package com.apress.timesheets.dao.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate; import; import com.apress.timesheets.dao.UserAccountDao; import com.apress.timesheets.entity.UserAccount; import com.apress.timesheets.entity.UserRole; /** * Note that this implementation is database-specific. * * @author Dave Minter */ public class JdbcUserAccountDaoImpl extends JdbcDaoSupport implements UserAccountDao { private static final Logger log = Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); public static final String INSERT_ACCOUNT = "insert into UserAccount(accountName) values (?)"; public static final String SELECT_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID = "select max(id) from UserAccount"; public static final String INSERT_ROLE = "insert into UserRole(roleName) values (?)"; public static final String SELECT_LAST_ROLE_ID = "select max(id) from UserRole"; public static final String INSERT_ACCOUNT_ROLE = "insert into account_role(user,role) values(?,?)"; public static final String DELETE_ACCOUNT_ROLE = "delete from account_role where user = ? and role = ?"; public static final String DELETE_BY_ID = "delete from UserAccount where id = ?"; public static final String SELECT_ACCOUNT_BY_ID = "select id, accountName from UserAccount where id = :id"; public static final String SELECT_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_NAME = "select id from UserAccount where accountName = :name"; public static final String SELECT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_BY_NAME = "select email from UserAccount where accountName = :name"; public static final String SELECT_ACCOUNTS = "select id, accountName from UserAccount order by accountName"; public static final String SELECT_ROLES_BY_ACCOUNT = "select id, roleName from UserRole left join account_role on = account_role.role where user = ?"; public static final String UPDATE_ACCOUNT = "update UserAccount set accountName = :name where id = :id"; public static final String SELECT_USER_ROLE_ID_BY_NAME = "select id from UserRole where roleName = ?"; final ParameterizedRowMapper userMapper = new ParameterizedRowMapper() { public UserAccount mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { UserAccount account = new UserAccount(); account.setId(rs.getLong("id")); account.setAccountName(rs.getString("accountName")); return account; } }; final ParameterizedRowMapper roleMapper = new ParameterizedRowMapper() { public UserRole mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { UserRole role = new UserRole(); role.setId(rs.getLong("id")); role.setRoleName(rs.getString("roleName")); return role; } }; private SimpleJdbcTemplate template; private SimpleJdbcTemplate getTemplate() { if( template == null ) { template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(getJdbcTemplate()); } return this.template; } public void create(final UserAccount account) { // Make the account entity persistent getTemplate().update(INSERT_ACCOUNT, account.getAccountName()); final Long accountId = getTemplate().queryForLong(SELECT_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID); account.setId(accountId); persistTransientRoles(account); } private void persistTransientRoles(final UserAccount account) { // Make any transient role entities persistent for( final UserRole role : account.getRoles()) { if( role.getId() == null ) { getTemplate().update(INSERT_ROLE, role.getRoleName()); final Long roleId = getTemplate().queryForLong(SELECT_LAST_ROLE_ID); role.setId(roleId); getTemplate().update(INSERT_ACCOUNT_ROLE, account.getId(),roleId); } } } public void delete(final UserAccount account) { delete(account.getId()); } public void delete(final Long id) { getTemplate().update(DELETE_BY_ID, id); } public void traditionalDelete(final Long id) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stat = null; try { conn = getDataSource().getConnection(); stat = conn.prepareStatement(DELETE_BY_ID); stat.setLong(1, id); stat.execute(); } catch( final SQLException e ) { } finally { try { if( stat != null) stat.close(); } catch( SQLException e ) { log.log(Level.SEVERE,"Problem closing statement",e); } try { if( conn != null) conn.close(); } catch( SQLException e ) { log.log(Level.SEVERE,"Problem closing connection",e); } } } public List list() { final List list = getTemplate().query(SELECT_ACCOUNTS, userMapper); for(final UserAccount account : list) { populateRoles(account); } return list; } public UserAccount read(final Long id) { final UserAccount account = getTemplate(). queryForObject(SELECT_ACCOUNT_BY_ID,userMapper,id); populateRoles(account); return account; } public UserAccount read(final String accountName) { final Long accountId = getTemplate().queryForLong(SELECT_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_NAME, accountName); final UserAccount account = new UserAccount(accountName); account.setId(accountId); populateRoles(account); return account; } public UserRole readUserRole(final String roleName) { final Long userRoleId = getTemplate().queryForLong(SELECT_USER_ROLE_ID_BY_NAME, roleName); final UserRole userRole = new UserRole(roleName); userRole.setId(userRoleId); return userRole; } public void update(final UserAccount account) { // Update the account entity getTemplate().update(UPDATE_ACCOUNT, account.getAccountName(), account.getId()); // Update the role relationships persistTransientRoles(account); removeDeletedRoles(account); } private void removeDeletedRoles(final UserAccount account) { final List roleList = getTemplate().query(SELECT_ROLES_BY_ACCOUNT,roleMapper,account.getId()); final Set actual = roleIdSet(roleList); final Set expected = roleIdSet(account.getRoles()); for( final Long roleId : actual ) { if( !expected.contains(roleId) ) { getTemplate().update(DELETE_ACCOUNT_ROLE, account.getId(),roleId); } } } private Set roleIdSet(final Collection roles) { final Set set = new HashSet(); for( final UserRole role : roles ) { set.add(role.getId()); } return set; } private void populateRoles(final UserAccount account) { final List roles = getTemplate().query( SELECT_ROLES_BY_ACCOUNT,roleMapper,account.getId()); account.getRoles().addAll(roles); } }