#! /bin/bash YELLOW="\033[1;33m" RED="\033[0;31m" ENDCOLOR="\033[0m" ## pack files echo -e $YELLOW"Packing files..."$ENDCOLOR cd /home/user/textfolder/ tar cvf /home/user/yourtext-backup.tar *.* echo -e $YELLOW"... files packed!"$ENDCOLOR ## list packed file echo -e $YELLOW"Contents of yourtext-backup.tar:"$ENDCOLOR tar tvf /home/user/yourtext-backup.tar ## send packed file echo -e $YELLOW"Sending packed file..."$ENDCOLOR sendEmail -f backupemail@gmail.com -t youremail@gmail.com -u "Current backup" -m "Backup" -a /home/user/yourtext-backup.tar -s smtp.gmail.com:25 -xu backupemail -xp password echo -e $YELLOW"... Backup done!"$ENDCOLOR cd - ## This script is released under the WTFPL 2.0. Modify and distribute as you wish. ## The script needs the sendemail program to work.