-- Variables turtle.select(1) local tArgs = { ... } local togo = tonumber(tArgs[1]) togo = togo or 1 print("Going Boss!") -- Functions function tfuel(amount) if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 5 then turtle.select(16) turtle.refuel(amount) turtle.select(1) end end function turnaround() turtle.turnRight() turtle.turnRight() end function uandd() if turtle.detectUp() then turtle.digUp() end if turtle.detectDown() then turtle.digDown() end end -- Starting Out for i = 1, togo do tfuel(1) if turtle.detect() then repeat turtle.dig() sleep(0.25) until turtle.detect() == false turtle.forward() uandd() else turtle.forward() uandd() end if togo >= 10 then if (i % 10 == 0) then turtle.placeDown() end end end --Lets assume that worked and he made it turnaround() for r = 1, togo do tfuel(1) turtle.forward() end