import; import; import; public class reversi { static boolean inv = false; static int flipcount = 0; static int flips = 0; static String pone = ""; static String ptwo = ""; static String twogo = ""; static String onego = ""; static String f = ""; static boolean start = true; static int turn = 0; static String one[] = new String[8]; static String two[] = new String[8]; static String three[] = new String[8]; static String four[] = new String[8]; static String five[] = new String[8]; static String six[] = new String[8]; static String seven[] = new String[8]; static String eight[] = new String[8]; static String onet[] = new String[8]; static String twot[] = new String[8]; static String threet[] = new String[8]; static String fourt[] = new String[8]; static String fivet[] = new String[8]; static String sixt[] = new String[8]; static String sevent[] = new String[8]; static String eightt[] = new String[8]; static int check[] = new int[100]; static int xco = 0; static int yco = 0; static int turnt; static int counter = 0; static int[] direction = new int[8]; static int[] boarder = { 10, -10, 1, -1, +11, -11, -9, +9 }; static String blnk = " "; static String blnk2 = "____"; static String xtop = "\\__/"; static String xbottom = "/ \\"; static String o = "OOOO"; static int tmp; static int y; static int z; static int h = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { start(); } public static void start() { boolean c = true; int total = 0; int exes = 0; int ys = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++){ if ((check[x] == 1) || (check[x] == 2) || (check[x] == 3)){ total++; } if (check[x] == 1){ exes++; } if (check[x] == 2){ ys++; } } if (total == 100){ System.out.println("Game finished! "+pone+" has "+exes+" crosses on the board!\n"+ptwo+" has "+ys+" circles on the board!"); if (ys < exes){ f = readLine("Congradulations "+pone+"! You won!\nWould you like to play again? "); } else if (ys > exes){ f = readLine("Congradulations "+ptwo+"! You won!\nWould you like to play again? "); } else if (ys == exes){ f = readLine("Congradulations both players drew! You won!\nWould you like to play again? "); } do { if (f.equals("yes") || f.equals("y") || f.equals("YES")){ start = true; start(); } else if (f.equals("no") || f.equals("n") || f.equals("NO")){ System.out.println("I hope you enjoyed Othello (Reversi) by Greg Cawthorne!"); System.exit(0); } else { f = readLine("Sorry I didn't quite get that. Would you like to play again? "); c = false; }} while (c == false);} else if ((start == false) && (turn != 0) && (inv == false)){ System.out.print(pone+" has "+exes+" (X) tiles!\n"+ptwo+" has "+ys+" (0) tiles!\n"); } inv = false; boolean chin = true; if (start == true) { pone = readLine("Welcome to Othello (Reversi) by Greg Cawthorne!\nPlease enter player one's name! "); while (pone.equals("")) { pone = readLine("Please enter a name for player 1 :) "); } ptwo = readLine("Player 1s name is " + pone + ".\nPlease enter player two's name! "); while (ptwo.equals("")) { ptwo = readLine("Please enter a name for player 2 :) "); } f = readLine("Player 2s name is " + ptwo + "\nJust press enter to begin or type something and then press enter change player names: "); if (false == f.equals("")) { start(); } } for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { check[x] = 3; if (x == 9) { x = 89; } } for (int x = 0; x < 100; x = x + 10) { check[x] = 3; if (x == 90) { x = 9; } } if (start == true) { for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { one[x] = blnk; two[x] = blnk; three[x] = blnk; five[x] = blnk; six[x] = blnk; seven[x] = blnk; eight[x] = blnk; onet[x] = blnk2; twot[x] = blnk2; threet[x] = blnk2; fivet[x] = blnk2; sixt[x] = blnk2; sevent[x] = blnk2; eightt[x] = blnk2; check[44] = 2; check[45] = 1; check[54] = 1; check[55] = 2; if (x == 3) { five[x] = xtop; fivet[x] = xbottom; four[x] = o; fourt[x] = o; } else if (x == 4) { five[x] = o; fivet[x] = o; four[x] = xtop; fourt[x] = xbottom; } else { five[x] = blnk; fivet[x] = blnk2; four[x] = blnk; fourt[x] = blnk2; } }// end for } else if (turn % 2 == 0) { turnt = 2; counter = 1; while (chin == true) { onego = readLine(pone + ", please enter in the coordinates of where you'd like to place an (X) tile (e.g. x,y) "); while ((false == onego.equals("1,1")) && (false == onego.equals("1,2")) && (false == onego.equals("1,3")) && (false == onego.equals("1,4")) && (false == onego.equals("1,5")) && (false == onego.equals("1,6")) && (false == onego.equals("1,7")) && (false == onego.equals("1,8")) && (false == onego.equals("2,1")) && (false == onego.equals("2,2")) && (false == onego.equals("2,3")) && (false == onego.equals("2,4")) && (false == onego.equals("2,5")) && (false == onego.equals("2,6")) && (false == onego.equals("2,7")) && (false == onego.equals("2,8")) && (false == onego.equals("3,1")) && (false == onego.equals("3,2")) && (false == onego.equals("3,3")) && (false == onego.equals("3,4")) && (false == onego.equals("3,5")) && (false == onego.equals("3,6")) && (false == onego.equals("3,7")) && (false == onego.equals("3,8")) && (false == onego.equals("4,1")) && (false == onego.equals("4,2")) && (false == onego.equals("4,3")) && (false == onego.equals("4,4")) && (false == onego.equals("4,5")) && (false == onego.equals("4,6")) && (false == onego.equals("4,7")) && (false == onego.equals("4,8")) && (false == onego.equals("5,1")) && (false == onego.equals("5,2")) && (false == onego.equals("5,3")) && (false == onego.equals("5,4")) && (false == onego.equals("5,5")) && (false == onego.equals("5,6")) && (false == onego.equals("5,7")) && (false == onego.equals("5,8")) && (false == onego.equals("6,1")) && (false == onego.equals("6,2")) && (false == onego.equals("6,3")) && (false == onego.equals("6,4")) && (false == onego.equals("6,5")) && (false == onego.equals("6,6")) && (false == onego.equals("6,7")) && (false == onego.equals("6,8")) && (false == onego.equals("7,1")) && (false == onego.equals("7,2")) && (false == onego.equals("7,3")) && (false == onego.equals("7,4")) && (false == onego.equals("7,5")) && (false == onego.equals("7,6")) && (false == onego.equals("7,7")) && (false == onego.equals("7,8")) && (false == onego.equals("8,1")) && (false == onego.equals("8,2")) && (false == onego.equals("8,3")) && (false == onego.equals("8,4")) && (false == onego.equals("8,5")) && (false == onego.equals("8,6")) && (false == onego.equals("8,7")) && (false == onego.equals("8,8"))) { onego = readLine("Invalid position. " + pone + ", please enter in valid coordinates of where you'd like to place an (X) tile (e.g. x,y) "); } chin = false; String x = String.valueOf(onego.charAt(0)); String y = String.valueOf(onego.charAt(2)); xco = Integer.parseInt(x); yco = Integer.parseInt(y); tmp = check[xco + yco * 10]; if ((yco == 1) && (check[xco + 10] == 0)) { one[xco - 1] = xtop; onet[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 10] = 1; } else if ((yco == 2) && (check[xco + 20] == 0)) { two[xco - 1] = xtop; twot[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 20] = 1; } else if ((yco == 3) && (check[xco + 30] == 0)) { three[xco - 1] = xtop; threet[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 30] = 1; } else if ((yco == 4) && (check[xco + 40] == 0)) { four[xco - 1] = xtop; fourt[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 40] = 1; } else if ((yco == 5) && (check[xco + 50] == 0)) { five[xco - 1] = xtop; fivet[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 50] = 1; } else if ((yco == 6) && (check[xco + 60] == 0)) { six[xco - 1] = xtop; sixt[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 60] = 1; } else if ((yco == 7) && (check[xco + 70] == 0)) { seven[xco - 1] = xtop; sevent[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 70] = 1; } else if ((yco == 8) && (check[xco + 80] == 0)) { eight[xco - 1] = xtop; eightt[xco - 1] = xbottom; check[xco + 80] = 1; } else { chin = true; System.out.print("This coordiante is already filled. "); }// end else } } else { while (chin == true) { turnt = 1; counter = 2; twogo = readLine(ptwo + ", please enter in the coordinates of where you'd like to place an (O) tile (e.g. x,y) "); while ((false == twogo.equals("1,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("1,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("2,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("3,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("4,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("5,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("6,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("7,8")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,1")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,2")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,3")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,4")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,5")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,6")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,7")) && (false == twogo.equals("8,8"))) { twogo = readLine("Invalid position. " + ptwo + ", please enter in valid coordinates of where you'd like to place an (O) tile (e.g. x,y) "); } chin = false; String x = String.valueOf(twogo.charAt(0)); String y = String.valueOf(twogo.charAt(2)); xco = Integer.parseInt(x); yco = Integer.parseInt(y); tmp = check[xco + yco * 10]; if ((yco == 1) && (check[xco + 10] == 0)) { one[xco - 1] = o; onet[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 10] = 2; } else if ((yco == 2) && (check[xco + 20] == 0)) { two[xco - 1] = o; twot[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 20] = 2; } else if ((yco == 3) && (check[xco + 30] == 0)) { three[xco - 1] = o; threet[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 30] = 2; } else if ((yco == 4) && (check[xco + 40] == 0)) { four[xco - 1] = o; fourt[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 40] = 2; } else if ((yco == 5) && (check[xco + 50] == 0)) { five[xco - 1] = o; fivet[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 50] = 2; } else if ((yco == 6) && (check[xco + 60] == 0)) { six[xco - 1] = o; sixt[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 60] = 2; } else if ((yco == 7) && (check[xco + 70] == 0)) { seven[xco - 1] = o; sevent[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 70] = 2; } else if ((yco == 8) && (check[xco + 80] == 0)) { eight[xco - 1] = o; eightt[xco - 1] = o; check[xco + 80] = 2; } else { chin = true; System.out.print("This coordiante is already filled. "); } } }// end else if (start == true) { board(one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, onet, twot, threet, fourt, fivet, sixt, sevent, eightt); start = false; start(); } check(); board(one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, onet, twot, threet, fourt, fivet, sixt, sevent, eightt); } public static void check() { for (int x = 0; x < 8 ; x++){ direction[x] = 0; } int p = 0; if (check[xco + (yco * 10)] == counter) { for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { if (check[xco + (yco * 10) + boarder[x]] == turnt) { direction[x] = boarder[x]; } } } for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { if (direction[x] == 0) { p++; } } if (p == 8) { invalidturn(); } else { extra(); } } public static void invalidturn() { String pic = null; String pic2 = null; System.out.print("That's not a valid turn "); check[xco + yco * 10] = tmp; if (tmp == 1){ pic = xtop; pic2 = xbottom; } else if (tmp == 2){ pic = o; pic2 = o; } else if (tmp == 0){ pic = blnk; pic2 = blnk2; } if ((yco == 1)) { one[xco - 1] = pic; onet[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 2)) { two[xco - 1] = pic; twot[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 3)) { three[xco - 1] = pic; threet[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 4)) { four[xco - 1] = pic; fourt[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 5)) { five[xco - 1] = pic; fivet[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 6)) { six[xco - 1] = pic; sixt[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 7)) { seven[xco - 1] = pic; sevent[xco - 1] = pic2; } else if ((yco == 8)) { eight[xco - 1] = pic; eightt[xco - 1] = pic2; } inv = true; start(); } public static void extra() { y = 0; z = 2; boolean end = false; for (h = h + 0; h <= 8; h++) { if (h == 8) { if (flipcount == 0){ flipcount = 0; h = 0; invalidturn(); } flipcount = 0; h = 0; board(one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, onet, twot, threet, fourt, fivet, sixt, sevent, eightt); } if (direction[h] != 0) { for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) { if (direction[h] == boarder[y]) { if ((check[xco + (yco * 10) + boarder[y]] == turnt)) { while (end == false) { if ((check[xco + (yco * 10) + (boarder[y]) * z] == turnt)) { z++; } else if ((check[xco + (yco * 10) + (boarder[y]) * z] == counter)) { flipcount++; h++; end = true; flip(z); } else if ((check[xco + (yco * 10) + (boarder[y]) * z] == 3) || (check[xco + (yco * 10) + (boarder[y]) * z] == 0)) { h++; extra(); } } } } } } } } public static void flip(int z) { String pic = null; String pic2 = null; int tmpy = yco; int tmpx = xco; if (counter == 2) { pic = o; pic2 = o; } else if (counter == 1) { pic = xtop; pic2 = xbottom; } for (int x = 0; x < z; x++) { check[xco + yco * 10 + boarder[y] * x] = counter; if (boarder[y] == 10) { tmpy = tmpy + 1; } else if (boarder[y] == -10) { tmpy = tmpy - 1; } else if (boarder[y] == 1) { tmpx = tmpx + 1; } else if (boarder[y] == -1) { tmpx = tmpx - 1; } else if (boarder[y] == 11) { tmpy = tmpy + 1; tmpx = tmpx + 1; } else if (boarder[y] == -11) { tmpy = tmpy - 1; tmpx = tmpx - 1; } else if (boarder[y] == 9) { tmpy = tmpy + 1; tmpx = tmpx - 1; } else if (boarder[y] == -9) { tmpy = tmpy - 1; tmpx = tmpx + 1; } if ((tmpy == 1)) { one[tmpx - 1] = pic; onet[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 2)) { two[tmpx - 1] = pic; twot[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 3)) { three[tmpx - 1] = pic; threet[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 4)) { four[tmpx - 1] = pic; fourt[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 5)) { five[tmpx - 1] = pic; fivet[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 6)) { six[tmpx - 1] = pic; sixt[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 7)) { seven[tmpx - 1] = pic; sevent[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } else if ((tmpy == 8)) { eight[tmpx - 1] = pic; eightt[tmpx - 1] = pic2; } } extra(); } public static void board(String[] one, String[] two, String[] three, String[] four, String[] five, String[] six, String[] seven, String[] eight, String[] onet, String[] twot, String[] threet, String[] fourt, String[] fivet, String[] sixt, String[] sevent, String[] eightt) { System.out.println("._______________________________________"); System.out.println("|" + eight[0] + "|" + eight[1] + "|" + eight[2] + "|" + eight[3] + "|" + eight[4] + "|" + eight[5] + "|" + eight[6] + "|" + eight[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + eightt[0] + "|" + eightt[1] + "|" + eightt[2] + "|" + eightt[3] + "|" + eightt[4] + "|" + eightt[5] + "|" + eightt[6] + "|" + eightt[7] + "|8"); System.out.println("|" + seven[0] + "|" + seven[1] + "|" + seven[2] + "|" + seven[3] + "|" + seven[4] + "|" + seven[5] + "|" + seven[6] + "|" + seven[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + sevent[0] + "|" + sevent[1] + "|" + sevent[2] + "|" + sevent[3] + "|" + sevent[4] + "|" + sevent[5] + "|" + sevent[6] + "|" + sevent[7] + "|7"); System.out.println("|" + six[0] + "|" + six[1] + "|" + six[2] + "|" + six[3] + "|" + six[4] + "|" + six[5] + "|" + six[6] + "|" + six[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + sixt[0] + "|" + sixt[1] + "|" + sixt[2] + "|" + sixt[3] + "|" + sixt[4] + "|" + sixt[5] + "|" + sixt[6] + "|" + sixt[7] + "|6"); System.out.println("|" + five[0] + "|" + five[1] + "|" + five[2] + "|" + five[3] + "|" + five[4] + "|" + five[5] + "|" + five[6] + "|" + five[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + fivet[0] + "|" + fivet[1] + "|" + fivet[2] + "|" + fivet[3] + "|" + fivet[4] + "|" + fivet[5] + "|" + fivet[6] + "|" + fivet[7] + "|5"); System.out.println("|" + four[0] + "|" + four[1] + "|" + four[2] + "|" + four[3] + "|" + four[4] + "|" + four[5] + "|" + four[6] + "|" + four[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + fourt[0] + "|" + fourt[1] + "|" + fourt[2] + "|" + fourt[3] + "|" + fourt[4] + "|" + fourt[5] + "|" + fourt[6] + "|" + fourt[7] + "|4"); System.out.println("|" + three[0] + "|" + three[1] + "|" + three[2] + "|" + three[3] + "|" + three[4] + "|" + three[5] + "|" + three[6] + "|" + three[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + threet[0] + "|" + threet[1] + "|" + threet[2] + "|" + threet[3] + "|" + threet[4] + "|" + threet[5] + "|" + threet[6] + "|" + threet[7] + "|3"); System.out.println("|" + two[0] + "|" + two[1] + "|" + two[2] + "|" + two[3] + "|" + two[4] + "|" + two[5] + "|" + two[6] + "|" + two[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + twot[0] + "|" + twot[1] + "|" + twot[2] + "|" + twot[3] + "|" + twot[4] + "|" + twot[5] + "|" + twot[6] + "|" + twot[7] + "|2"); System.out.println("|" + one[0] + "|" + one[1] + "|" + one[2] + "|" + one[3] + "|" + one[4] + "|" + one[5] + "|" + one[6] + "|" + one[7] + "|"); System.out.println("|" + onet[0] + "|" + onet[1] + "|" + onet[2] + "|" + onet[3] + "|" + onet[4] + "|" + onet[5] + "|" + onet[6] + "|" + onet[7] + "|1"); System.out.println(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"); if (start == false) { turn++; start(); } } public static String readLine(String prompt) { String input = ""; System.out.print(prompt); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); try { input = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } return input; } }