import websocket, thread import simplejson as json SOCKET_IO_HOST = "" SOCKET_IO_PORT = 8080 socket_io_url = 'http://' + SOCKET_IO_HOST + ':' + str(SOCKET_IO_PORT) + '/' def encode_for_socketio(message): """ Encode 'message' string or dictionary to be able to be transported via a Python WebSocket client to a Socket.IO server (which is capable of receiving WebSocket communications). This method taken from gevent-socketio. """ MSG_FRAME = "~m~" HEARTBEAT_FRAME = "~h~" JSON_FRAME = "~j~" if isinstance(message, basestring): encoded_msg = message elif isinstance(message, (object, dict)): return encode_for_socketio(JSON_FRAME + json.dumps(message)) else: raise ValueError("Can't encode message.") return MSG_FRAME + str(len(encoded_msg)) + MSG_FRAME + encoded_msg ws = None def sendMsg(m=''): global ws if ws == None: ws = websocket.create_connection(socket_io_url) ws.send(encode_for_socketio({'message':m}))