $heading = '' ) { if ( WPMEM_OLD_FORMS != 1 ) { $str = wpmem_inc_registration_NEW( $toggle, $heading ); } else { include_once( 'wp-members-deprecated.php' ); $str = wpmem_inc_registration_OLD( $toggle, $heading ); } return $str; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_login_form' ) ): /** * Login Form Include * * Calls the appropriate set of forms. * * @since 2.5.1 * * @uses wpmem_login_form_NEW() * @uses wpmem_login_form_OLD() * * @param string $page * @param array $arr array of the login form pieces * @var string the html of the form * @return string the html of the form in $str */ function wpmem_login_form( $page, $arr ) { if ( WPMEM_OLD_FORMS != 1 ) { $str = wpmem_login_form_NEW( $page, $arr ); } else { include_once( 'wp-members-deprecated.php' ); $str = wpmem_login_form_OLD( $page, $arr ); } return $str; } endif; if( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_registration_NEW' ) ): /** * Registration Form Dialog * * Outputs the table-less form for new user * registration and existing user edits. * * @since 2.5.1 * * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_register_form_before' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_register_form' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_register_heading' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_tos_link_txt' * * @param string $toggle * @param string $heading * @return string $form */ function wpmem_inc_registration_NEW( $toggle = 'new', $heading = '' ) { // fix the wptexturize remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' ); remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' ); add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpmem_texturize', 99 ); global $userdata, $wpmem_regchk, $username, $wpmem_fieldval_arr; if( !$heading ) { $heading = apply_filters( 'wpmem_register_heading', __( 'New Users Registration', 'wp-members' ) ); } $form = apply_filters( 'wpmem_register_form_before', '' ); $form.= '[wpmem_txt]
' . $heading . ''; if( $toggle == 'edit' ) { $form = $form . '

' . $userdata->user_login . '

'; } else { $form = $form . '
'; } $wpmem_fields = get_option( 'wpmembers_fields' ); for( $row = 0; $row < count($wpmem_fields); $row++ ) { $do_row = true; if( $toggle == 'edit' && $wpmem_fields[$row][2] == 'password' ) { $do_row = false; } if( $wpmem_fields[$row][2] == 'tos' && $toggle == 'edit' && ( get_user_meta($userdata->ID, 'tos', true ) ) ) { // makes tos field hidden on user edit page, unless they haven't got a value for tos $do_row = false; $form = $form . wpmem_create_formfield( $wpmem_fields[$row][2], 'hidden', get_user_meta($userdata->ID, 'tos', true ) ); } if( $wpmem_fields[$row][4] == 'y' && $do_row == true ) { if( $wpmem_fields[$row][2] != 'tos' ) { if( $wpmem_fields[$row][3] == 'password' ) { $class = 'text'; } else { $class = $wpmem_fields[$row][3]; } $form = $form . '
'; } $form = $form . '
'; if( ( $toggle == 'edit' ) && ( $wpmem_regchk != 'updaterr' ) ) { if( WPMEM_DEBUG == true ) { $form = $form . $wpmem_fields[$row][2] . " "; } switch( $wpmem_fields[$row][2] ) { case( 'description' ): $val = get_user_meta( $userdata->ID, 'description', 'true' ); break; case( 'user_email' ): $val = $userdata->user_email; break; case( 'user_url' ): $val = $userdata->user_url; break; default: $val = get_user_meta( $userdata->ID, $wpmem_fields[$row][2], 'true' ); break; } } else { $val = $wpmem_fieldval_arr[$row]; } if( $wpmem_fields[$row][2] == 'tos' ) { if( ( $toggle == 'edit' ) && ( $wpmem_regchk != 'updaterr' ) ) { $chk_tos; // HUH? } else { $val = $wpmem_fieldval_arr[$row]; } // should be checked by default? and only if form hasn't been submitted if( ! $_POST && $wpmem_fields[$row][8] == 'y' ) { $val = $wpmem_fields[$row][7]; } $form = $form . wpmem_create_formfield( $wpmem_fields[$row][2], $wpmem_fields[$row][3], $wpmem_fields[$row][7], $val ); if( $wpmem_fields[$row][5] == 'y' ) { $form = $form . '*'; } // determine if TOS is a WP page or not... $tos_content = stripslashes( get_option( 'wpmembers_tos' ) ); if( strstr( $tos_content, '[wp-members page="tos"' ) ) { $tos_content = " " . $tos_content; $ini = strpos( $tos_content, 'url="' ); $ini += strlen( 'url="' ); $len = strpos( $tos_content, '"]', $ini ) - $ini; $link = substr( $tos_content, $ini, $len ); $tos_pop = ''; } else { $tos_pop = ""; } $form.= apply_filters( 'wpmem_tos_link_txt', sprintf( __( 'Please indicate that you agree to the %s TOS %s', 'wp-members' ), $tos_pop, '' ) ); } else { // for checkboxes if( $wpmem_fields[$row][3] == 'checkbox' ) { $valtochk = $val; $val = $wpmem_fields[$row][7]; // if it should it be checked by default (& only if form not submitted), then override above... if( $wpmem_fields[$row][8] == 'y' && ( ! $_POST && $toggle != 'edit' ) ) { $val = $valtochk = $wpmem_fields[$row][7]; } } // for dropdown select if( $wpmem_fields[$row][3] == 'select' ) { $valtochk = $val; $val = $wpmem_fields[$row][7]; } if( ! isset( $valtochk ) ) { $valtochk = ''; } $form = $form . wpmem_create_formfield($wpmem_fields[$row][2],$wpmem_fields[$row][3],$val,$valtochk); } $form = $form . '
'; } } if( WPMEM_CAPTCHA == 1 && $toggle != 'edit' ) { // don't show on edit page! $wpmem_captcha = get_option('wpmembers_captcha'); if( $wpmem_captcha[0] && $wpmem_captcha[1] ) { $form = $form . '
'; $form = $form . wpmem_inc_recaptcha( $wpmem_captcha[0], $wpmem_captcha[2] ); $form = $form . '
'; } } if( $toggle == 'edit' ) { $form = $form . ''; } else { $form = $form . ''; } $form = $form . '
'; // @todo find a better place to put this $form = $form . '
'; $form = $form . wpmem_inc_attribution(); $form = $form . '[/wpmem_txt]'; $form = apply_filters( 'wpmem_register_form', $form ); return $form; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_login_form_NEW' ) ): /** * Login Form Dialog * * Builds the table-less form used for * login, change password, and reset password. * * @since 2.5.1 * * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_login_form_before' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_forgot_link' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_reg_link' * @uses apply_filters Calls 'wpmem_login_form' * * @param string $page * @param array $arr * @return string $form */ function wpmem_login_form_NEW( $page, $arr ) { // are we redirecting somewhere? if( isset( $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] ) ) { $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to']; } else { $redirect_to = get_permalink(); } // fix the wptexturize remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' ); remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' ); add_filter('the_content', 'wpmem_texturize', 99); $form = apply_filters( 'wpmem_login_form_before', '' ); $form.= '[wpmem_txt]
' . $arr[0] . '
' . wpmem_create_formfield( $arr[3], $arr[2], '', '', $arr[9] ) . '
' . wpmem_create_formfield( $arr[6], $arr[5], '', '', $arr[10] ) . '
'; if ( $arr[7] != 'login' ) { $form = $form . wpmem_create_formfield( 'formsubmit', 'hidden', '1' ); } $form = $form . wpmem_create_formfield( 'a', 'hidden', $arr[7] ); $form = $form . '
'; if ( $arr[7] == 'login' ) { $form = $form . ' ' . __('Remember me', 'wp-members') . '  '; } else { $form = $form . ''; } $form = $form . '
'; if ( ( WPMEM_MSURL != null || $page == 'members' ) && $arr[7] == 'login' ) { $link = apply_filters( 'wpmem_forgot_link', wpmem_chk_qstr( WPMEM_MSURL ) . 'a=pwdreset' ); $form = $form . __('Forgot password?', 'wp-members') . ' ' . __('Click here to reset', 'wp-members') . ''; } $form = $form . '
'; if ( ( WPMEM_REGURL != null ) && $arr[7] == 'login' ) { $link = apply_filters( 'wpmem_reg_link', WPMEM_REGURL ); $form = $form . __('New User?', 'wp-members') . ' ' . __('Click here to register', 'wp-members') . ''; } $form = $form. '
[/wpmem_txt]'; $form = apply_filters( 'wpmem_login_form', $form ); return $form; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_inc_recaptcha' ) ): /** * Create reCAPTCHA form * * @since 2.6.0 * * @uses apply_filters Calls wpmem_recaptcha * * @param string $key * @param string $theme * @return string $str */ function wpmem_inc_recaptcha( $key, $theme ) { $str = ' '; $str = apply_filters( 'wpmem_recaptcha', $str ); return $str; } endif; /** * Create an attribution link in the form * * @since 2.6.0 * @return $str string */ function wpmem_inc_attribution() { /* Taking this out? That's ok. But please consider making a donation to support the further development of this plugin. Many hours of work have gone into its development and ongoing support. If you are a developer using this for a client site, you see value in not having to do this from scratch. Please consider a larger amount. If you are a donor, I thank you for your support! */ $show_attribution = true; if( defined( 'WPMEM_REMOVE_ATTR' ) ) { $show_attribution = false; } if( WPMEM_OLD_FORMS != 1 && $show_attribution == true ) { // NEW FORMS $str = '
Powered by WP-Members
'; return $str; } elseif( $show_attribution == true ) { // LEGACY FORMS $str = '   Powered by WP-Members '; return $str; } return; } if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_page_pwd_reset' ) ): /** * Password reset forms * * This function creates both password reset and forgotten * password forms for page=password shortcode. * * @since 2.7.6 * * @param $wpmem_regchk * @param $content * @return $content */ function wpmem_page_pwd_reset( $wpmem_regchk, $content ) { if( is_user_logged_in() ) { switch( $wpmem_regchk ) { case "pwdchangempty": $content = wpmem_inc_regmessage( $wpmem_regchk, __( 'Password fields cannot be empty', 'wp-members' ) ); $content = $content . wpmem_inc_changepassword(); break; case "pwdchangerr": $content = wpmem_inc_regmessage( $wpmem_regchk ); $content = $content . wpmem_inc_changepassword(); break; case "pwdchangesuccess": $content = $content . wpmem_inc_regmessage( $wpmem_regchk ); break; default: $content = $content . wpmem_inc_changepassword(); break; } } else { switch( $wpmem_regchk ) { case "pwdreseterr": $content = $content . wpmem_inc_regmessage( $wpmem_regchk ) . wpmem_inc_resetpassword(); $wpmem_regchk = ''; // clear regchk break; case "pwdresetsuccess": $content = $content . wpmem_inc_regmessage( $wpmem_regchk ); $wpmem_regchk = ''; // clear regchk break; default: $content = $content . wpmem_inc_resetpassword(); break; } } return $content; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmem_page_user_edit' ) ): /** * Creates a user edit page * * @since 2.7.6 * * @param $wpmem_regchk * @param $content * @return $content */ function wpmem_page_user_edit( $wpmem_regchk, $content ) { global $wpmem_a, $wpmem_themsg; $heading = apply_filters( 'wpmem_user_edit_heading', __( 'Edit Your Information', 'wp-members' ) ); if( $wpmem_a == "update") { $content.= wpmem_inc_regmessage( $wpmem_regchk, $wpmem_themsg ); } $content = $content . wpmem_inc_registration( 'edit', $heading ); return $content; } endif; ?>