{ "name": "Eevee", "author": "Sir Betato", "killmsg": "±Prof.Oak: ~Player~ (~Role~) has been slain.", "drawmsg": "Failed Again! Nobody won at the end and this is why we can't have nice things.", "killusermsg": "You left the pokemon world.", "lynchmsg": "±Game: ~Player~ (~Role~) left the Pokemon World!", "summary": "The fight for glory and for the love of pokemons! Starring Eevee! and when you're eevee be sure to evolve!", "sides": [ { "side": "village", "translation": "Good Pokemons", "winmsg": "(~Players~) have successfully won as good friends for the day!" }, { "side": "mafia1", "translation": "Bad Pokemons", "winmsg": "BWAHAHAHA! Darkness shall prevail! [~Players~ Have won!]" }, { "side": "mafia2", "translation": "Legendary Pokemons", "winmsg": "We powerful pokemons are gonna rule this world! What a big win for (~Players~)" }, { "side": "werewolf", "translation": "Ghost Pokemons", "winmsg": "Wooh! ~Players~ will haunt your dreams and will take every pokemon you have!." }, { "side": "trainer", "translation": "Ash", "winmsg": "Gotta Catch them all! [~Players~ Have won!]" } ], "roles": [ { "role": "pika", "translation": "Pikachu", "side": "village", "winningSides": [ "trainer" ], "help": "PIKA PIKA! You're really cute and as an advantage you can /inspect one person during the night! Where's Ash you say? He's probably around hiding, So if he wins you'll win too!", "actions": { "night": { "inspect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 100 } }, "daykill": { "mode": { "ignore": [ "trainer" ] }, "targetmsg": "±Game: Ash, the trainer used his pokeball to catch you, but failed since you don't like going on pokeballs! Pika Pika!? ", "msg": "±Game: Pikachu ran fast after your pokeball touches him, you remember that pikachu doesn't like going on pokeballs! Pika Pika!? " } } }, { "role": "pip", "translation": "Piplup", "side": "village", "help": "You're Piplup! As cute as any pokemon created! You're always helpful and ready to serve your fellow friends! So be sure to protect them using /protect [name]", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 10, "broadcast": "role" } }, "startup": "role-reveal" } }, { "role": "mamo", "translation": "Mamoswine", "side": "village", "help": "You're a huge mammoth pokemon living in this tiny world! And with your ice powers you can /ice [name] to stun enemies from doing anything during the night!", "actions": { "night": { "ice": { "command": "distract", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "Mamoswine used it's ice powers to stun you from doing anything during the night... Thus you can't move and stopped on what you're trying to do", "teammsg": "Mamoswine used it's ice powers on your partner, suddenly the ice grew more and went to you causing you to freeze and can't continue your ~Action~" } } } }, { "role": "star", "translation": "Staravia", "side": "village", "help": "You're flying around to see what is happening in your Pokemon Life and your world, staravia's like you are really fast and thus giving you the advantage to use /stalk [name] to know what they did during the night!", "actions": { "night": { "stalk": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 110 } } } }, { "role": "cran", "translation": "Cranidos", "side": "village", "help": "GAH! You're Cranidos and you just have it all! You're like a pokemon who wants to vote people off! Thus you have a vote of 4 to outvote who tries to vote you!", "actions": { "vote": 4 } }, { "role": "eevee", "translation": "Eevee", "side": "village", "help": "You're somewhat awesome because you can evolve into many pokemons! Thus you can /flareon(Daykiller), /glaceon(PL), /vaporeon(BG) and to /espeon(insp). Evolving is hard because you need to find the stones that you need to evolve into that pokemon so goodluck eevolving! As of now you can just vote during the day.", "actions": { "night": { "flareon": { "suicideChance": 0.55, "suicidemsg": "You failed to find a stone for your eeveelution, thus! you died trying hard.. sad story isn't it?", "command": "convert", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 50, "restrict": [ "glaceon", "vaporeon", "espeon" ], "newRole": { "flareon": [ "eevee" ] }, "failChance": 0.94 }, "glaceon": { "suicideChance": 0.2, "suicidemsg": "You failed to find a stone for your eeveelution, thus! you died trying hard.. sad story isn't it?", "command": "convert", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 50, "restrict": [ "flareon", "vaporeon", "espeon" ], "newRole": { "glaceon": [ "eevee" ] }, "failChance": 0.91 }, "vaporeon": { "suicideChance": 0.3, "suicidemsg": "You failed to find a stone for your eeveelution, thus! you died trying hard.. sad story isn't it?", "command": "convert", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 50, "restrict": [ "flareon", "espeon", "glaceon" ], "newRole": { "vap": [ "eevee" ] }, "failChance": 0.93 }, "espeon": { "suicideChance": 0.25, "suicidemsg": "You failed to find a stone for your eeveelution, thus! you died trying hard.. sad story isn't it?", "command": "convert", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 50, "restrict": [ "flareon", "glaceon", "vaporeon" ], "newRole": { "espy": [ "eevee" ] }, "failChance": 0.915 } } } }, { "role": "flareon", "translation": "Flareon", "side": "village", "help": "You're Flareon! The one who really likes to be with everyone! You can /flame one person during the standby phase to blow them away with your fire abilities!", "actions": { "standby": { "flame": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can now /flame to blow out your enemies! You'll be revealed though.", "killmsg": "~Self~, The Flareon uses his fire abilities and blows ~Target~ out of the game" } } } }, { "role": "espy", "translation": "Espeon", "side": "village", "help": "You're a psychic pokemon and that's you! With you mind powers you can /psychic to know what role they are!", "actions": { "night": { "psychic": { "command": "inspect", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 100 } } } }, { "role": "vap", "translation": "Vaporeon", "side": "village", "help": "You're vaporeon, an eeveelution of eevee! As of now you can /protect [name] to protect your fellow friends from harm.", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 2, "broadcast": "role" } }, "startup": "role-reveal" } }, { "role": "glaceon", "translation": "Glaceon", "side": "village", "help": "You're glaceon, an eeveelution of eevee! As of now you can /ice [name] to stun your enemies from doing anything!", "actions": { "night": { "ice": { "command": "distract", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "Glaceon used it's ice powers to stun you from doing anything during the night... Thus you can't move and stopped on what you're trying to do", "teammsg": "Glaceon used it's ice powers on your partner, suddenly the ice grew more and went to you causing you to freeze and can't continue your ~Action~" } } } }, { "role": "jiggly", "translation": "Jigglypuff", "side": "village", "help": "You're cute and very active! As of which you hold a mike and you also have the ability to expose one person during the day with /sing [name], you're cute, so it anyone tries to kill you in the day, you'll reveal that person. ", "info": "Can sing (expose) one person during the day.If daykilled, it will reveal it's daykiller.Sided with the good pokemons.", "actions": { "standby": { "sing": { "command": "expose", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Use /sing now to reveal yourself and your target!", "exposemsg": "~Self~ (Jigglypuff) releases her mike then gets ready for the song to ~Target~ 'LALALA' ~Target~ fell asleep and was revealed to be ~Role~!" } }, "daykill": "revealkiller", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Self~ died flawlessly and her cuteness gazed and somewhat revealed that ~Target~ is the ~Role~!" } }, { "role": "float", "translation": "Floatzel", "side": "village", "help": "Swoosh! You act fast and active and is ready to serve your friends! You've been wondering how to help your friends and now, you can /protect [name] two persons during the night!", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 6, "limit": 2, "broadcast": "role" } } } }, { "role": "ape", "translation": "Infernape", "side": "village", "help": "You're burning in fire and is ready to do some job here! Thus you can /flame [name] to kill the person.", "actions": { "night": { "flame": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 15 } } } }, { "role": "bidoof", "translation": "Bidoof", "side": "village", "help": "You're somewhat awesome because you can evolve into many pokemons! Thus you can /flareon(Daykiller), /glaceon(PL), /vaporeon(BG) and to /espeon(insp). Evolving is hard because you need to find the stones that you need to evolve into that pokemon so goodluck eevolving! As of now you can just vote during the day.", "actions": { "vote": 0, "inspect": { "revealAs": "mismag" }, "startup": { "revealAs": "eevee" }, "hax": { "poison": { "revealTeam": 0.2, "revealPlayer": 0.8 }, "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.15, "revealPlayer": 0.02 } }, "night": { "flareon": { "command": "distract", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "You couldn't flareon this night!", "restrict": [ "espeon", "glaceon", "vaporeon" ] }, "espeon": { "command": "distract", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "You couldn't espeon this night!", "restrict": [ "flareon", "glaceon", "vaporeon" ] }, "glaceon": { "command": "distract", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "You couldn't glaceon this night!", "restrict": [ "flareon", "espeon", "vaporeon" ] }, "vaporeon": { "command": "distract", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "You couldn't vaporeon this night!", "restrict": [ "flareon", "glaceon", "espeon" ] } } } }, { "role": "skorupi", "translation": "Skorupi", "side": "village", "winningSides": [ "mafia1", "mafia2", "werewolf" ], "help": "You're skorupi and for now you're siding with the good pokemons, but because of being such a villain pokemon like you you'll win with any side except with the Trainer.You can /poison [name] 3 persons during the night, and they'll die 4 nights then.When you're lynched you'll become a drapion and as a matter of fact you evade nightkills 50% of the time.", "actions": { "lynch": { "convertTo": "drapion", "convertmsg": "~Self~ the skorupi went nuts and evolved into a Drapion!" }, "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.5 } }, "night": { "poison": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 40, "limit": 3, "count": 4 } } } }, { "role": "drapion", "translation": "Drapion", "side": "village", "winningSides": [ "mafia1", "mafia2", "werewolf" ], "help": "You're drapion and you just evolved for being lynched right there! Phew it was close! Because you are powerful and big now you can poison 2 person during the night and they'll die 2 nights then.You Evade nightkills 40% of the time.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.4 } }, "night": { "poison": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 40, "limit": 2, "count": 2 } } } }, { "role": "mismag", "translation": "Mismagius", "side": "mafia1", "help": "You're the scariest among em all! With this you can /scare [name] to rip their hearts out! Be sure to work with your fellow friends and have fun <3", "actions": { "night": { "scare": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 10, "broadcast": "team" } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "drif", "translation": "Drifblim", "side": "mafia1", "help": "You fly around and seek vengeance for the good pokemons as their style make you mad! As which you can poison 2 times in the game and as addition you can kill one person during the night.", "actions": { "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles", "night": { "kill": { "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "target": "AnyButTeam", "broadcast": [ "mismag", "puru" ] }, "poison": { "count": 2, "priority": 35, "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Role", "broadcast": "team", "charges": 2 } } } }, { "role": "puru", "translation": "Purugly", "side": "mafia1", "help": "As it says, you're ugly :3. You often wanna scare someone with your ugly with your ability using /distract [name] to distract them from your ugliness and as an addition you can /scare [name] one person during the night but it only works for one night and can't be used again.You also have a vote of 2", "actions": { "vote": 2, "startup": "team-reveal", "night": { "distract": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 3, "distractmsg": "Purugly released it's smelly stinkbomb and it makes you weak and tired during this night deciding that you won't do your action.", "teammsg": "Purugly distracted your teammate with her ability, as of which it spreaded and you also decided to stop your ~action~" }, "scare": { "command": "kill", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "target": "AnyButTeam", "broadcast": "team", "charges": 1 } } } }, { "role": "dusk", "translation": "Dusknoir", "side": "werewolf", "help": "You're a scary ghost pokemon that everyone fears! as well that if any distractor distract you, you'll kill them instantly and as a matter of fact you're unseen so you won't be detected by spy or hax!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 10 } }, "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract dusknoir..that's very cool, but he vanished immediately and stabbed you with his ghost powers!", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to distract you last night! Yum! You vanished and devoured him instead!" }, "avoidHax": [ "kill" ] } }, { "role": "dark1", "translation": "Darkrai", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Darkness shall prevail! You're the master of darkness and you're ready to /pulse [name] to kill one person during the day, be careful not to kill jigglypuff because killing her will reveal you! You kill those who tries to oppose you during the day, except, you'll go down as well.", "actions": { "standby": { "pulse": { "command": "kill", "msg": "You can now kill using /pulse [name]", "killmsg": "Darkrai gets ready for his next shot following with his dark pulse then directly hits ~Target~!", "target": "AnyButSelf" } }, "daykill": "bomb", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ (~Role~) tried to get rid of ~Self~ (~Role~), but both go down in the end!" } }, { "role": "dark2", "translation": "Darkrai", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Darkness shall prevail! You're the master of darkness and you're ready to /pulse [name] to kill one person during the day, be careful not to kill jigglypuff because killing her will reveal you! And you also have a vote of 4 and make sure to use it so they'll believe you're cranidos! You kill those who tries to oppose you during the day, except, you'll go down as well.", "actions": { "vote": 4, "standby": { "pulse": { "command": "kill", "msg": "You can now kill using /pulse [name]", "killmsg": "Darkrai gets ready for his next shot following with his dark pulse then directly hits ~Target~!", "target": "AnyButSelf" } }, "daykill": "bomb", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ (~Role~) tried to get rid of ~Self~ (~Role~), but both go down in the end!" } }, { "role": "arc", "translation": "Arceus", "side": "mafia2", "help": "ARGHH!! You're arceus and you're ready to blow some pokemons out with your 100 vote and a voteshield of -100 and remember! You're working with darkrai so be sure to help him! You kill those who try to oppose you during the day, except, you go down as well.", "actions": { "daykill": "bomb", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ (~Role~) tried to get rid of ~Self~ (~Role~), but both go down in the end!", "vote": 100, "voteshield": -100 }, "winIfDeadRoles": [ "flareon", "puru", "mismag", "drif", "ape", "trainer", "dusk" ] }, { "role": "giratina", "translation": "Giratina", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Darkness is within you! Thus you can /kill [name] during the night and you also have a voteshield of -2 and you ignore distractors because of your evil speed! You kill those who try to kill you during the day, except, you go down as well.", "actions": { "voteshield": -2, "startup": "team-reveal", "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 9 } }, "daykill": "bomb", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ (~Role~) tried to get rid of ~Self~ (~Role~), but both go down in the end!" } }, { "role": "trainer", "translation": "Ash", "side": "trainer", "help": "Gotta Catch Em All! and you have to catch them all with /catch [name] during the day, this will make them die.Pikachu does not want to be in pokeballs so you can't catch him during the day and as a matter of fact you can win with Pikachu.But there's a problem, you can't catch legendary pokemons like arceus and darkrai with your pokeballs for now.", "actions": { "standby": { "catch": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Use your pokeball and catch them all with /catch [name] This would probably kill them", "killmsg": "Ash, the trainer, releases his pokeball then throws it to ~Target~, ~Target~ somehow managed to escape but was catched and was delivered to Prof. Oak. " } } } } ], "roles1": [ "pip", "dark1", "pika", "mismag", "eevee", "eevee", "mamo", "drif", "bidoof", "dusk", "eevee" ], "roles2": [ "pip", "dark1", "pika", "mismag", "eevee", "eevee", "mamo", "drif", "bidoof", "dusk", "eevee", "ape", "drif", "cran", "star", "drif", "eevee", "bidoof" ], "roles3": [ "pip", "dark2", "pika", "mismag", "arc", "jiggly", "cran", "drif", "eevee", "trainer", "dusk", "ape", "drif", "cran", "star", "eevee", "bidoof", "eevee", "puru", "star", "mismag", "skorupi", "float", "eevee", "eevee", "bidoof", "mamo", "giratina", "drif", "eevee", "cran", "eevee", "puru", "star", "mismag", "mamo", "pip" ] }