# Initialising A case-sensitive volume is required: ```Bash hdiutil create -type SPARSE -volname 'Rowboat' -fs 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+' -size 40g rowboat.dmg.sparseimage hdiutil attach ~/rowboat.dmg.sparseimage ``` To avoid some extra/unnecessary patching, make sure you have GNU versions of tar and sed ahead of your path. Initialise the tree using repo (I picked `manifests/rowboat-ics-am335x.xml`, though you may wish to use TI's release 3.0.1 via `manifests/TI-Android-ICS-4.0.3-DevKit-3.0.1.xml`). # Patching Run this: `curl -s https://raw.github.com/gist/3071139/patch.sh | bash` # Building It will fail building the kernel, hence follow [suggestions on iDriod project wiki](http://www.idroidproject.org/wiki/Compiling_a_Kernel#Mac_OS_X_Fixes.2FWorkarounds): ```Bash sudo cp external/elfutils/libelf/elf.h /usr/include/ ``` It appears that you no longer need to mess around with `malloc.h` inclusion. As TI suggests, you need to build u-boot first: ```Bash cd u-boot; make CROSS_COMPILE=/Volumes/Rowboat/prebuilt/darwin-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- distclean make CROSS_COMPILE=/Volumes/Rowboat/prebuilt/darwin-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- am335x_evm_config make CROSS_COMPILE=/Volumes/Rowboat/prebuilt/darwin-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- -j3 ``` TI didn't not suggest this, but you will have to do this (unless you have u-boot host tools installed): ```Bash export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/u-boot/tools/" ``` Fallow [TI's instructions](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/TI-Android-ICS-4.0.3-DevKit-3.0.1_DevelopersGuide) to build without the graphics driver (TODO: fix the SGX driver build): ```Bash make TARGET_PRODUCT=beaglebone OMAPES=4.x -j3 droid kernel_build ```