$(document).ready(function(){ /* Step 1 - Hide all tabbed contect except first tab content. - Give 'active' class to first tab. - Give 'last' class to last tab. */ $('.tabbed_content .content li').not(':first').hide(); $('.tabbed_content .tabs a:first').addClass('active'); $('.tabbed_content .tabs a:last').addClass('last'); /* Step 2 - Bind click event to tabs. - Prevent Default event (stop page refreshing). - Call 'switchTab' funtion. */ $('.tabbed_content .tabs li a').live('click', function (e){ e.preventDefault(); switchTab($(this)); }); /* Step 3 - Remove 'active' class from any tabs it may be assigned to. - Add 'active' class to the clicked tab. - Call 'switchContent' function. */ function switchTab (objClickedTab){ strTarget = $(objClickedTab).attr('href'); $('.tabbed_content .tabs a.active').removeClass('active'); $(objClickedTab).addClass('active'); switchContent(strTarget); } /* Step 4 - Fade out any visible content. - Fade in content which corresponds to clicked tab. */ function switchContent (strTarget){ $('.tabbed_content .content li:visible').fadeOut('fast', function(){ $('.tabbed_content .content li#' + strTarget).fadeIn('fast'); }); } });