function love.load() player = -- Sets up a table to store all the player variables such as location, speed and angle { x = 50, y = 50, speed = 100, angle = 0 } --Below here is the map generation algorithm -- Proceed with caution (Highly spaghettified) -- Create Data Structure map = { width = 800, height = 600, } for i = 1, #map do map[i][j] = 0 end -- rooms and room sizes minRooms = (map.width * map.height) / 300 maxRooms = (map.width * map.height) / 150 roomCount = math.random(minRooms, maxRooms) widthRoot = math.sqrt(map.width * 2) heightRoot = math.sqrt(map.height * 2) minWidth = (map.width * 0.5) / widthRoot maxWidth = (map.width * 2.0) / widthRoot minHeight = (map.height * 0.5) / heightRoot maxHeight = (map.height * 2.0) / heightRoot -- Create the rooms! roomList= {} room = {} for i = 0, roomCount do ok = false while ok ~= true do room.x = math.random(1 , map.width) room.y = math.random(1 , map.height) room.w = math.random(minWidth, maxWidth) room.h = math.random(minHeight, maxHeight) if room.x > map.width then room.x = map.width - room.x roomList.add(room) ok = true end end end --Connection Area connectionCount = roomCount connectedCells = {} for i = 0, connectionCount do roomA = roomList[i] roomB = roomList[j] -- Increasing this number will make hallways straighter --Lowering it will make hallways skewer sideStepChance = 10 pointA = { x =(Math.random()*roomA.w) + roomA.x, y = (Math.random()*roomA.h) + roomA.y } pointB = { x = (Math.random()*roomB.w) + roomB.x, y = (Math.random()*roomB.h) + roomB.y } -- Drunken/Lazy walk algorithm while pointB.x ~= pointA.x or pointB.y ~= pointA.y do num = math.random(1, 100) if num < sidestepChance then if pointB.x ~= pointA.x then if pointB.x > pointA.x then pointB.x = pointb.X - 1 else pointB.x = pointb.X + 1 end end elseif pointB.y ~= pointA.y then if pointB.y > pointA.y then pointB.y = pointB.y - 1 else pointB.y = pointB.y + 1; end end end -- Create map data for i = 0, roomList.length do for y = roomList[i].y, roomList[i].y + roomList[i].h do for x = roomList[i].x, x < roomList[i].x + roomList[i].w do -- console.log(y + " : " + x); map[y][x] = 1; end end end for i = 0, connectedCells.length do map[connectedCells[i].y][connectedCells[i].x] = 2; end for y = 0, y < height do for x= 0, x < width do if map[y][x] == 0 then wall = false; for yy = y-2, yy < y+2 do for xx = x-2, xx < x+2 do if xx > 0 and yy > 0 and xx < width and yy < height then if map[yy][xx] == 1 or map[yy][xx] == 2 then map[y][x] = 3; wall = true; end end end if(wall) then break end end end end end end end function love.update(dt) if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then -- Right movement player.x = player.x + (player.speed * dt) elseif love.keyboard.isDown("a") then -- Left Movement player.x = player.x - (player.speed * dt) end if love.keyboard.isDown("s") then -- Down movement player.y = player.y + (player.speed * dt) elseif love.keyboard.isDown("w") then -- Up movement player.y = player.y - (player.speed * dt) end end function love.draw(),0,0)"fill", player.x, player.y, 10, 10) for y = 0, #map[x] do for x = 0, #map[y] do if map[y][x] == 0 then elseif map[y][x] == 1 then"fill", map[x], map[y]) elseif map[y][x] == 2 then"fill", map[x], map[y]) elseif map[y][x] == 3 then"fill", map[x], map[y]) end end end end