if (document.domain.toLowerCase().indexOf("domainName") != -1) if(window.location.href.match(/://(.[^/]+)/)[1].toLowerCase().indexOf("domainName") != -1) if(window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().indexOf("domainName") != -1) if(location.hostname == "mysite.com"){ } if(location.hostname.match('mysite')){} // will return null if no match is found function isEquals(myhost){ var hostName = window.location.hostname.split('.'); myhost = myhost.split("."); //handle stuff like site:.com or ..com for (var x in myhost) if (myhost[x] == "") myhost.splice(x,1); //j is where to start comparing in the hostname of the url in question var j = hostName.length - myhost.length; for(var i in myhost) { //if j is undefined or doesn't equal the hostname to match return false if (!hostName[j] || hostName[j].toLowerCase() != host[i].toLowerCase()) return false; j++; } return true; } window.location.hostname == "stackoverflow.com"? var domainParts = window.location.hostname.split("."); domainParts[domainParts.length - 2] == "stackoverflow"