Database & Table creation: SQLiteDatabase db; try{ SQLiteDatabase dbe = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("/data/data/bangla.rana.fahim/databases/dictionary", null,0); dbe.close(); } catch(SQLiteException e){ db = openOrCreateDatabase("dictionary", MODE_PRIVATE, null); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS LIST(wlist varchar,ex varchar);"); db.close(); } Inserting values in table: db.execSQL("INSERT INTO LIST VALUES('খবর');"); After completion of work close the database as: db.close(); Retrieving data using cursor: db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("path to your database", null,0); String q = "SELECT * FROM LIST where( wlist like '"+mComposing.toString()+"%')"+"ORDER BY wlist"; //your wanted query Cursor c = db.rawQuery(q, null); c.moveToFirst(); do { //do whatever you like } while (c.moveToNext()); Close cursor & database: c.close(); db.close();