0){ $filename = strtolower($_FILES[$fileName]['name']); $filename = preg_replace('/\s/', '_', $filename); if($filesize < 1){ $errorList[] = "File size is empty."; } if($filesize > $maxlimit){ $errorList[] = "File size is too big."; } if(count($errorList)<1){ $file_ext = preg_split("/\./",$filename); $allowed_ext = preg_split("/\,/",$allowed_ext); foreach($allowed_ext as $ext){ if($ext==end($file_ext)){ $match = "1"; // File is allowed $NUM = time(); $front_name = substr($file_ext[0], 0, 15); $newfilename = $front_name."_".$NUM.".".end($file_ext); $filetype = end($file_ext); $save = $folder.$newfilename; if(!file_exists($save)){ list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($_FILES[$fileName]['tmp_name']); if($maxH == null){ if($width_orig < $maxW){ $fwidth = $width_orig; }else{ $fwidth = $maxW; } $ratio_orig = $width_orig/$height_orig; $fheight = $fwidth/$ratio_orig; $blank_height = $fheight; $top_offset = 0; }else{ if($width_orig <= $maxW && $height_orig <= $maxH){ $fheight = $height_orig; $fwidth = $width_orig; }else{ if($width_orig > $maxW){ $ratio = ($width_orig / $maxW); $fwidth = $maxW; $fheight = ($height_orig / $ratio); if($fheight > $maxH){ $ratio = ($fheight / $maxH); $fheight = $maxH; $fwidth = ($fwidth / $ratio); } } if($height_orig > $maxH){ $ratio = ($height_orig / $maxH); $fheight = $maxH; $fwidth = ($width_orig / $ratio); if($fwidth > $maxW){ $ratio = ($fwidth / $maxW); $fwidth = $maxW; $fheight = ($fheight / $ratio); } } } if($fheight == 0 || $fwidth == 0 || $height_orig == 0 || $width_orig == 0){ die("FATAL ERROR REPORT ERROR CODE [add-pic-line-67-orig] to AT WEB RESULTS"); } if($fheight < 45){ $blank_height = 45; $top_offset = round(($blank_height - $fheight)/2); }else{ $blank_height = $fheight; } } if($height_orig > $maxH OR $width_orig > $maxW){ switch($filetype){ case "gif": $image = @imagecreatefromgif($_FILES[$fileName]['tmp_name']); break; case "jpg": $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES[$fileName]['tmp_name']); break; case "jpeg": $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES[$fileName]['tmp_name']); break; case "png": $image = @imagecreatefrompng($_FILES[$fileName]['tmp_name']); break; } $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($fwidth, $blank_height); $white = imagecolorallocate($image_p, $colorR, $colorG, $colorB); imagefill($image_p, 0, 0, $white); @imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, $top_offset, 0, 0, $fwidth, $fheight, $width_orig, $height_orig); switch($filetype){ case "gif": if(!@imagegif($image_p, $save)){ $errorList[]= "PERMISSION DENIED [GIF]"; } break; case "jpg": if(!@imagejpeg($image_p, $save, 100)){ $errorList[]= "PERMISSION DENIED [JPG]"; } break; case "jpeg": if(!@imagejpeg($image_p, $save, 100)){ $errorList[]= "PERMISSION DENIED [JPEG]"; } break; case "png": if(!@imagepng($image_p, $save, 0)){ $errorList[]= "PERMISSION DENIED [PNG]"; } break; } }else{ move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileName]['tmp_name'], $save); } @imagedestroy($filename); }else{ $errorList[]= "CANNOT MAKE IMAGE IT ALREADY EXISTS"; } } } } }else{ $errorList[]= "NO FILE SELECTED"; } if(!$match){ $errorList[]= "File type isn't allowed: $filename"; } if(sizeof($errorList) == 0){ return $fullPath.$newfilename; }else{ $eMessage = array(); for ($x=0; $x 0){ $upload_image = uploadImage($filename, $maxSize, $maxW, $fullPath, $relPath, $colorR, $colorG, $colorB, $maxH); if(is_array($upload_image)){ foreach($upload_image as $key => $value) { if($value == "-ERROR-") { unset($upload_image[$key]); } } $document = array_values($upload_image); for ($x=0; $x Success!
'; }else{ echo ' Error(s) Found: '; foreach($errorList as $value){ echo $value.', '; } echo '

Contact Adolf1994 with problems'; } ?>