LAST WORD CHARGE (UNCORFIRMED) Calculated upon same probability over Damage Dealt and Damage Received. Multi-Strike causes two calculations, one for each action (not to be confused with Multi-Hit). Berserker Soul causes 8 calculations, one for each action. Each Character has a Last Word Charge base value: Lithos, Remilia = 0(%) Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Sakuya, Patchouli, Nitori, Alice, Satori, Mokou, Cirno, Yuugi = 1(%) Aya, Youmu, Byakuren, Reisen = 2(%) (*) Bonus is added to the base value for Formation, Equipment and Growth Trees which enhance Last Word Charge. Freefight (Formation) : 1% Lithos (Growth), Remilia (Growth): 1% Sanae's Commander Leader Power : 3% Deadly Fan : 6% OHKO Galaxy Fan : 8% (*) Bonus Added depending on Character's Missing HP Ratio: 25% HP Missing (or more) = 3% 50% HP Missing (or more) = 9% 75% HP Missing (or more) = 18% (*) Remilia Last Word Charge Success Rate is calculated based on her Level, and not Missing HP, making it trigger less than any of the other characters. Half of her actual Level is used for calculation, at best at Level 99: Growth (1) + Freefight (1) = 2(%) , ( 2% * 0.49 = 0.98% ) (*) In case there is an incapacitated party member, or alternatively if there were at most 4 people or less in the party, each free slot equals a 1% Bonus. It doesn't specify if incapacitation is strict Death or Removal, or also encompassess status effects. (*) Synergy Activation: when a character in the party has a Last Word active, it increases % of other allies' Last Word Activation. Bonus % is proportional to number of Last Word Actives (Max +4%). Bonus rises if there are free slots.