#!/bin/sh #Macchanger-Script #Script by CAG (aka BobaFett) #May 2010 (updated June 2010) #This is a very simple script thats soul purpose is to change the mac address of the specified card (WIFIMAN) to the specified mac address (MACSPOOF). #To run script, paste it into an empty text file and save it as "Macchanger-Script" (or whatever you like), modify the "Customizable Variables" section to meet your needs, make it executable using chmod, or simply right click->properties->permissions->check "is executable", then type ./Macchanger-Script in terminal. ############### Customizable Variables ################ #You must change these to meet your system needs WIFIMAN="wlan0" #Your card interface (i.e. wlan0, eth0, etc) MACSPOOF="00:11:22:33:44:55" #Mac that macchanger defaults too. Can be any mac address ############### Customizable Variables ################ ################## Static Variables ################### #Don't change any of these variables unless you know what you're doing ROOT_UID=0 # Only users with $UID 0 have root privileges. E_NOTROOT=87 # Non-root exit error. ################## Static Variables ################### if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ] then echo "Must be root to run this script." exit $E_NOTROOT fi ifconfig $WIFIMAN down macchanger $WIFIMAN -m $MACSPOOF ifconfig $WIFIMAN up