Function style_Init() ' // provide information about our style With .format = "display" .name = "Cobalt Scripted" .description = "A clean, sleek-looking style (powered by VBScript)" .version = 0 .revision = 2 .icon = style.path & "icon.png" .schemes = "Light;Dark" End With End Function Sub style_Draw() Dim pbIcon Dim xEdge Dim sz Dim prTitle Dim prText Dim lc Const TITLE_TEXT_GAP = 2 Const MARGIN_SIZE = 20 Const POPUP_WIDTH = 350 Set prTitle = new_BRect(0,0,0,0) Set prText = new_BRect(0,0,0,0) With view .SizeTo 350, 78 Set pbIcon = load_image_obj(style.notification.ValueOf("icon")) xEdge = MARGIN_SIZE If is_valid_image((pbIcon)) Then _ xEdge = xEdge + 32 + 10 If style.notification.ValueOf("title") <> "" Then .SetFont "Lucida Grande", 9, True .MeasureString style.notification.ValueOf("title"), new_BRect(xEdge, 0, .Width - MARGIN_SIZE, 16384), (prTitle) End If If style.notification.ValueOf("text") <> "" Then .SetFont "Lucida Grande", 9 .MeasureString style.notification.ValueOf("text"), new_BRect(xEdge, 0, .Width - MARGIN_SIZE, 16384), (prText) End If ' /* final size */ .SizeTo POPUP_WIDTH, _ MAX(MARGIN_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE + TITLE_TEXT_GAP + 32, _ MARGIN_SIZE + prTitle.Height + TITLE_TEXT_GAP + prText.Height + MARGIN_SIZE) ' /* background */ .EnableSmoothing True .TextMode = 4 '// MFX_TEXT_ANTIALIAS Select Case style.notification.ValueOf("scheme") Case "light" .SetHighColour rgba(250, 250, 250) .FillRoundRect .Bounds, 4, 4 .SetHighColour rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) .SetLowColour rgba(0, 0, 0, 32) .FillRoundRect .Bounds, 4, 4, 3 '' .SetHighColour rgba(255, 255, 255, 190) '' .StrokeLine new_BRect(8, 1, .Width - 8 - 1, 1) '' .StrokeLine new_BRect(1, 8, 1, .Height - 8 - 1) Case Else .SetHighColour rgba(22, 22, 22) .FillRoundRect .Bounds, 4, 4 .SetHighColour rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) .SetLowColour rgba(0, 0, 0, 255) .FillRoundRect .Bounds, 4, 4, 3 End Select ' /* title */ .SetFont "Lucida Grande", 9, True Select Case style.notification.ValueOf("scheme") Case "light" .SetHighColour rgba(0, 0, 0) Case Else .SetHighColour rgba(255, 255, 255) End Select prTitle.OffsetBy 0, MARGIN_SIZE .DrawString style.notification.ValueOf("title"), (prTitle), 0 ' /* text */ .SetFont "Lucida Grande", 9 Select Case style.notification.ValueOf("scheme") Case "light" .SetHighColour rgba(0, 0, 0, 198) Case Else .SetHighColour rgba(255, 255, 255, 198) End Select prText.OffsetBy 0, MARGIN_SIZE + prTitle.Height + TITLE_TEXT_GAP .DrawString style.notification.ValueOf("text"), (prText), 0 ' /* R2.6: background tint */ If style.notification.exists("colour-tint") then lc = string_as_long(style.notification.valueof("colour-tint")) .SetHighColour rgba(get_red(lc), get_green(lc), get_blue(lc), 32) .FillRect .Bounds End If ' /* icon */ .DrawScaledImage (pbIcon), new_BPoint(MARGIN_SIZE, MARGIN_SIZE), new_BPoint(32, 32) ' /* priority */ If string_as_long(style.notification.ValueOf("priority")) > 0 Then .SetHighColour rgba(236, 59, 0, 220) .SetPenSize 2 .StrokeRect .Bounds End If End With End Sub