=== If you have been linked here in Minecraft === People with Oil Derrick 1.2.5 can gamemode hack on your server. You can check for SOME of them by viewing: /config/NEIServer.cfg To get everyone else you can install a plugin to protect yourself: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/banmeplease For additional patches and tips see: http://forums.technicpack.net/topic/50387-tips-for-running-a-tekkit-classic-server/ === If you have been linked here from elsewhere === This is a public list of servers that do NOT have NEI patched using either the patch NEI Server Mod or BanMePlease. === SERVER LIST, Updated randomly === Oil Derrick GM Exploitable Server Last checked Banned Me After I Told Them? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04/21/2014 - legion.g.akliz.net:25567 02/13/2014 - 02/13/2014 - armstrongs.homedns.org 02/13/2014 - awesomeepiccraft.zapto.org 02/09/2014 - sv-tekkit.servegame.com 02/08/2014 - wolfcast.no-ip.biz 02/08/2014 - tekkit.tekkriver.de:10001 02/08/2014 - 02/08/2014 -