prontera,155,157,5 script Flower Counting 437,{ if( getgmlevel() < 60 ){ mes "This is a Flower Counting Game"; mes "I will summon some Flower here, and you have to count the Correct Amount of Flower i summoned."; mes "^FF0000Only Count for the Flower i mentioned^000000"; close; } if( select( "Start Game:RESET" ) == 2 ){ killmonster strcharinfo(3),"All"; deletepset 1; delwaitingroom; mes "Done"; close; } // How many Seconds Of Delay will be Apply on Players after Answered. set .DelaySec,15; // What Flowers will be summoned setarray .MonsterList[0],1934,1935,1936; deletearray .MobCount[0],getarraysize( .MonsterList ); for( set .@x,153; .@x <= 159; set .@x,.@x + 1 ) for( set .@y,146; .@y <= 153; set .@y,.@y + 1 ){ set .Summon,rand( getarraysize( .MonsterList ) ); monster strcharinfo(3),.@x,.@y,"Count Me",.MonsterList[.Summon],1; set .MobCount[.Summon],.MobCount[.Summon] + 1; sleep2 5; } set .TargetID,rand( getarraysize( .MonsterList ) ); set .TargetCount,.MobCount[.TargetID]; deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.*"+.TargetCount+".*", "iRight"; activatepset 1; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Target : "+getmonsterinfo( .MonsterList[.TargetID],0 )+" ",0; npctalk "Count for the Target Monster's Amount to Win the Game."; message strcharinfo(0),"Answer for this Round is [ "+.TargetCount+" ]."; close; iRight: if( #EventDelay > gettimetick(2) ){ dispbottom "Sorry, Time Penalty : Remain "+( #EventDelay - gettimetick(2) )+" seconds."; }else{ delwaitingroom; set #EventDelay,gettimetick(2) + .DelaySec; npctalk "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] , You're Correct."; killmonster strcharinfo(3),"All"; deletepset 1; } end; }