// For Testing Purpose splendide,205,131,4 script Eraser 100,{ if(checkquest(12305) == 0 || checkquest(12305) == 1) erasequest 12305; end; } splendide,207,135,4 script Test Instance 100,{ // CONFIG .@name$ = "[ Test Instance ]"; .@max_player = 5; .@min_player = 2; .@p_id = getcharid(1); .@p_name$ = getpartyname(.@p_id); .@raidname$ = "Test Instance"; // End of Config /* if(instance_check_party(.@p_id,.@min_player)){ mes "Minimum of "+.@min_player+" Players"; close; } */ set .@t_raid,checkquest(12305,PLAYTIME); if(.@t_raid == -1){ if(getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(.@p_id,2)){ mes "Party Status confirmed. Would you like to book entrance to the "+.@raidname$+"?"; next; switch(select("Reserve the "+.@raidname$+":Enter the Dungeon:Cancel")){ case 1: if(instance_create(.@raidname$) < 0) { mes "Party Name: "+.@p_name$; mes "Party Leader: "+strcharinfo(0); mes "^0000FF"+.@raidname$+"^000000 - Reservation Failed."; close; } donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1",instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1",instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; mes "^0000FF"+.@raidname$+"^000000 - Attempting to book an entrance"; mes "After making a reservation, you have to select 'Enter the Dungeon' from the menu if you wish to enter the "+.@raidname$+"."; close; case 2: callsub T_Enter,0; case 3: close; } } if(select(.@raidname$+" Enter the Memorial Dungeon:Cancel") == 2) end; warp instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()),50,50; } else if (.@t_raid == 0 || .@t_raid == 1){ mes "You can enter the Dungeon if it has been generated."; next; if(select("Enter the Dungeon "+.@raidname$+":Cancel") == 2) close; warp instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()),50,50; } else if (.@t_raid == 2){ mes "^0000FFAll records and after-effects related to the "+.@raidname$+" are deleted. you can now regenerate or re enter the dungeon.^000000"; erasequest 12305; close; } mes "In order to generate a dungeon you must be the Party LEader and have at least 2 members in the party."; close; T_Enter: switch(instance_enter("Test Instance")){ case 3: mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; case 2: mes "Memorial Dungeon Test Instance does not exist."; mes "Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader, or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours."; close; case 1: mes "Only member of the party can enter the Memorial Raid."; close; case 0: if(checkquest(12305) == -1) setquest 12305; if (getarg(0) == 0) close; else end; } } 1@raid,50,50,0 script #Resurrect TRaid1 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1"); end; OnDisable: killmonster instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()),instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1",instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1"); monster instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()),50,45,"Tykes Ron",2560,30,instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1")+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@map$, instance_mapname("1@raid"); set .@mob_dead_num,mobcount(.@map$,instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1")+"::OnMyMobDead"); mapannounce instance_mapname("1@raid"),"[ "+.@mob_dead_num+" / 30 ] Remaining Monsters",bc_map,"0xff4444"; if(.@mob_dead_num == 0) { donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1")+"::OnBoss"; mapannounce instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()),"The Boss has been showed herself!",bc_map,"0xff4444"; } end; OnBoss: monster instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()),50,45,"Tykes Boss",2566,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect TRaid1")+"::OnMyBossDead"; end; OnMyBossDead: mapannounce instance_mapname("1@raid",instance_id()), "Shaman Cargalache: Defeated by these fools... It can't be",bc_map,"0xff4444"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Test Instance",instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; end; } 1@raid,50,32,0 script #Warp Outside Test Instance 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Test Instance",instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Test Instance",instance_id()); end; OnTouch: warp "splendide",201,147; end; }