#============================================================================== # CUSTOM BATTLE STATUS CONFIG # Author Molegato # Version 1.2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TAG INSTRUCTIONS: # Use and on actors that you want to use # a certain icon for attack and guard, rather than the default you set here. # Use to set an enemys's custom name color # Use to set acustom back image for an actor # Use to set acustom back image for an actor #============================================================================== module MOLEGATO_CUSTOM_BATTLESTATUS #party command window PARTY_COMMAND_WINDOW = 'Window' PARTY_COMMAND_TONE = [0,0,255,255] PARTY_COMMAND_OPACITY = 255 PARTY_COMMAND_WIDTH = 128 PARTY_COMMAND_LINE_MAX = 10 PARTY_COMMAND_POSITION=0 PARTY_COMMAND_X = 0 PARTY_COMMAND_Y = 0 PARTY_COMMAND_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size PARTY_COMMAND_USE_ICONS = true PARTY_COMMAND_ICONS = [3,4] #actor command window ACTOR_COMMAND_WINDOW = 'Window' ACTOR_COMMAND_OPACITY = 255 ACTOR_COMMAND_TONE = [0,0,255,255] ACTOR_COMMAND_WIDTH = 128 ACTOR_COMMAND_LINE_MAX = 10 ACTOR_COMMAND_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size ACTOR_COMMAND_POSITION=1 ACTOR_COMMAND_X = 0 ACTOR_COMMAND_Y = 0 ACTOR_COMMAND_USE_ICONS = true ACTOR_COMMAND_ICON_ATTACK_WEAPON = true ACTOR_COMMAND_DEFAULT_ICON_ATTACK = 1 ACTOR_COMMAND_DEFAULT_ICON_GUARD = 2 ACTOR_COMMAND_ICON_ITEM = 5 ACTOR_COMMAND_ICONS_SKILL = [3,4,5,6] #help window HELP_Y = 0 HELP_HEIGHT=64 HELP_OPACITY = 255 HELP_WINDOW = 'Window' HELP_TONE = [0,0,255,255] HELP_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size #skill window SKILL_X = 0 SKILL_Y = 64 SKILL_WIDTH = Graphics.width SKILL_HEIGHT = 200 SKILL_OPACITY = 255 SKILL_WINDOW = 'Window' SKILL_TONE = [0,0,255,255] SKILL_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size SKILL_COLUMNS = 2 #item window ITEM_X = 0 ITEM_Y = 64 ITEM_WIDTH = Graphics.width ITEM_HEIGHT = 200 ITEM_OPACITY = 255 ITEM_WINDOW = 'Window' ITEM_TONE = [0,0,255,255] ITEM_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size ITEM_COLUMNS = 2 #target window TARGET_X = 0 TARGET_Y = 64 TARGET_WIDTH = Graphics.width TARGET_HEIGHT = 200 TARGET_OPACITY = 255 TARGET_WINDOW = 'Window' TARGET_TONE = [0,0,255,255] TARGET_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size TARGET_COLUMNS = 2 ENEMY_CURSOR = true CURSOR_VERTICAL = true CURSOR_NAME = 'Window' CURSOR_OX = 0 CURSOR_OY = 0 REVERSE_CURSOR = true CURSOR_ENEMY_NAME = true CURSOR_TEXT_OX = 100 CURSOR_TEXT_OY = 150 CURSOR_TEXT_WIDTH = 200 CURSOR_TEXT_ALIGN = 1 #0 = left, 1 = center, 2=right #status window STATUS_WINDOW = 'Window' STATUS_TONE = [0,0,255,255] STATUS_OPACITY = 255 STATUS_X = 128 STATUS_Y = Graphics.height-120 STATUS_WIDTH = Graphics.width-128 STATUS_HEIGHT = 120 STATUS_FONT_SIZE = Font.default_size-2 MOVE_STATUS_WINDOW = true CENTER_STATUS_ON_TURN = true STATUS_X_ON_TURN = -500 STATUS_HORIZONTAL = true CENTER_ACTORS = true #actor profile on battle_status ACTOR_NAME_X = 10 ACTOR_NAME_Y = 0 ICONS_X = 104 ICONS_Y = 0 ICONS_WIDTH = 100 HP_BAR_X = 12 HP_BAR_Y = 24 HP_BAR_WIDTH = 80 MP_BAR_X = 12 MP_BAR_Y = 48 MP_BAR_WIDTH = 80 TP_BAR_X = 12 TP_BAR_Y = 72 TP_BAR_WIDTH = 80 DRAW_LVL = true LVL_X = 0 LVL_Y = 24 USE_FACE = false FACE_X = 20 FACE_Y = 0 FACE_SCALE = 0.25 USE_CHARA = true CHARA_X = 20 CHARA_Y = 40 USE_IMAGE1 = false IMAGE1_NAME = '' IMAGE1_X = 0 IMAGE1_Y = 0 USE_IMAGE2 = false IMAGE2_NAME = '' IMAGE2_X = 0 IMAGE2_Y = 0 end