@echo off if %1/==:/ goto %2 if NOT %1/==/?/ goto Begin echo Parses the current date. echo. echo [CALL] NewDate echo. echo NewDate sets the following variables: echo. echo Day of Week : DOW echo Day : DD echo Month : MM echo Year : YYYY echo. echo NewDate supports the following date formats: echo. echo MM-DD-YYYY DD-MM-YYYY DD.MM.YYYY DD/MM/YYYY for %%C in (echo. goto:End) do %%C :Begin -------------------------------------------------------------- echo. | date | FIND "(mm" > NUL if NOT errorlevel 1 %0 : %OS%Parse MM DD %0 : %OS%Parse DD MM :Windows_NTParse ---------------------------------------------------- for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/.- " %%A in ('date /T') do if %%D!==! ( set %3=%%A&set %4=%%B&set YYYY=%%C ) else ( set DOW=%%A&set %3=%%B&set %4=%%C&set YYYY=%%D) goto End :Parse -------------------------------------------------------------- for %%C in (md cd) do %%C @tmp@ echo @prompt set _D=$D$_> ~tmp1.bat %COMSPEC% /e:2048 /c ~tmp1.bat > ~tmp2.bat call ~tmp2 echo %_D% | FIND "/" > NUL if NOT errorlevel 1 goto Slash lfnfor on > "%_D%.-" ren "%_D%.-" "??? ?? ?? ????" for %%F in ("??? ?? ?? ????") do set _D=%%F lfnfor off :Slash echo set DOW=%%%3%%>~tmp1.bat for %%S in ("%3=%%%4%%" "%4=%%YYYY%%" "YYYY=%%1") do echo set %%S>>~tmp1.bat for %%S in (%_D%) do call ~tmp1 %%S echo %_D% | FIND "/" > NUL if errorlevel 1 goto Cleanup echo @prompt set %4=$%%%4%%$_set YYYY=$%YYYY%$_ > ~tmp1.bat %COMSPEC% /e:2048 /c ~tmp1.bat > ~tmp2.bat call ~tmp2 :Cleanup for %%C in ("set _D=" cd.. "deltree /y @tmp@ > NUL") do %%C :End ---------------------------------------------------------------- set filename=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD% @echo %filename% cd c:\Sunnydata del /q c:\sunnydata\*.* "wget" ftp://user:577@ cd \