prefix . "email_log"; // TODO - Should find some way to get away with these global variables. global $smel_db_version; $smel_db_version = "0.1"; class EmailLog { private $table_name ; /* Database table name */ private $db_version ; /* Database version */ private $admin_page; private $admin_screen; /** * Initalize the plugin by registering the hooks */ function __construct() { global $wpdb; global $smel_table_name; global $smel_db_version; // Load localization domain load_plugin_textdomain( 'email-log', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages' ); // Register hooks add_action( 'admin_menu', array(&$this, 'register_settings_page') ); // Register Filter add_filter('wp_mail', array(&$this, 'log_email')); add_filter('set-screen-option', array(&$this, 'save_screen_options'), 10, 3); $plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__); add_filter("plugin_action_links_$plugin", array(&$this, 'add_action_links')); // Initialize Variables $this->table_name = $smel_table_name; $this->db_version = $smel_db_version; } /** * Register the settings page */ function register_settings_page() { //Save the handle to your admin page - you'll need it to create a WP_Screen object $this->admin_page = add_submenu_page( 'tools.php', __('Email Log', 'email-log'), __('Email Log', 'email-log'), 'manage_options', 'email-log', array(&$this, 'settings_page') ); add_action("load-{$this->admin_page}",array(&$this,'create_settings_panel')); } /** * Add settings Panel */ function create_settings_panel() { /** * Create the WP_Screen object against your admin page handle * This ensures we're working with the right admin page */ $this->admin_screen = WP_Screen::get($this->admin_page); /** * Content specified inline */ $this->admin_screen->add_help_tab( array( 'title' => __('About Plugin', 'email-log'), 'id' => 'about_tab', 'content' => '

' . __('Email Log WordPress Plugin, allows you to log all emails that are sent through WordPress.', 'email-log') . '

', 'callback' => false ) ); // Add help sidebar $this->admin_screen->set_help_sidebar( '

' . __('More information', 'email-log') . '

' . '

' . __('Plugin Homepage/support', 'email-log') . '

' . '

' . __("Plugin author's blog", 'email-log') . '

' . '

' . __("Other Plugin's by Author", 'email-log') . '

' ); // Add screen options $this->admin_screen->add_option( 'per_page', array( 'label' => __('Entries per page', 'email-log'), 'default' => 20, 'option' => 'per_page' ) ); } /** * Save Screen option */ function save_screen_options($status, $option, $value) { if ( 'per_page' == $option ) return $value; } /** * Get the per page option */ private function get_per_page() { $screen = get_current_screen(); $option = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'option'); $per_page = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), $option, TRUE); if ( empty ( $per_page) || $per_page < 1 ) { $per_page = $screen->get_option( 'per_page', 'default' ); } return $per_page; } /** * hook to add action links * * @param $links * @return */ function add_action_links( $links ) { // Add a link to this plugin's settings page $settings_link = '' . __("Settings", 'email-log') . ''; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); return $links; } /** * Adds Footer links. Based on */ function add_footer_links() { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ ); printf('%1$s ' . __("plugin", 'email-log') .' | ' . __("Version", 'email-log') . ' %2$s | '. __('by', 'email-log') . ' %3$s
', $plugin_data['Title'], $plugin_data['Version'], $plugin_data['Author']); } /** * Dipslay the Settings page * * Some parts of this function is based on the wp-rattings Plugin */ function settings_page() { global $wpdb; global $text_direction; $base_name = plugin_basename('email-log'); $base_page = 'tools.php?page='.$base_name; $email_log_page = intval($this->array_get($_GET, 'emaillog_page')); $emaillogs_filterid = trim(addslashes($this->array_get($_GET, 'id'))); $emaillogs_filter_to_email = trim(addslashes($this->array_get($_GET, 'to_email'))); $emaillogs_filter_subject = trim(addslashes($this->array_get($_GET, 'subject'))); $emaillog_sort_by = trim($this->array_get($_GET, 'by')); $emaillog_sortby_text = ''; $emaillog_sortorder = trim($this->array_get($_GET, 'order')); $emaillog_sortorder_text = ''; $email_log_perpage = intval($this->get_per_page()); $emaillog_sort_url = ''; ### Form Processing if(!empty($_POST['do'])) { // Decide What To Do switch($_POST['do']) { case __('Delete Logs', 'email-log'): $delete_datalog = intval($_POST['delete_datalog']); switch($delete_datalog) { case 1: // delete selected entries $selected_ids = implode(',', $_POST['selected_ids']); $delete_logs = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $this->table_name where id IN ($selected_ids)"); if($delete_logs) { $text = '' . __('The selected Email Logs have been deleted.', 'email-log') . ''; } else { $text = '' . __('An error has occurred while deleting the selected Email logs', 'email-log') . ''; } break; case 2: // Delete based on condition $to_email = trim(addslashes( $_POST['delete_to_email'])); if ('' != $to_email) { $delete_logs = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $this->table_name where to_email = '$to_email'"); if($delete_logs) { $text = ''.sprintf(__('All Email Logs for email id "%s" have been deleted.', 'email-log'), $to_email).''; } else { $text = ''.sprintf(__('An error has occurred while deleting all Email Logs for email id "%s".', 'email-log'), $to_email).''; } } $subject = trim(addslashes( $_POST['delete_subject'])); if ('' != $subject) { $delete_logs = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $this->table_name where subject = '$subject'"); if($delete_logs) { $text .= ''.sprintf(__('All Email Logs with subject "%s" have been deleted.', 'email-log'), $subject).''; } else { $text .= ''.sprintf(__('An error has occurred while deleting all Email Logs with subject "%s".', 'email-log'), $subject).''; } } break; case 3: // Delete all $delete_logs = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $this->table_name "); if ($delete_logs) { $text = ''.__('All Email Logs were deleted.', 'email-log').'
'; } else { $text = ''.__('An error has occurred while deleting all Email Logs', 'email-log').''; } break; } break; } } ### Form Sorting URL if(!empty($emaillogs_filterid)) { $emaillogs_filterid = intval($emaillogs_filterid); $emaillog_sort_url .= '&id='.$emaillogs_filterid; } if(!empty($emaillogs_filter_to_email)) { $emaillog_sort_url .= '&to_email='.$emaillogs_filter_to_email; } if(!empty($emaillogs_filter_subject)) { $emaillog_sort_url .= '&subject='.$emaillogs_filter_subject; } if(!empty($emaillog_sort_by)) { $emaillog_sort_url .= '&by='.$emaillog_sort_by; } if(!empty($emaillog_sortorder)) { $emaillog_sort_url .= '&order='.$emaillog_sortorder; } ### Get Order By switch($emaillog_sort_by) { case 'id': $emaillog_sort_by = 'id'; $emaillog_sortby_text = __('ID', 'email-log'); break; case 'to_email': $emaillog_sort_by = 'to_email'; $emaillog_sortby_text = __('To Email', 'email-log'); break; case 'subject': $emaillog_sort_by = 'subject'; $emaillog_sortby_text = __('Subject', 'email-log'); break; case 'date': default: $emaillog_sort_by = 'sent_date'; $emaillog_sortby_text = __('Date', 'email-log'); } ### Get Sort Order switch($emaillog_sortorder) { case 'asc': $emaillog_sortorder = 'ASC'; $emaillog_sortorder_text = __('Ascending', 'email-log'); break; case 'desc': default: $emaillog_sortorder = 'DESC'; $emaillog_sortorder_text = __('Descending', 'email-log'); } // Where $emaillog_where = ''; if(!empty($emaillogs_filterid)) { $emaillog_where = "AND id =$emaillogs_filterid"; } if(!empty($emaillogs_filter_to_email)) { $emaillog_where .= " AND to_email like '%$emaillogs_filter_to_email%'"; } if(!empty($emaillogs_filter_subject)) { $emaillog_where .= " AND subject like '%$emaillogs_filter_subject%'"; } // Get email Logs Data $total_logs = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $this->table_name WHERE 1=1 $emaillog_where"); // Checking $postratings_page and $offset if(empty($email_log_page) || $email_log_page == 0) { $email_log_page = 1; } if(empty($offset)) { $offset = 0; } // Determin $offset $offset = ($email_log_page-1) * $email_log_perpage; // Determine Max Number Of Logs To Display On Page if(($offset + $email_log_perpage) > $total_logs) { $max_on_page = $total_logs; } else { $max_on_page = ($offset + $email_log_perpage); } // Determine Number Of Logs To Display On Page if (($offset + 1) > ($total_logs)) { $display_on_page = $total_logs; } else { $display_on_page = ($offset + 1); } // Determing Total Amount Of Pages $total_pages = ceil($total_logs / $email_log_perpage); // Get The Logs $email_logs = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $this->table_name WHERE 1=1 $emaillog_where ORDER BY $emaillog_sort_by $emaillog_sortorder LIMIT $offset, $email_log_perpage"); // TODO: Should move this to a seperate js file ?>


'; } ?>



%s to %s of %s Email log entries.', 'email-log'), number_format_i18n($display_on_page), number_format_i18n($max_on_page), number_format_i18n($total_logs)); ?>

%s in %s order.', 'email-log'), $emaillog_sortby_text, $emaillog_sortorder_text); ?>

1) { ?>
1 && ((($email_log_page*$email_log_perpage)-($email_log_perpage-1)) <= $total_logs)) { echo '« '.__('Previous Page', 'email-log').''; } else { echo ' '; } ?> = 4) { echo '« '.__('First', 'email-log').' ... '; } if($email_log_page > 1) { echo ' « '; } for($i = $email_log_page - 2 ; $i <= $email_log_page +2; $i++) { if ($i >= 1 && $i <= $total_pages) { if($i == $email_log_page) { echo '['.number_format_i18n($i).'] '; } else { echo ''.number_format_i18n($i).' '; } } } if($email_log_page < $total_pages) { echo ' » '; } if (($email_log_page+2) < $total_pages) { echo ' ... '.__('Last', 'email-log').' »'; } ?> = 1 && ((($email_log_page*$email_log_perpage)+1) <= $total_logs)) { echo ''.__('Next Page', 'email-log').' »'; } else { echo ' '; } ?>
id); $email_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s', 'email-log'), get_option('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), $email_log->sent_date); $email_to = stripslashes($email_log->to_email); $email_subject = stripslashes($email_log->subject); echo "\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ''; $i++; } } else { echo ''; } ?>
'.__('No Email Logs were found', 'email-log').'
1) { ?>
1 && ((($email_log_page*$email_log_perpage)-($email_log_perpage-1)) <= $total_logs)) { echo '« '.__('Previous Page', 'email-log').''; } else { echo ' '; } ?> = 4) { echo '« '.__('First', 'email-log').' ... '; } if($email_log_page > 1) { echo ' « '; } for($i = $email_log_page - 2 ; $i <= $email_log_page +2; $i++) { if ($i >= 1 && $i <= $total_pages) { if($i == $email_log_page) { echo '['.number_format_i18n($i).'] '; } else { echo ''.number_format_i18n($i).' '; } } } if($email_log_page < $total_pages) { echo ' » '; } if (($email_log_page+2) < $total_pages) { echo ' ... '.__('Last', 'email-log').' »'; } ?> = 1 && ((($email_log_page*$email_log_perpage)+1) <= $total_logs)) { echo ''.__('Next Page', 'email-log').' »'; } else { echo ' '; } ?>

0) ? "true" : "false"; // Log into the database $wpdb->insert($this->table_name, array( 'to_email' => $mail_info['to'], 'subject' => $mail_info['subject'], 'message' => $mail_info['message'], 'headers' => $mail_info['headers'], 'attachments' => $attachment_present )); // return unmodifiyed array return $mail_info; } /** * Check whether a key is present. If present returns the value, else returns the default value * * @param $array - Array whose key has to be checked * @param $key - key that has to be checked * @param $default - the default value that has to be used, if the key is not found (optional) * * @return If present returns the value, else returns the default value * @author Sudar */ private function array_get($array, $key, $default = NULL) { return isset($array[$key]) ? $array[$key] : $default; } // PHP4 compatibility function EmailLog() { $this->__construct(); } } /** * Create database table when the Plugin is installed for the first time * * @global object $wpdb * @global string $smel_table_name Table Name * @global string $smel_db_version DB Version */ function smel_on_install() { global $wpdb; global $smel_table_name; global $smel_db_version; if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '{$smel_table_name}'") != $smel_table_name) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $smel_table_name . " ( id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, to_email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, subject VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL, headers TEXT NOT NULL, attachments TEXT NOT NULL, sent_date timestamp NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );"; require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'); dbDelta($sql); add_option("email-log-db", $smel_db_version); } } // When installed register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'smel_on_install'); // Start this plugin once all other plugins are fully loaded add_action( 'init', 'EmailLog' ); function EmailLog() { global $EmailLog; $EmailLog = new EmailLog(); } ?>