@ieblog - several serious concerns. 1.) Just how many potential rendering modes are in IE10? I'm already counting about 12 this is getting ridiculous! 2.) Windows 7 users need to test their apps on IE10, and those same developers want to test the new features you've added so we can provide feedback and bug reports 3.) I have zero interest in the Metro UI in Windows 8 - El Camino edition - Like the other hundreds of thousands of developers out there I have websites and webapps that I need to support and a fancy 5-years-too-late grafted-on-hack touch experience isn't going to win me over. 4.) You don't seem to have addressed the problem with your rendering/JS engine versions as noted by Paul Irish - "You may soon be developing for 76 browsers." - http://paulirish.com/2011/browser-market-pollution-iex-is-the-new-ie6/ Developers have no interest whatsoever in supporting IE's broken browser version model going forward yet IE10 thus far has not done anything to help resolve this problem introduced by Microsoft 5.) You still have not fixed the comment form on this blog - who is in charge of this at Microsoft? and why are they still employed? The fix is beyond ridiculously easy. DELETE this completely broken ASP nightmare: Post ADD this standard always works, simple, symantic, darn near bulletproof, tested 100% working solution: