(replace the left picture with your ulzzang and the right with love interest. 200X157 thanks.)

Character Name ✹ Plotline Number

✹ Lower The Mask.
Username: (hyperlink it)
(whatever you want me to call you)
Activity: (on a scale of 1-5)

✹ Now, What's The Facts?
Birth Name: (The on her ID card?) 

Other Name(s):  (if you have them.)
-start here.

Nickname(s): (optional. but gimmie some?)

Age: (get your calculations right. they've also already been married for a few years. make them at least 23 or above.)

Birthday: (dd/mm/yy)

Nationality: (dual citizenship exsists.)

Ethnicity: (try not to go too crazy?)

Language(s):  (max 5, and I hope you won't be fluent in all.) 

Birthplace: (where you were born)

Hometown: (where you grew up.)

Bloodtype:  (meh)

Sexual Orientation: (anything can do.)

✹ Taking A Look In The Mirror.

(replace with face. 200x157 please. don't make it compressed istg.)

Face: (yunju is taken!)
Gallery: (not just links of pics)


(replace with backup face. 200x157 please. don't make it compressed istg.)

Backup Face: (yunju is taken!)
Gallery: (not just links of pics)

Weight: (...be logical.)
Height: (make it rational.)

Anything Else?: (anything aout her appearance you can't see from the ulzzang.

Style: (words are great, picture links are awesome, both is best.)

✹ Uh-huh. Tell Me More.
Personality: (I really wouldn't mind if you could bring out a people in, say, 2 parapaghs. but really, it's safer for you to type up around 3 paragraphs.)

Likes:  (bullet form, 5+ please.)

Dislikes:  (bullet form, 5+ please.)

Habits: (bullet form, 3+ please.)

Hobbies: (bullet form, 3+ please.)

Trivia:  (bullet form, unlimited but try your best.)

✹ The Life And The People That Make It.
Background:  (I like details. Try not to put sob stories here beCAUSE I CANNOT COMPREHEND)


Relationships:  (just put everything here, from friends to family to exes, to rivals (?), exclude love interests. and it'll be fine and dandy. follow the following format. replace pictures.)

Relationship | Name | Age | Personality | A few sentences about their interactions


✹ Just Love, Baby.

(replace with love interest. 200x157.)
Love Interest: (the name on their ID card)
Age: (get your calculations right. they've also already been married for a few years. make them at least 23 or above.)
Occupation: (if the plotline mentioned anything, follow it. if not, whatever.)
Personality: (I really wouldn't mind if you could bring out a people in, say, 2 parapaghs. but really, it's safer for you to type up around 3 paragraphs.)
First Meeting: (please nothing cliche! and as usual, follow plotline? some met in high school, some did not.)
Interactions: (plotline, people, plotline. I need huge details on this one.)

✹ Memories.
Gown: (what did you wear on the day of your wedding? picture and links please.)

Venue & Deco: (self-explanatory.)

Events: (basically what happened that day.)


When did problems start to come up in your marriage?: (start here.)
Anything you're trying to do?: (start here.)
Give us a detailed description of what's exactly happening right now: (start here. this is pretty much most important in your app.)
How do you want your marriage to be afterwards: (pretty much you and your love interests' ending. do you spilt up? or do you stay together?)

✹ Talk To You Soon... 
Questions, comments, concerns?: (anything bby anything.)

Scene Suggestions: (the more the merrier tbh.)

Password:  (MMM?)