get_var("SELECT group_concat(ID) FROM $wpdb->posts where post_status='publish'"); $all_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT tr.object_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.term_id in ($propertycategorys)"); if($_REQUEST['srch_location']) { $is_search = 1; $srch_location = $_REQUEST['srch_location']; //$location_pids = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT group_concat(tr.object_id) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.term_id=\"$srch_location\""); $location_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'add_location' and meta_value like \"$srch_location\""); $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$location_pids_arr); } else if($_REQUEST['srch_price']) { $is_search = 1; $srch_price = $_REQUEST['srch_price']; /*$price = (explode("N",$_REQUEST['srch_price'])); $price = $price[1]."".$price[2]; $srch_price = trim($price); $_GET['price'] = $price;*/ if(strstr($srch_price,'-')) { $srch_price_str = str_replace('-',' and ',$srch_price); $srch_price_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'price' and meta_value between $srch_price_str"); } elseif(strstr($srch_price,'+')) { $srch_price_str = str_replace('+','',$srch_price); $srch_price_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'price' and meta_value >= $srch_price_str"); } $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$srch_price_arr); } else if($_REQUEST['srch_bedrooms']) { $is_search = 1; $srch_bedrooms = $_REQUEST['srch_bedrooms']; //$srch_bedrooms = $wpdb->get_var("select group_concat(post_id) from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'bed_rooms' and meta_value = \"$srch_bedrooms\""); //$srch_bedrooms_arr = explode(',',$srch_bedrooms); $srch_bedrooms_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'bed_rooms' and meta_value = \"$srch_bedrooms\""); $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$srch_bedrooms_arr); } /*if($_REQUEST['srch_bathroom']) { $is_search = 1; $srch_bathroom = $_REQUEST['srch_bathroom']; $bathroom_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select (post_id) from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'bath_rooms' and meta_value = \"$srch_bathroom\""); $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$bathroom_pids_arr); }*/ else if($_REQUEST['srch_type']) { $is_search = 1; $srch_type = $_REQUEST['srch_type']; $type_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'property_type' and meta_value = \"$srch_type\""); $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$type_pids_arr); } else if($_REQUEST['srch_area']) { $is_search = 1; $srch_area = $_REQUEST['srch_area']; if(strstr($srch_area,'-')) { $srch_area_str = str_replace('-',' and ',$srch_area); $srch_area_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'area' and meta_value between $srch_area_str"); } elseif(strstr($srch_area,'+')) { $srch_area_str = str_replace('+','',$srch_area); $srch_area_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key like 'area' and meta_value >= $srch_area_str"); } $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$srch_area_pids_arr); } else if($_REQUEST['srch_keyword'] && $_REQUEST['srch_keyword']!=CITY_STATE_ZIP_SRCH_TEXT) { $is_search = 1; $srch_keyword = $_REQUEST['srch_keyword']; $srch_keyword_arr = explode(',',$srch_keyword); if(count($srch_keyword_arr)==1) { $add_city = $srch_keyword; $add_state = $srch_keyword; $add_zip_code = $srch_keyword; }elseif(count($srch_keyword_arr)==2) { $add_city = $srch_keyword_arr[0]; $add_state = $srch_keyword_arr[1]; $add_zip_code = $srch_keyword_arr[0]; }elseif(count($srch_keyword_arr)==3) { $add_city = $srch_keyword_arr[0]; $add_state = $srch_keyword_arr[1]; $add_zip_code = $srch_keyword_arr[2]; } $kw_pids_arr = $wpdb->get_col("select post_id from $wpdb->postmeta where (meta_key like 'add_city' and meta_value like \"$add_city\") or (meta_key like 'add_state' and meta_value like \"$add_state\") or (meta_key like 'add_zip_code' and meta_value like \"$add_zip_code\")"); $all_pids_arr = array_intersect($all_pids_arr,$kw_pids_arr); } if($is_search && !$all_pids_arr) { $all_pids_arr[0] = 'nopost'; } if($_REQUEST['srch_property_id']) { $post_ids_str = $_REQUEST['srch_property_id']; $sub_cat_sql .= " and p.ID in ($post_ids_str) "; }else { if($all_pids_arr) { $post_ids_str = implode(',',$all_pids_arr); if($post_ids_str) { $sub_cat_sql .= " and p.ID in ($post_ids_str) "; } } } $featurecat = get_cat_id_from_name(get_option('ptthemes_featuredcategory')); if($featurecat) { $srch_feature_pids = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT group_concat(tr.object_id) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.term_id in ($featurecat)"); $srch_feature_pids = ''; } $blogcat = get_cat_id_from_name(get_option('ptthemes_blogcategory')); $blogcatcatids = get_sub_categories($blogcat,'string'); if($blogcatcatids) { $srch_blog_pids = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT group_concat(tr.object_id) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id where tt.term_id in ($blogcatcatids)"); } if($srch_blog_pids && $srch_feature_pids) { $sub_cat_sql .= " and p.ID not in ($srch_blog_pids,$srch_feature_pids) "; }elseif($srch_blog_pids && $srch_feature_pids=='') { $sub_cat_sql .= " and p.ID not in ($srch_blog_pids) "; }elseif($srch_blog_pids=='' && $srch_feature_pids) { $sub_cat_sql .= " and p.ID not in ($srch_feature_pids) "; } $srch_sql = "select p.* from $wpdb->posts p $post_meta_join where p.post_status='publish' and p.post_type='post' $sub_cat_sql"; if($srch_feature_pids) { $feature_srch_sql = "select p.* from $wpdb->posts p where p.post_status='publish' and p.post_type='post' and p.ID in ($srch_feature_pids)"; $srch_sql = " select * from (($feature_srch_sql) union ($srch_sql))"; } $totalpost_count = $wpdb->get_var("select count(p.ID) from $wpdb->posts p $post_meta_join where p.post_status='publish' and p.post_type='post' $sub_cat_sql"); global $posts_per_page,$paged; if($paged==''){$paged=1;} $startlimit = $posts_per_page*($paged-1); $srch_sql .= " order by p.ID desc limit $startlimit , $posts_per_page"; $post_info = $wpdb->get_results($srch_sql); ?>
data->ID; $srch_city = $_REQUEST['srch_city']; $srch_city = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM $wpdb->cities WHERE id = $srch_city"); //Custom message to allow users save their searches. if ($_GET['srch_price'] == "All Price Range In =N=") { $_GET['srch_price'] = 0; } $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->wanted_properties VALUES('','$_GET[srch_price]','$_GET[srch_bedrooms]','$_GET[srch_area]','$_GET[srch_ptype]', '$_GET[srch_location]','$srch_city',CURDATE())"); //echo "
Omin".$current_user->data->ID; if (!empty($current_user->data->ID)) { if (!$_POST['submit']) { echo "
Save Your Search, your search terms will show up in our wanted directory so agents can view it.

Below are your search criteria:

"; //echo $_GET['srch_city']; } if($_POST['submit']) { if ($_GET['srch_price'] == "All Price Range In =N=") { $_GET['srch_price'] = 0; } $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->saved_search VALUES('','$_GET[srch_price]','$_GET[srch_bedrooms]','$_GET[srch_area]','$_GET[srch_ptype]', '$_GET[srch_location]','$srch_city','$_GET[srch_type]','$_SESSION[id]')"); $message = "Your Search has been saved"; } if ($message != "") { echo "
"; } if(!$_POST['submit']) { echo "City: ".$srch_city."
"; echo "Location: ".$_GET['srch_location']."
"; echo "Type: ".$_GET['srch_type']."
"; if ($_GET['srch_price'] != "All Price Range In =N=") { echo "Price Range:".formatPrice($_GET['srch_price'])."
"; } else { echo "Price Range: Nill
"; } echo "Area(Sq. Ft): ".$_GET['srch_area']."
"; echo "Bedrooms: ".$_GET['srch_bedrooms']."
"; echo "
"; } } } ?>