LITEDOGE LINUX DAEMON INSTRUCTIONS: Note: for CrownCloud OpenVZ VPS-2048 or VPS-4096 running Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Use Putty to SSH into your new VPS. Log in as root and use the password you received in your confirmation email. apt-get update apt-get install nano build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev git git clone cd litedoge/src apt-get update make -f makefile.unix apt-get update cp litedoged /bin litedoged (will error but needed to create files) cd ~ cd .litedoge nano litedoge.conf Add Lines: server=1 daemon=1 listen=1 rpcuser=username rpcpassword=somethinglongyoudonthavetoremember rpcallowip= txindex=1 stake=1 (use control +x then y to save it) litedoged litedoged importprivkey PASTE-YOUR-PRIVKEY-HERE litedoged getinfo litedoged encryptwallet passwordyouwant-REMEMBER-THIS litedoged litedoged getinfo COMMANDS: litedoged help litedoged litedoged stop litedoged getinfo litedoged getblockcount litedoged getstakinginfo Lock for Staking: litedoged walletpassphrase yourpassword 99999999 true Confirm you are staking and close Putty.